9 Replies to “Trust The Experts”

  1. There is another facet to this. “Be honorable,” is accurate as well. A large swathe of medical scientists allowed their own personal well being and self-interests to outweigh their integrity. They did this because failure to tow the line would result in negative actions towards themselves and their careers. In other words, they lacked the courage and the willingness to sacrifice their current standing. Instead, they signed on to a politically shaped handling of the pandemic to protect themselves.

    My personal thoughts suggest that such weak minded and selfish individuals have no business in the vocation. There is too much trust attached to the position(s).

    1. Bill Whittle has a new video out on Rumble that I’ve been unable to link to here (my post disappears if the link is included). The topic is “faithfulness”. I saw it listed on his YouTube account also, but it wouldn’t play for me there.

      Faithfulness means keeping your word. Courts exist to hold true the printed word (contracts and constitutions). Individual groups coming together (peacefully or violently) have lead to current cultures and borders. As individuals have rights, their groups also have rights if they can protect and maintain them. International borders were arrived at, but only physically exist in so far as they are agreed to and that the common reference frame is agreed to. Russia doesn’t agree that Ukraine’s borders are fixed. Just like China insists that Taiwan has always been a part of the communist totalitarian collective. First, do no harm. is a wonderful commitment. The health beaurocracies (supposedly doctors) have ignored this in a huge break of faith.

      At one time, Ukraine was a nuclear power which gave them a powerful deterrent against foreign aggression. Ukraine voluntarily gave up nuclear weaponry with the understanding that the US (possibly through NATO, I don’t know the details) would be their guarantee of military backup. As with the Vietnamese, the Ukranians got a lesson in how feckle the Democrats are regarding faithfulness. Democrats in power are only good for the word of their nation when it suits them, and are openly hypocritical about how rules apply to internal states, to US national borders, and to international borders.

      Do our words mean anything? The reputation of Canadian banks took a major international hit when they publicly went Fascist before all of the legalisms of the Emergencies Act were finalized. This has caused a minor draw-back by the unfaithful but elected government of Canada (against those over whom it is now obvious they intend harder rule). The next US election will (IMHO) decide whether there is a second, hot, civil war in the US between those who insist that the letter of the law must be followed against those who insist the law must be maleable.

      We live in interesting times. So long as those in positions of power/influence/affluence can freely be unfaithful to their words, darker and harder times.

      (apologies for the length, I couldn’t decide what to cut and I can’t think of a pithy way to clearly communicate this.)

  2. I’m like the Detective Monk where pieces faling in place to make a whole story.
    Bankers who finance everything are getting very nervous a plans of WW3 and global alliances are breaking before they can get the world citizens locked down by War Declarations. Ocean shipping will soon lockdowns as alliances are breaking and cargos are held or even destroyed as new plans are thrown out to the politicians to follow. As banks are forced to close due to chaos created in the systems now.
    So, that’s why we have airheads as leaders in the system as no choice to vote for.
    Bankers don’t want you on their doorsteps and lockdown by politicians mandates.

    A few interesting events have been occurring which has forced alliance changes as others are left out of the loop now.

  3. According to General Millie the US won’t fight anybody that has now women, LGBxyz and other such.
    Just kidding, though you never know what’s in the generals mind.

  4. “Governments By Bluff”

    There’s more of us than them so we hold the power of the people not the “Governments By Bluff”

  5. I don’t doubt the trend. Just in my circle of family and friends I have just learned that in 13 homes there are people suffering from adverse effects from the so called vaccines.
    Several hospitalized several times.
    I suspect some doctors are very conflicted by it all as in one case we are very close the doc in emergency quietly answered in the affirmative that the vax is likely the cause.

    Those hurting have kept quiet out of shame that they got sucked in. Invested in their choice to trust they are reluctant to talk about it.

    Some Under pressure from family, work or other pressures succumbed and now are seriously suffering.
    Will there be a reconning some day for the tyrants?
