14 Replies to “The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Covid”

  1. Austria needs an insurrection, a real one. Line every member who voted for this against the wall.

    1. The problem with democracy is that someone gets screwed by the majority. A democratic republic is superior in protecting minority rights.

    1. He’s trying to start a H–ler Youth,asking kids to ask their parents for the clotshot. And what will happen when the kids tell the teacher, their parents don”t want them to get it?

  2. There is absolutely NO question that the “vaccines” are responsible for the huge spike in cases. It is the same around the world. These things are a joke.

    1. That, and stress.
      It is common knowledge in health care that stress inhibits the immune system, and contributes to most illness.

  3. That CTV link is disgusting. We have watched (thanks to Rebel news) the many huge anti mandate demonstrations in many cities in Austria. So CTV finds a goofy picture of a guy with a feather headpiece as an example of protesters?
    Also, (barf) a picture of JT.

  4. I just love this Quote:

    “…Greece, for example, makes COVID-19 vaccination obligatory for everyone aged 60 and over, as that age group accounts for the majority of deaths and hospitalizations in intensive care units…”

    And I know EXACTLY Why this policy is in effect.

    In Most European Countries, People, while they are in the work force get VACATION PAY (4-6 Weeks annually),….ON TOP of their continuing salaries while on Vacation. When they retire…Most everyone receives a Healthy Government pension and they are not at all like the pittance we get here.

    And it’s BANKRUPTING them all…..
    “So let’s just “GAS” those over 60 and be done with it…right..??” Big savings to be had…!!!!
    Pretty damned sure this mentality resonates in this countries Body Politic as well.

    ….and i won’t even get into Public Health care costs.
    Time to DE-CERTIFY PUBLIC SERVICE UNIONS…in Fact its Long Long overdue.

    1. If you are pragmatic and honest nearly EVERYONE in society will one day be a burden on the rest.

      This is why I take a mild offense at the implied guilt trip the media likes to push on us during slow news periods on how land whales and/or smokers are a burden to the system and should be ashamed of themselves, AND, Something Must Be Done!

      Well… pragmatically they are only a burden while alive. Once they die at well below the average life expectancy you don’t have to pay their pensions. WIN!

      Ethically? ummm… WTF DUDE!!! You can’t just hope people die to save money on pensions!

      Pragmatically? rather a Modest Proposal all up.

      (Also? Socialism = Other People’s Money)

  5. I’m glad we have vax passports in Alberta. That keeps me away from all the vaxxed people in restaurants, bars, cinemas, sporting events and concerts. Let them infect each other and leave us unvaxxed alone.

    1. I am with you on that ! Everyone I know who has contracted the China virus has been jabbed and running off to restaurants and spreading it around even more!
