79 Replies to “Minnie Maos”

  1. It is chilling when a child that young uses the word “submit”.

    The freaky dude cheering them on, he’s the one they really need to be watching.

    1. The brainwashing of these children is complete. Now on to the rest of the youth …

      Now I know why a certain renegade-poster here expresses his desire for all the old people to just die off already. We old people have long-ago learned how to think for ourselves. The children are the only ones whose minds are easily poisoned with Marxist fascism.

      PS … the vaccines don’t keep YOU … or your neighbors “safe” from anything. Lies, lies, lies

    2. And if they fail to submit, send them to camps and if that doesn’t work just fire up the crematoria…

      As for the freaky dude, they’ll red guard him in a heartbeat.

      1. *

        we just need to get all the unclean/ unvaxxed people
        in one place… ‘concentrate them’, if you will… until
        justin trudeau comes up with a solution… you know…
        ‘something final’


  2. Is it too late to cut a deal with the US and any other like-minded military to use Quebec as a bombing range? Asking for all sane people left on Turtle Island.

    1. Little Totalitarian Thugs!

      It would be fascinating to go up to them and tell them that they must be arrested because their speech offends and hurts me. Same principle, right? Disagree with me and I’ll call the police.


      1. The attitudes in this video are like something conveyed from the piece “Balconville,” the 1979 play by David Wiper aka David Fennario, a committed Marxist:

        Back in the day the great-grandmothers of these bold little kids in the video might’ve said nothing to their kids playing on the street out in Balconville if they spied their kid smacking an ‘Anglais’ across the face with a skipping rope. Leaving a fresh red mark across the cheek of the Anglo who foolishly spoke joual French and was desperate enough to play with the French kid meant nothing to them and their precious brats. It was life. Maman might’ve shouted, “away, dans la maison, t’ss-suite!”

        About the play:

  3. … You can’t make this stuff up…

    I had to chuckle when I followed up on who Dr. Peter Hotez “is” and the business model he follows.

    It is time for SHA to fire a number of doctors so we can get someone credible. “Call the cops.” I’m sure Dr. Wong can work somewhere else. (What is good for the goose is good for the gander).

    What is the future of Saskatchewan medical students if you have hammerheads like this calling the shots?

    1. They desperately need to get everyone BOOOSTED and the third world vaxxed because this is the last kick at the can. Omicron is the end and there’s going to be no fall/winter wave.

      1. Watch them.
        There’s the pox, ebola, flesh eating bug, black plague, dp ,various fevers, leper bacterium, meningitis and Tuberculosis and a few I am forgetting.
        Lots of good stuff like anthrax plus chemicals, nerve agents, maybe a few grid crashing EMP plus some good old fashioned wars .

        TPTB aren’t finished with us yet.
        A long way to go to Utopia.
        If only they could get rid of that nagging 10 % of ungovernables/deplorables/freedom lovers.

    2. OT

      “Dr.” Wong..Just another publicly funded (_i_)Hole spewing his BS hoping some of it sticks…and from the looks of the Twatter herd, far too many listen.

      WTF else is new..??

      As for our Resident Province of Corruption..??
      Bombing Range would Suit me just fine.

      1. Excellent! A new vaccine! They say it’s ‘Safe and Effective’™!! 90% no less.

        Paging Bill Murray…

  4. Poor ignorant kids haven’t been told that the virus is better at immunizing. Quebec is a gongpit isolated by language. Some things just never change.

    Deserttrek @ 11:20 am: this is child abuse, ✔ Quebeçois style! Pity, imagine calling the cops? They won’t come.

    1. Hey NR I have family in QC which means that I visit occasionally. I have observed that the younger people for the most part speak broken english (anglais?), whereas the older folks like VOWG (among others) do not. They tend to look at me, with no apparent french, with total disdain.
      Gawd how I wish we could just cut them lose or perhaps cut Alberta lose, from the restrictions in this GD mess called Con-federation. We in Alberta are in deep trouble!

