Our 21st Century Economy

We must have a carbon tax, they said. What could possibly go wrong?

“Despite the dedication and best efforts over many years, Canadian-based operations do not fit within Schneider’s long-term strategic focus. This decision was difficult. The change will affect all 150 Canadian-based associates and drivers. We are working with associates during the transition. Company trucks and equipment will transfer to our U.S.-based network to continue to serve our customers and as we proceed with the sale of the Guelph, Ont., property. We expect Schneider will no longer have Canadian-based operations by the end of March. We have notified all our Canadian associates and will remain in regular communication with them over the coming months.”

Now they tell them: The Bank of Canada warns carbon taxes will cut into workers’ income and hinder economic growth for decades.

39 Replies to “Our 21st Century Economy”

    1. Canada is the country where foreign investment…goes elsewhere.
      Canadians aren’t even investing in Canada.

      1. Government regulations and laws creep has decimated Canada.
        What I used to do as a young man, today would land me in a few life sentences and millions of dollars in fines.
        You need to have books and books of government restrictions and regulations.
        I haven’t fished in almost a couple decades and the regulations about each fish is unreal when watching the US Texas Game wardens.
        Now imagine that is also the same type of restrictions and regulations that our politicians impose on everything in our lives.
        It killed off a couple the career path I was on as new and new regulations crushed businesses of they’d be fined out of existence.

  1. But think of all those ex-employees now freed from the oppression of the evil capitalists!
    They can now pursue their dreams of pimping out their kids and becoming drug addicts here in the People’s Paradise.

    1. And here I thought it was all about creating art now that they won’t have to worry about working for an income.

    1. “Our government is the enemy of the people.”

      Always has been no matter where or to whom across the globe.


      1. That was the history of the world in one sentence, bverwey.
        Holds true even before “governments”, when you could call it monarchies, or empires, or whatever they called the rulers.
        Same shit, different plebeians.
        Have a nice day pursuing happiness.

  2. Two things that assure a prosperous country is cheap energy and an educated work force, Canada has been on the losing end of both for the last fifty plus years, so why are we all of a sudden surprised. Carbon taxes across the board, and school boards that elevate LBGTQXZW? policies over reading, writing and arithmetic will bring everything to a shuddering, gut wrench cataclysm, and the best of it is no-one in authority can even imagine the depths of misery that is being plumbed at the moment.

    1. The slow dumbing down of western society was done with this purpose in mind. A stupid population is an easily controlled one. Our ‘leaders’ don’t fear the coming economic collapse because they’ve been promised that they will be taken care of when it hits the fan.

  3. Don’t worry!
    Government policies are forcing truck drivers to leave the industry so we don’t need any trucking companies anyway.

    Everyone knows that everything you buy just comes from the back of the store or the back of the Amazon delivery van.
    Wait, what?

    1. I’m pretty sure our quantum computing expert prime minister’s actively working on a way of teleporting everything. Motor vehicles will become obsolete overnight, thanks to his gallant efforts at invention.

      Oh, and teleportation would be useful for him to get rid of people he doesn’t like, such as racists, misogynists, white supremacists, conservative Albertans, and the unvaccinated.

        1. For some reason, that kid reminds me of a certain prime minister we all know of……

  4. What bothers me the most about Man made climate change is not all the negatives to our economy!
    But in the Final analysis when we hear the words Anthropogenic climate change was a Fraud ,a massive hoax ! It will be too late to rectify the massive damage to everything!

    And yes our economy will be ruined! A long with countless other parts of our civilization!

    1. Adding to it all the losses brought by the plandemic – from shuttered small businesses to lay-offs – I think is time to say: “the last one out, please turn off the lights”.

  5. Until the provinces stand up and put down the federal government like the malignant beast that it is, things will only get worse.

    I can’t be the only one who sees that Juthtin Weirdeau is purposely destroying the country.

    1. The Moron-in-chief wants to leave a legacy that rivals that of his foster father, Pierre: a post-national green socialist paradise complete with social credit system and digital currency, so to better control the plebes.

  6. “carbon taxes could slow economic growth for decades”. I thought that was the point?

