VDH: Wokeism Is a Cruel and Dangerous Cult

Highly recommended read:

Wokeism has been described by its critics as the omnipresent use of race—and to a lesser extent, gender—to replace meritocracy and thus ensure equality of result. What follows from implementing that ideology are reparatory actions to reward those of the present by atoning for the injustices done to others in the past.

Some see it as an update of 1960s cultural Marxism fads. Others scoff that it is just a return to 1980s-style political correctness.

Still more see it as the logical successor to 1990s-type race, class, and gender obsessions—albeit with a shriller and more dangerous Jacobin, Soviet, and Maoist twist. Wokeism’s hysteria also invites comparisons to the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism.

But few have described wokeism as the cruel creed that it is.

5 Replies to “VDH: Wokeism Is a Cruel and Dangerous Cult”

  1. Good read here is a detailed list of failures that has us currently to the point of a Western Hegemony Collapse.


    Our Mainstream Media has no basis in reality anymore as they’re holding up so much Propaganda Narratives mind you politicians have totally flipped law and order where criminals are rewarded and not being part of this corruption is a crime.

  2. Wokesters are the Ugly American 2.0. They are hopelessly parochial, pretentious, shallow, infantilized, self absorbed and self serving with a weird, almost Munchhausen-like, hero complex.
    But, it is worth hearing from Paglia, who eviscerates them. First she distinguishes the Post Modern Careerists from the Counter Culture. Paglia insists that Post Modernism did not originate in the hippy dippy college student of the 60s, who were sensory, psychedelic, pro esthetic and the arts, attracted to Eastern religion, Jungian, and …genuinely… multi cultural, celebrating the uniqueness of other cultures, not using it as a weapon.
    She describes the Post Modernists as careerists, corporatists, bureaucratic, “word choppers’, who reduce everything to language and power. They are nihilistic materialists who indoctrinate their minions into the ideology of resentment, while simultaneously picking their pockets. They were always elitist and the “badge of connection to workers” was always a sham. They are anti-art, anti the esthetic, and maleducated. But, the most stinging criticism is that these people fantasize that they are visionary and outre, when in reality, these” snide frauds” are hopelessly middle brow and conformist, and most insulting of all, DERIVATIVE, or as my sister says, “cookie cutter”.

  3. The woke are those arms of the institutional left employing the racism-under-new-management gimmick to destroy self-worth, free speech, free will and individuality of individuals of all races as well as pitting races and genders against each other in order make the state sole arbiter of all things. Woke is a contagion of the mal-educated to be used by elites to vandalize western civilization in order to implement a new pseudo-utopian and likely technocratic and green version of serfdom.

    1. Aka totalitarianism, where strife, division, disinformation and intimidations are a natural way of conducting affairs of state.