      1. The French can’t afford not to speak English if they want to travel, it’s the universal language. I agree, though, the young ones like to defy their parents and have learned to speak English, just to spite them.

        Most of my Quebec relatives studied in English. Some went to French school but speak English. There’s quite an impressive mixed bag of professions in the mix. Now, there are way too many generations and they’re spread all over the World. I think I now have more relatives that I’ve never met than relatives I’ve met and known. It’s sad, really. In the whole lot I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some who are Marxists especially, their spouses.

  5. Watch the woman nodding her head when hearing “it looks like I drill them.” That is exactly what they are doing. The marxist dream of propagandizing children is right in our faces in this video. Disgusting. Even more concerning is the parents who are either too detached from what is going on in the schools or who agree with this.

  6. Finished the audio book Nietzsche and the Nazis by Stephen Hicks which is available on YouTube a few months ago…I can’t recommend it enough.
    The parallels to what’s going on in this country today and Hitler’s Germany is so jaw dropping you’d think all our officials are reading from a Nazi party “How To”playbook.
    The professional class, most notably, elementary school teachers and those employed in the health care field, particularly doctors, who without their help the Holocaust would never have happened, that signed on to Hitler’s vision of Germany will leave you shaking your head.

    I’m not shocked in the least about these monster tykes who’ve been poisoned by educators.

      1. Several ‘Flashman’ audiobooks, written by George Macdonald, narrated excellently by Timothy West, are now available on Youtube.
        They are a must read/hear by anti-wokers who enjoy a good belly laugh while learning history.

  7. What was the average age of a Khmer Rouge soldier before the Killing Fields started? Just wondering how long the adults have left.

    1. Khmer Roughe soldier average age was 17, IIRC.
      I went through the S-21 prison in Phnom Pehn.
      Not pleasant.

      These idiots have learned nothing from history.
      Or scarier yet, they have learned from history.

  8. Kids get the same indoctrination on the “climate crisis”, “systemic racism”, “white privilege” and “indigenous rights” in elementary schools. There is no hope for the country.

  9. We can solve this by cutting Quebec off by land, water and air.

    Seal it off and let nature take its course. If Quebec can’t stand les deplorables, let’s make sure that its wish is granted.

    Sans Albertan money, of course.

    1. Quebec separation is a bogus option. The partition of Quebec is the historically valid option. Only a small part of what is now the province of Quebec was inhabited by the French when the British defeated them on the Plains of Abraham in 1759. Only that part can leave with the Quebec separatists; the rest of the territory will stay in Canada and it will become a province like all the others. No special status for it.

      1. I seem to recall during the last Quebec ‘referendum” the Cree nation of northern Quebec commented that they would not consent to the separation and would stay with Canada. Or something like that.

        1. They did indeed, and much of the “green” hydro electricity that Quebec sells to the U.S. for big bucks comes from Cree territory in central Quebec. So that all stays in Canada.

        2. Correct. And the Quebecers were stunned and irate that they even stated their case.
          Then again most of the idiots in Quebec thought they’d still be able vote in Canadian elections if they voted for sovereignty association.
          It was like they knew we wanted them to govern the rest of us forever.

        1. OK: I hear you and sympathize. Regrettably, the Canadian Army could barley put together a poorly armed battalion of 800 combat-ready personnel (the sidearms still in use are WWII vintage). Meanwhile, the Navy’s purchase of new surface combat vessels is years behind schedule and way, way over budget. And the Air Force is modernizing its fighter squadrons by purchasing clapped out F-18s from the Australians.

          That being said, we do have the highest ratio of admirals and generals to enlisted personnel among the NATO countries, and spend the most military time on language and gender-sensitivity training. Does that count for something when assessing the effectiveness of the Canadians Forces?

          1. We could farm out blockading Quebec to the First Nations.

            As a bonus, the RCMP and provincial police would be obliged to prevent anyone from interfering.

          2. Billy Dee wrote:

            “We could farm out blockading Quebec to the First Nations.

            As a bonus, the RCMP and provincial police would be obliged to prevent anyone from interfering.”

