54 Replies to “It Takes a Village Idiot”

    1. My question is … is society going to pay me to raise ‘their child’?
      If not , then ITS MY CHILD. I will make the decisions.

      1. And if they pay me, I will still tell them to f*** themselves with a nail studded two by four dipped in ghost peppers sauce, sideways. These are still my children not theirs.

  1. Is this a reaction from the globull warming crowd who decided to forgo having kids, but still crave being a parental voice of authority?

  2. That’s MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry, folks. You didn’t recognize her probably because she isn’t wearing tampon earrings today.
    Commie nutjob.

  3. “Once it’s everybody’s responsibility…” …it’s nobody’s responsibility.

    It take a village to raise a child? It takes functioning families to make a village.

  4. “Better investments” = lots more $$$ to the Teachers UNIONS
    It has nothing whatsoever to do with education or anyone’s “village” of children. Be honest.

  5. ‘There is a silent childcare crisis in America and what we need is a universal, compulsory, government-run preschool program.’

    – Hillary Clinton in a friendly television interview while she was first lady
    (that’s pretty close to an exact quote)

    One of the items in the budget-busting Biden administration legislative agenda was funding for such a program. Not a lot of attention was paid by anyone to that.

  6. Had problems with a school teacher and his stupid “program”. Told the idiot that my daughters were not to attend said “program”, I had to threaten to physically beat the idiot before he understood that I was responsible for raising my kids, and not him and his stupidity!

    1. And your daughters continued to be taught by this idiot, even if they got out of the “program”?

      You lost the war.

  7. So I have to take responsibility for somebody else’s brats now? I had enough of having to deal with that sort of thing while I taught at Armpit College because the institution dumped the mess on my desk while the administrators washed their hands of it.

    1. No they just want everyone to sustain it either by funding it, providing the children to be indoctrinated, or both.

  8. Anyone with means will be enacting their God Given Right to White Flight as they run to private schools, and homeschooling. Want to know the best future investments outside of Security, it will be private education.

  9. The amounts of money dumped into public education has grown exponentially, and the results are disappointingly declining. Which is why the public education community doesn’t want us to be testing for results any more; it just makes them look bad. We have several generations of indoctrinators rather than teachers in the public schools. They can’t teach anything without teacher’s guides, workbooks, and answer keys … because they are ignorant of the subjects they supposedly teach.

    As for my children belonging to anyone else … if you had said that to me before they were adults, I’d have shot you down like you were a sexual predator and dragged your body down the road for a few miles before setting it on fire. (Fortunately, my children are now capable of doing that in self-defense of their own families now.) That is nothing but a sick, sick mindset parroting the communist goal of removing parental ability to influence their children and pass along traditions and family history. They want human blanks to indoctrinate. People like this woman should be mocked and placed in public stockades to be pelted with rotten garbage.

    1. We have several generations of indoctrinators rather than teachers in the public schools. They can’t teach anything without teacher’s guides, workbooks, and answer keys … because they are ignorant of the subjects they supposedly teach.

      It’s been that way for more than 40 years. I noticed it while I was working on my first master’s degree. I was a teaching assistant for a freshman engineering course at the time, one which involved a lot of plane geometry. I was astonished that there were some students who had next to no knowledge of trigonometry and I remember having to teach one the basic functions. He was a recent high school graduate.

      About a decade later, I was teaching at Armpit College and things had become worse in between time.

    2. This is why in one respect the lockdowns backfired.
      When the learning went online, the parents got a live look at what their kids where being taught and the teachers unions in a panic demanded that in class instruction be resumed.
      The real blowback came from the more progressive parents that didn’t have an automatic bias to government intervention had their red pill moment. However, “buyers shame” have kept them quiet.

  10. Teachers want to co-parent; remember that out of Ontario? They don’t want to even be in school! With their annual budget, why are they even asking for directives from the Government? They’re all much more educated that most elected officials.

  11. “If a child speaks with their mask off, their name will be recorded and parents will be contacted to review our COVID safety rules.”

    This is from Totalitarian Toronto. A school’s note to parents of Grade 1 (six-year olds) students.
    If East German stazi could time-travel to today, they would be highly impressed.


    1. Glad to see the sensible replies to that tweet.
      People are finally disgusted.
      A year ago it would have been: “if it saves one life”.

  12. OK, where is my cheque for raising my children from you, Miss Collectivist? $2,000,000 plus? My kids are MINE.

    I made them with my husband, educated them before school, fed them, bought clothing, a home, taught them to question what information they receive, bought expensive sports equipment, spend lots of time loving and entertaining them and their friends, took them to art galleries, Japanese worship sites, science places, parks and the woods/lakes/mountains, taught them to swim, cook and do first aide, taught them to ride bikes, drive, skate and ski, took them for lessons, provided a variety of music, cheered them at football/soccer games and recitals, took them to interesting places abroad, taught them manners, how to set the table and how to dress for the occasion, dealt with teenage woes and minor trouble and those of their friends, and gave them space to learn for themselves plus post-secondary education. ETC.

    What did your “community” do for them? A bit, I admit – the old-fashioned, normal kind …

    “I saw your son riding his skateboard down the middle-of-the-road” Me: “thanks for letting me know – that is dangerous”. Result: confiscated skateboard and rules of use plus ominous warning, “I do have friends/neighbours out there who watch you”.