  7. Its important to focus on the good news side of things… The people that rule over this corrupt shithole of a country are very happy with these results, Klaus Schwab is giving himself a congratulatory Sieg Hiel right now and Juthtin Turdhole is busy adjusting his new globalist Jackboots for his latest soul destroying victory over common sense and the common people.
    This is just the beginning of the new normal. The Rockerfellers are extremely pleased with their victory. All good news for the ruling class.
    Also, this war on the working class will not affect the one party State rulers… they will still be able to jet in Russian Vodka for Basic Dick, Turdhole and it shouldn’t be long now before our rulers have no choice but to give themselves another raise, which is the right thing to do when your destroying peoples lives, but not your own.
    So lets focus on the good news, the ruling class will not be affected by any of the measures they impose including this one.

  8. Relax, when China takes over there will be work for everybody.

    Welding doors shut, for example.

  9. A wise man in my youth once said to me, “Son, remember, government is always the problem, never the solation.”

    1. BM … That was almost a freudian slip.
      ‘solution’ … ‘solation’ … solace.

      “government is always the problem, never the solace .”

      cheers !

  10. increasing taxes on everything causes lower growth, who could have thought, except for everyone who has a clue.

  11. People often say to me: “if you don’t like it here…move.” I only wish I could. I would be down in the US in a heartbeat.

    1. To which they reply, “Oh, they don’t want you either?”

      If the US had open borders something like 700 million people would move there. Obviously they have to make it difficult. If you’re not married to someone it’s pretty hard. You have to be rich or have a specific in demand skill set/education but even then you’re under the thumb of your visa sponsor.

      I wish Trump offered Canadians a special neighbor visa.
      250,000 free entry visas a year from Canada would annihilate Canada.

      1. Maybe catch a cab from Roxham Road going the other way. Claim Political Refugee/Medical Refugee..

  12. Why are we still part of this?
    The first move is to deport Kenny and his Uni-Party ilk back to Ottawa and hang every party scumbag and bureaucrat responsible for trying to abridge our common law rights.
    Guilty until you pay to prove you innocence?
    A OK.
    There fore every bureaucrat is guilty.
    Sentence first!
    Trail Later..
    These are their rules.
    Let them enjoy.
    If you have no right to due process under State Extortion,then logic says move the charges into criminal court..
    Throw a beating and citizens arrest onto the State Thug extorting you..

    You may have noticed that instead of wondering why,people now take every traffic extortion ticket to court,these parasites simply seek to remove your appeal rights.

    Laws for thee none for we..
    Piano wire time moves closer each day

  13. Fidel Jr. and Che Butts (along with the Red Dwarf) are presiding the “Cubanization” of Canada. An acquaintance that leaves overseas recently reached out to me to check on a job opportunity here in the financial sector (in Quebec, I believe). I never thought I would ever discourage someone – specially someone well-educated and with potential to contribute positively to society – to come to Cubada. I explained how he would get about 50% of the neat salary after taxes and deductions, that public education would literally ruin his 2 children, explained about the house market and the “best health care in the world”®. Plus the joys of living in contemporary Quebec. I don’t think he’ll take the job…

  14. Alberta shipping 4Mbbl/day/dilbert(sp) to USA, coz ROC don’t wants it.
    When Justinflation and Herr Gruber are done with the oilbizniss, then the #2 export (autos) will also crash, then we’ll be back to hewers o wood, drawers o water.

    1. Stan ….. yup a common slogan for a long time now for some of us. Wonder why? Could it be that that saying is true. Bingo, we have a winner. Agree with you Stan. Keep spreading the word where ever you can. I do the same. It’s going to sink in sooner than later the way things are going.


  15. So our new environment minister wants to end fossil fuels in two years and they are basically choking the supply lines by shutting down the drivers that are unjabbed.. This translates into they want us to starve in the cold . They are so inept they don’t realize they haven’t rounded up the firearms yet.

    1. Concerned, “They are so inept they don’t realize they haven’t rounded up the firearms yet.”
      Yup, that was my thought as well. By the time May first 2022, comes around, I bet a whole bunch of em will magically vanish, just like they did in 95. They will come back again if they are needed, and if the right folk ask nicely.

      At some point, I think some people will snap, and one or two, or more politicians will be vanished as well, and I can just envision em saying, they cannot understand how or why such a dastardly thing could happen in a nice place like Canada. Stupid doesn’t have much forward vision either!
