23 Replies to “Glorious Trucker Freedom”

    1. The vast majority of products delivered to cities, in particular food, arrive by truck. And if you’re trying to parody the left, you’re doing a ridiculously bad job of it, too.

    2. OH look, an idiot with a key board. Un one does your brain function even a tiny bit?

      1. UnMe has been around for a while now. My usual response to it is “Shush, child, the grown-ups are talking.”

  1. CTV Ottawa gave 15 minutes coverage on their 6 pm news. They must be smelling a change in the wind for that to happen.

    1. How about expecting a vote of non-confidence when Parliament resumes on Monday?
      Who will be the one to pull the plug?

      1. The libranos are a minority government, the cannot continue without support of the NDP or BQ. The truckers should forget the CPC and apply pressure at the weakest point the NDP.

      2. No one is pulling the plug in Ottawa.
        Interest rates are going up, the bills are coming due, the country is divided and pissed off. The Conservative leader is leading his way to the floor with his chin, the NDP leader is invisible. Justin was just shamed into a minority “win” just four months ago. Max might want to pull the plug, but he hasn’t come close to winning a seat in the past two elections.

        Just as well. Let Trudeau and his Liberals own this mess of a country.

  2. Freedom terrifies the political class.

    Juthtin the Stupid immediately heads to the Furher Bunker while Klaus ( the nazi) Schwab and George ( the nazi ) Soreass figure out how to crush this fight for freedom that seems to be spreading across the globe.

    The Satanists will not be happy. Way to spoil the dark authoritarian party Canadians.

    I’m curious to find out what the two old Nazis will tell their “young” Globalist ( Hitler Youth ) PM to do about these Canadians for Freedom and their unacceptable views. Hmmmmmmm…. It would seem that Turdhole and his Globalist pals are in a real , what would Hitler do moment.

    1. CINO Tim must have got a call from his buddy hiding out at his cottage, can’t have Nova Scotians who harbour unacceptable views.
