36 Replies to “This Is Not The Master Race I Was Promised”

    1. What is kind of interesting is I left Calgary and have been skiing in Fernie for 10 days and things are so much more relaxed here.
      I don’t bother with my mask in my condo building and so far no complaints.
      Skiing no one cares anymore if u are masked or unmasked in the lift lines …. they might be more serious on the weekends with the crowds but I rarely ski Sat in the crowds.
      Most are masked in the grocery store but the mask is off the second they reach the door.
      Hopefully the craziness is over soon but with a shit like Turdo as prime minister it will probably get worse …. Quebecers seem to have gone full retard over covid porn.

      1. To the powers that are, it’s like the old times.

        If you searched the YouTube, you would find the exact conduct of Gestapo in the 1930’s of the past century.

        Today, the language is more refined to make sure the plebeians are not alarmed.

    2. All you need to know is that my vaccine only works when you are vaccinated, because science.

  1. Have I mentioned that most people are stupid? It doesn’t matter where you go, there they are.

    1. As George Carlin once said….”Think of how stupid the average person is….and then realize that half of them are stupider than that”.

  2. Same process and same goal?
    You must believe and abide by the insane rules.
    Is it this, or gas lighting, or authorities truly this stupid?

    “Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

    ― Theodore Dalrymple

    1. Actually.

      Was born in a democratic republic that was taken over by communists in 3 years there after.
      Growing and being educated by communists system.
      There is one thing that those outside of communist diktat, don’t know and quite reasonably think that it is a made up lie.

      Nobody, but nobody believed, ever, the communist propaganda, in fact most of the communists did not believe it themselves.
      It was always a case of monkey beating its chest, yes, yes, yes.

      The socialists and communists in the west is something that is a political construct to take power for power’s sake and control people for control people sake.
      It has nothing what so ever to do with democracy, republic, freedom or anything conductive to human existence.
      There are people like that living today and getting more and more converts that hope they will be eaten last.

    2. Stan, that is a truly great quote.

      Ii underlies my decision a couple months ago to end my mask compliance, such as it was. It is very bad for one’s mental health to do something you know is ineffective; negatively effective really when considering the damage it does to physical and mental health.

      I’m encountering only a moderate number of challenges and have developed an impressive portfolio of responses. Hence also my handle change a while back. x Menticide is resisting the agit-prop.

  3. Epic comments on that sub stack thread, very worth the click and read…

    “ As my Dad once said Germans are great people but if someone blows a bugle it all goes to hell.”

  4. The Germans learned in 1945 that the only basis they had for thinking they were the master race was their own ignorance, bigotry and anti-Semitism. The Slavic untermenschen wiped the floor with them, and were only stopped from deporting the Krauts to Siberia by Uncle Sugar.

    Their Leader admitted towards the end of his life, when even he could no longer consistently ignore the gravity of the situation (it had begun to inconvenience him personally) that, if the Jews and Bolsheviks succeeded in ridding the world of the German people, then the Germans had only themselves to blame.

    1. Please comment on the conduct of the glorious Red Army which liberated Europe™ during the Great Patriotic War®.

      1. To the victors go the spoils. That’s war.

        The Germans’ goal was to drive the Russian people into Siberia and into extinction. The Germans were let off very lightly indeed.

        Germany had lots of Slavic collaborators, who were convinced that the Jews controlled Stalin and that God had sent Hitler to rid the world of Yid-Bolshevism. They couldn’t have been more wrong.

        They paid dearly for that mistake, and deserved to.

      2. They loved their General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Boeing and Remington products…

        That joint-venture they had with the Germans, prior to the war, didn’t turn out too well. Oh well, maybe it will work this time.

  5. Thanks for that Stan.
    John Gormley fits that description of a “useful idiot”.
    Trying to ride the fence all the time. Where of course if one stumbles a man could loose his masculinity. He must have stumbled a few a few times.
    This morning he repeats a statement I think I’ve heard a thousand times that the “vaccines don’t prevent infection but do reduce symptoms.”

    Please…how is the knowable??
    How do you turn back the clock, become un-jabbed and get infected again??

    Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes accepted wisdom??