            We could try this.

    2. I say let’s make a trade. Kenney and Notley and their crews for all the unvaxxed in keebek.

  10. Keep in mind that the show participants are likely interviewed to make sure they give the right response when asked the scripted questions. This goes as well for the audience that is vetted to ensure they respond to the audience prompts accordingly.
    If the show was produced in Montreal you can guarantee that all participants are from progressive voting areas, not a conservative in sight, and if they aren’t ok with the way liberals do business they are a ok with the separatist shakedown.
    This is what Quebec’s daycare regime that the rest of Canada pays for has produced.
    Nothing about this shocks me.

  11. I want everyone to always remember we are being ruled by Quebec and will always be ruled by Quebec. Toronto are the ones who select the prime minister but it’s Quebec who runs the show.

  12. One thing of note….just like the Trudeau rant that surfaced a week ago the translation is not 100% accurate. The translation says we should cut “everything” from them. The kid says we should cut them bit by bit till they comply. never mentions everything. Basically the same thing, but I wish it was more accurate without the embellishment. Anyway, I agree 100% in how dark these adults are.

  13. Horrifying. These adults have learned their lessons well, lessons from Hitler Youth, Mao’s Red Guard and Orwell’s 1984. I’m glad I’m old and won’t live to see the worst of it, but I weep for my children and grandchildren, none of whom seem aware of what’s happening and all of whom are on the left.

    1. I would drop Ontario and BC as well — or at least the lower mainland. This country is really going off the rails.

  14. And they don’t even speak French. Quack, quack, quack. Many years ago I worked for a French company in Canada. Many of the French (from France) guys asked me why Quebecers called themselves French when they didn’t even speak the language.

    1. Yep, hubby worked with a pilot from France who started out flying in Queerbec, he said he couldn’t understand their basterdized French/Englais.

  15. Reminds me of Hitler’s youth wing, who teaches children such hateful diatribe? Go ahead call the cops, it’s a crime against humanity to force free citizens to take an experimental drug liberals. I really wish Queerbec would take a flying forking leap and leave. I want nothing to do with people that full of hatred, the level of brainwashing is scary.

  16. After the liberation of Chile in 1973, something had to be done with the children of liquidated communists. Many of them were adopted by good, decent Chilean families, headed often by police officers and other minor officials in Pinochet’s government, who made a point of raising them to be good, decent people.

    Eventually, the globalists returned to power. No prizes for guessing which ungrateful brats (by then full grown) were first in line to betray their foster-fathers, many of whom served long jail sentences for the “crime” of loving and serving their country.

    Whatever is wrong with people attracted to globalist ideologies, it is present at birth, and appears to run in families. Forget the “gay gene.” Isolate the gene for the globalist mentality and a Nobel Prize for Medicine is in your future.

  17. I wonder when people will get pissed enough to do something about the freaking lies. The whu who flu was, is, and continues to be a fraud. I can’t wake anybody up because most people are dormant a holes. They can’t read, they can’t see what is right in front of them and they actually think they are intellectually brilliant enough to require a scientific explanation for fraud. Yep, stupid is the word.

  18. that clip comes from the french language station noovo (a play on the french word nouveau = new) owned by bell media and it is a trash compilation that broadcasts for the woke. its content targets a viewer who (if they were english-speaking) would watch ‘the view.’ it is distributed free of charge. it’s basically pravda lite.
    getting children to spew shit is about as low as it gets.

  19. In Q’bec they start them on fascism at an early age.
    Yeah, hey kid, tell on others, be proud and wait until they turn on you.

    Just sit back and watch.

    Unbloody believable.
    The communists scum, as bad as they are, would tell us kids that it is bad, bas, bad, to to such thing.
    You had to be 18 when it was encouraged.

  20. Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. – Vladimir Lenin

  21. I now understand how supposedly civilized human beings could degenerate into the kind of filth that systematically murdered millions 80-odd years ago. Hatred is seeded, fertilized, nurtured and harvested. This season’s crop promises to be a bonanza. Those kids could be yours.