    RING… Hi, is my daughter with your son outside the city with you? Father: Yes. Me: “Actually, she does not have permission from her parents to be there this late and not overnight, “unless you plan to guard her with a pitchfork (joke -wish I had said it)”. Please ask boyfriend to drive her home. Answer: yes, I will. Furious daughter arrives home and hates me for a few days.

    Miss Community likely never paid much for the infrastructure (arenas, community halls, galleries, science exhibits etc.) We did.

  13. Leftists wants to reduce parents to the roles of custodians while they do they rest.

    Kids are a package deal. You get the highs of trick-or-treating along with the sticky messes and tantrums.

    Watch the leftists recoil in fear at that.

    If you still send your kids to a public school, stop. It’s not a baby-minding centre.

    1. One has to stay up after work to counter what they learned, and that is another workload. My approaching 50 son, says, mom, you taught me to question stuff. Usually, it is in the context of getting stuff, but the lesson is well-learned.

      I remember sitting with him watching TV ads when he was 4 or 5. We analyzed them together. “I said, look how these TV ads are fooling you to buy stupid things like bad food and snacks (which are treats, not food to help you grow) and toys that don’t work. They are being sneaky, as they want your money”. “Here is another one for a car. It costs too much and is not good.” Being a gifted child, he never forgot that chat.

  14. Children owning community must also include local pedophiles. You can’t be divisive and exclusionary. Everyone is equal.

  15. Everything in its own time.
    We face a shortage of fertilizer,due to half wits in our supply chains and outright assault by Government on oil producers.
    How do we get these super geniuses to the fields?
    Free stuff?

    1. Pol Pot determined that if you couldn’t work the fields because you were too weak or too educated, you became fertilizer because your were an enemy of the state.

      As the stirring refrain of La Marseilles calls out:
      “Qu’un sang impur
      Abreuve nos sillons!”
      “Let impure blood
      Water our furrows”

      Interestingly that always seems to be the result of revolutionary movements: violence to cancel opposition. Usually ascribed as the voice of the people.

      1. Certainly those movements that can trace their roots to Rousseau. It’s that love/hate with the social contract that always resolves itself in favour of the state over the individual where it is particularly true. There’s a reason why it was so easy for the Nazi’s to set up Vichy France.

  16. She’s being dishonest.

    She doesn’t mean that if your neighbour sees your kid smoking behind the garage or stealing something from the variety store that they should step in and straighten your kid out. This used to be how kids were raised. Relatives friends and neighbours at one time were welcome to discipline any one if the neighbourhood kids if they got out of line on their watch.

    What she means by community is leftist ideologues who will: teach your kids to hate you; teach your kids to hate the world they live in; teach your kids to want the revolution to come and clean everything away. To her a community is a collective noun for those who think “correctly” it’s not a group of individuals who share common community values. Her community has no values. Her community only wants power. Her community wants to tell everyone how to live.

    1. Honesty?
      That is not a word in the working vocabulary of leftists. Their MO is by any means necessary and the ends justify the means. Pure and evil self righteous fanaticism

  17. Your child “belongs” to the state, it is state property and you have nothing to do with it. Now get back to your gamma pod.

  18. Methinks this Bullshit accelerated under the “School Lunch Program” some years back? No?
    I recall talking to a ‘do-gooder’ Grandad a few years ago on my phone, while he had just started campaigning by phone for people to contribute to one of the programs. He said that quite a few kids were showing up for school hungry in the morning and they were having trouble concentrating. Me: “Do you have kids?” Him: “Why yes, I have a couple of kids and I have a couple of grandkids.” Me: “Good for you, Did you feed your kids before they went to school and did you send lunch with them?” Him: Rather angrily, “Of course I fed them!” Me: “Then why the F___ are you phoning me ask for help to feed someone else’s kid whom YOU, don’t even know and I am even more distant from than you??” A short silence ensued, and then a bit of a discussion, and he replied that perhaps he would have to reassess his volunteer time and spend it elsewhere.
    There are myriad Moms with SFA to do with their day other than meddle in someone else’s business and “SAVE THE WORLD!” one child at a time! And if they can do it on someone else’s dime, well hey, so much the better. And they do so with the approval of their own conscience!

  19. Umm, how many (including me) gladly accepted the Child Tax Benefits and other tax credits? Might this give the communists, in the demented minds, a vested interest in your child. Just being an agent provectur

  20. Farmerboy – I was not talking Child Tax Benefits or the other tax credits. I was talking Freelancers who become Freeloaders!
    And consciences.
    Try provecturing elsewhere.

    1. Harsh. I’m not talking about you or me or most on this chat. I’m talking about those statists who feel that the person exists to serve the state, including creating future taxpayers their hedonistic selves, tripped out on birth control and abortion, will not be ‘producing’. A tax credit to them deprived the state something belonging to it. Likewise, taking the CTB entitles the state to a share in your child. Let’s not forget the ‘baby bonus ‘ was designed to be paid directly to the mother so as to breakdown the concept of the father as the ‘breadwinner ‘ and replace him with the state..they also paid for the birthing, medical care and such. They think they are ‘part owner ‘
