19 Replies to “The Biden Regime: Incompetent or Evil?”

  1. These two things are not mutually exclusive, they are indeed both. Same applies to our Little Potato and his cabal.

    1. +++Billy. Biden is incompetent and the democrat communists running things are evil. As you said, ditto for the government of fools in Canada.

    2. Took the words right outa my mouth Billy.

      Biden..?? BOTH – on Steroids..!! and an in yer face Criminal.
      Harris ..?? Just another Cunned STUNT – beyond clueless.

      Identical to the Garbage we have in the PMO…and I include, Telford, Butts et all.
      EVIL Criminal Scum.

  2. This is not an “or” question.
    The incompetent, now demented, President*, guided by the evil.
    They swindled and cheated to get him in there, now force them to keep him.

    Doctor Jill will never let him out even if she has to do a “Weekend at Bernie’s.” I believe the 25th Amendment requires 60% majority in both houses to get him out and the Republicans don’t have enough turncoats to help the Democrats.

    Now imagine the Dems running things. They remove Joe only to have Harris followed by Pelosi. Hillary is circling the floundering flounders waiting to strike. Trump is the fox and the Dems are the chickens trapped in the henhouse.

    I laugh every time I see the poll numbers sinking and the rats jumping ship.

    1. If Congress has to get involved with removing the POTUS via the 25th Amendment, it’s 2/3rds in both the House and the Senate. By and large it would be the VP and Cabinet getting him out, and Congress would be brought in if he refused to go.

      That being said, Biden isn’t running things. His chief of staff is the de facto POTUS. And a whole bunch of his staff were part of the Obama administration, so what’s going on is an Obama 3rd term. Given the fact that the Senate is 50-50, getting rid of Biden and making Harris president would mean that in the time it would take for Congress to approve a new VP the GOP could bring the Senate (and Congress in general) to a grinding halt since there wouldn’t be anyone to break ties.

      1. c

        You’ve nailed it. I concur 100% with your comment.

        Biden has NEVER Been in charge…

        Obama Corrupted the US beyond all reason – weaponizing nearly every alphabet org in the Country against your average American. It’s what Closet Communists do. Trudeau is 100% part of this Cabal as well..Who were the first folks he went to see upon his election in 2015..??

        OBAMA and the Clintons….
        Trudeau also being one who is run from the Obama estate…while partially bought by the ChiComms – Neither of which is mutually inclusive.

        1. Thanks.

          When Obama was in the WH it wasn’t a state secret that Valerie Jarrett was running the show.

          The entire Biden administration, from the people in the WH to the political appointees all over the federal government, is packed with people who have time in the Obama administration on their resumes and are back for more failure theater.

  3. As Kate has said before, “embrace the healing power of ‘and’.”

    Besides, to paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke, any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

    Hilariously, the left are the same people that keep telling us that in policy, it’s your intentions, i.e., your inputs, that matter, but in society, it’s all about outcomes and ensuring that they’re ‘equitable’ or something. This is what the Brits refer to as ‘talking bollocks’. Pick one, idiots, you can’t have both.

  4. “Evil. Just like Trudeau.”

    Indeed, LLAB at 12:34.

    But there is another evil that is perhaps even greater: the cowardice of our Opposition who have a duty to speak out but don’t.

    1. So true. I picked evil because many think Biden, especially, is incompetent, but those pulling the strings are evil. As with Trudeau. And the opposition, senators and media stand by saying nothing, knowing where we are being led, why, and by whom.

  5. I stopped listen to these guys, because of how fast they caved to accepting Plugs Biden as president. Shame on them. Fake conservatives.
