11 Replies to “Erasing Canada’s History”

  1. When the western provinces separate from Old Canada, and the east cites our “shared history”, the correct response shall be “fuck off”

    and, I do think John A. was a great leader, only that those days are long past.

  2. There should be a website for Canadian wall of shame.
    Those that voted for this idiocy should be named and installed at the wall of shame.

    Sometimes the idiocy of the woke socialists/fascist is beyond decency.

  3. Ever notice that our masters oppose anything normal people find fun?

    Possibly it’s because they never learned to have any fun themselves.

    While all the happy, well-adjusted children were making friends and enjoying their summers at camp, their future bosses stayed at home, studying the fundamentals on personal investing and masturbating into the used panties of their mothers, the only females who wanted anything to do with them in those days.

    That was all right with Mom, who figured anything was worth it if one day she could boast of her son the successful Fill In the Blank. And heavens, what if he got hurt or drowned in the woods?

    He moved to the city and married a Chinese girl who reminded him of his favourite Oriental porn star. They were a decent match, all things considered. Neither had any topics of conversation outside work. Thanks to years of pornography abuse he only lasted thirty seconds, which for her was already too long. She quickly sent for her parents in Wuhan so they could do all the work of raising their child.

    Mom saw and heard little of her son after that, except in gushing news reports about the wonderful things he was doing for the world, including the battle against COVID-19.

    The kids came home from camp with lifelong memories and lasting friendships. They married other happy, well adjusted people, had children and went on to live full lives.

    Imagine their dismay, then, when they learned that their classmate the Success, whom they remembered as awkward, unfriendly to boys, creepy to girls, useless at sports, and not as bright as he pretended to be, had ordered the re-naming of their camp for fear it would cause offense. Because a silly camp name was more offensive than spending in your mother’s panties.

    1. That’s why they go after him. It’s about erasing Canada. There must be anvrlemdntb9f self hatred here for prople to put up with this crap.

  4. What about all the other Prime Ministers who presided over residential schools, which is the excuse given for vilifying our founding father?
    Why are they not tearing down the name of every PM from Sir John to at least Pearson?
    Is it because Sir John was a Conservative?
    Or can they just not think beyond a meme somebody else told them?

  5. On behalf of the letter K, I’m demanding that they stop appropriating this letter for their own selfish capitalist uses . I’m beside myself with outrage.

  6. I ready doubt these people know/knew any Canadian history. Many I speak to don’t vote because they’re “not interested in politics”. Between not knowing, not caring and not participating they love the idea of locking up anyone not agreeing with them. A recent conversation about the Royals revealed how little these people know of our Constitution. None of these experiences reassure my faith in my fellow citizens.
