21 Replies to “New Rules”

  1. I wish we had more politicians like Kari Lake.

    Next step – exposing the schools as indoctrination centers.

    1. I like her…!!! MORE PLS.

      That we would have a few like her up here in Canuckistan..??
      Especially ones willing to take on the LYING Filth at CBC, CTV, Global & McLeans etc
      & for the RED Star types..?? ship that Garbage to Cuba stat…..in fact..?? ship em ALL to Cuba.

  2. Must say that the lady has more power than any republican in the congress.
    Good thing that she taped the interview on her own, otherwise the media that she is talking about would be home free to talk shit.

    1. ^^^^^^^^^
      This! More of this! I agree with Vito.

      Everyone has a HD Camera on their phone.

      Whenever you talk to the Media, USE IT!
      Have a friend (or three) record everything.
      “I want to make sure we are all quoted correctly. I hate when things are taken out of context.”

      Whenever you talk to the Police, USE IT!
      “Officer, I know we will both behave better if we are on camera.” Then BEHAVE.

      If you ever talk to the FBI, USE IT!
      Use your camera to document your statement that you will be happy to talk to them as soon as you acquire legal representation. Then STFU and find a criminal lawyer. Make sure your interview is only in the presence of your lawyer and on camera too.

  3. “Lying to the people …. a bad business model.”

    In a related story, Facebook, aka Meta has just lost 25% of its value this morning. Lying to the people is a bad business model.

  4. She understands what Trump did: the media is the enemy. You don’t need them, but they need you, and you can use that fact to amplify your message at their expense.

  5. Daniel Ream
    February 3, 2022 at 10:37 am
    She understands what Trump did: the media is the enemy. You don’t need them, but they need you, and you can use that fact to amplify your message at their expense.

    The 26er
    February 3, 2022 at 11:07 am
    A serious case of Desantis Syndrome there!! Love it!


    Government and their lackeys in the media are not your friends. Be polite, be respectful, do not allow yourself OR your companions be baited by any LEO or the Reporters. No Comment! May I have your card? Thank you, no comment and Good Bye!

  6. Yeah I kind of feel sorry for the naive reporter who was sent to interview her. All her hopes and aspirations of making it to the national desk just went down the tubes. Now what is she going to do with her journalism degree? Write press releases for Walmart flyers?

  7. This woman is a lunatic. The Arizona GOP is going into the same insane phase the GOP goes through in all states that it loses.

  8. That would have been a quiet ride back home for the journalist. One of those “I hate my fuckin job” moments as she throws her writing pad and pen to the floor of her shitty rental car.