    1. Please…how is the knowable??

      A key question that the useful idiots try to get around, making a maximum twisted pretzel out of themselves in the process, it that’s possible.

    2. Nobody cares what John Gormley thinks. I know riding in a tractor for days on end can get boring. But you can only handle a small amount of Gormley before you are searching for something else. Gormley simply “mails it in”. He hasn’t been fresh since the previous century. I realize these are harsh words, but they are accurate. Ask anybody.

  6. And if you still don’t get it:

    and this is the important part to keep in mind: authoritarian fascism becomes its own constituency.
    it does not matter if it works.
    it does not matter if it makes sense.
    it matters that it keeps the power it took.
    it will not release its grip when it is wrong, it will tighten it.

  7. As funny or absurd as it is, it is not a joke, not a meme.
    It is exactly what our government and media are telling us.

    It contains half a dozen contradictions, it is illogical, irrational, yet that is what our government and media are telling us….with a straight face.

    That says a lot about the people who rule over us and about how low our media have sunk.

    1. And when your leaders have become totally impervious to logic, and rational thought, and reason .. does that really leave any way for the common citizens to convince said leaders to change course? Vote one set out and you just get another set who are equally impervious to those things (see for example, the Ontario Liberal leader who wants to go fuller retard than Doug). Protest and they ignore you, discredit you, call you terrorists and all sorts of other foul names. And the media plays along because they’re in on it.

      Citizens are soon going to have to decide whether to initiate full blown revolutions, and remove these tyrants by any means necessary, even knowing that opening that final box doesn’t lead to any certain outcome.

    2. CF
      ” who rule over us”, is the problem, and we the people allowed this to happen. Why, because religion, which is not the same as chritianity!

  8. The Great Reset is illogical on purpose.

    War is Peace
    Freedom is Slavery
    Ignorance is Strength

    and so we add
    Facts are Fiction

      1. “…every religious cult supports it”

        And so does the vast majority of atheists you rabid cretin.

  9. This comment.

    Jake Bullet
    In his book “Three men the Bummel”, author Jerome K. Jerome remarked :-

    “The German citizen is a soldier, and the policeman is his officer. The policeman directs him where in the street to walk, and how fast to walk. At the end of each bridge stands a policeman to tell the German how to cross it. Were there no policeman there, he would probably sit down and wait till the river had passed by. At the railway station the policeman locks him up in the waiting-room, where he can do no harm to himself. When the proper time arrives, he fetches him out and hands him over to the guard of the train, who is only a policeman in another uniform. The guard tells him where to sit in the train, and when to get out, and sees that he does get out. In Germany you take no responsibility upon yourself whatever. Everything is done for you, and done well.”

    See if you can find parallels to the conduct of the extremist bureaucracy of the European Union.
    Is anybody familiar with SAP.
    The writing of Klapka is uncanny the way it characterize todays conditions.
    Don’t like to say this, though it is due to gründlichkeit that went all out of control.

    Hasten to add that it is the absurd and bizarre condition of the western world.
    Plebeians like it and want more of it.
    The Big Brother will generously provide.

    1. Yeah, not so fast. It would be a wonderful piece had the objective of the absurd draconian Wuhan flu restrictions had anything to do with Wuhan Flu and not with implementation of a Social Credit system, but points for trying.

      From the article:

      “But liberal Covid scolds are suffering too”

      No they’re not, it is their ultimate high. They’re loving every day off it and never want it to end. Every petty thug and enforcer, every Karen orgasms at the opportunity to endlessly throw their weight around with no consequences to them.

  10. Johan i Kanada said “theatre of the absurd”.

    Here’s my latest absurd mask encounter:
    Picking up a take out at a White Spot here in Vancouver. A male Chinese server walks toward me with a black mask. I tell him, Forget it, I ain’t wearing it anymore. He tells me it’s “required”. I tell him, I know. I don’t engage beyond that.

    Only later did I reflect on the fact that I was waiting for it on a long bench at the front of the restaurant and as such my SCARY NOSE and MOUTH were at the same altitude as that of the unmasked seated diners.

  11. The one comment on that page made me bust a gut.
    “You are hiding unvaccinated under your floorboards?”
