31 Replies to “Never Give In. Never, Never, Never. – Winston Churchill”

  1. I suspect that Microsoft’s new Woke module will go the way of that abomination nicknamed “Clippy.”

    1. “Like” BOB?
      And it won’t come with a checkbox to turn it off, “unlike”
      Progressive Pat
      Et al

  2. Woke is a trend.

    I would estimate the woke numbers are about the same as the gay population narrative, same as the transgendered narrative, etc.

    I’m personally so tired of special interest, look-at-me-and-my-most-specialist-navel narccisists fighting for relevance in this world by trying to make the general population feel as miserable as they feel.

    I’m not playing their game and enjoying life.

  3. Great essay. The words I found most pertinent…
    “If you are sane, these developments are shocking and even a bit confusing.”

    Sadly, society today offers, even encourages, several alternatives to sanity. One need only look at Progressive/Democrat representatives to Congress to see what the most damaging of those alternatives are.

  4. I enjoyed the “Fantastic Beasts” movies, but I will not be watching any Potter-related movie that deemphasizes Rowling.

    1. Meh. Anything past book 3 was a trainwreck. Rowling was a competent plagiarist of other people’s work and created a decent fusion of British children’s fantasy and boarding school stories. When she decided she was a Real! Author! the books went to shit and the movies are no better.

      Harry Potter is the Star Wars and MCU for millennials, and all that that implies.

      1. Pfft. Book 2 was probably the weakest, Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix were great and probably the best in the series.

      2. Clearly not a plagiarist. That would have been quickly detected, and the lawsuits would have been monumental given the money involved.

        That Rowling borrowed ideas from other books is plausible, but the word “plagiarist” should not be used for anything but replicating someone else’s text.

      3. “Harry Potter is the Star Wars and MCU for millennials, and all that that implies.”

        Interesting way of putting it. I thought that the first film was fine, the rest were boring and interesting only to those who read the books, I snoozed through them while my kids were watching. The books were mediocre. But to Rowling’s great credit she has convinced hundreds of millions of children that reading is fun and cool. Her books were a gateway drug for my kids. They moved on to other stories, and genres.

        SW books on the other hand were utter crap, but the original film trilogy was brilliant.

        Also I thought MCU was MCU for millennials.

  5. There is no easy way out of this. It is far harder to build a civilisation than to tear it down. It is far easier to lose freedom than to regain it.

    The following Churchill quote is fitting:

    “ “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
    if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
    come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

    1. Sadly, whimpering, feminized Western societies have lost belief in the existence of actual “right” and actual “wrong” in the world.

      1. Agreed – The greatest tactic against freedom was to first blur the lines of “good & bad”, and then invert the truth entirely.

        The west now lives with a Baphomet ideology (consciously or unconsciously), which is clearly represented by it’s symbology if anyone cared to look.


        Whether your religious or not (I’m not) the iconography and symbolism’s of “Satanic” perversion directly points to the direction of society’s flow today. A road-map of sorts – Up is down, down is up, man is woman, woman is man, whilst children are sexualized. It’s as clear as rain.

        Now whether this development in today’s society is a product of the supernatural, or the byproduct of all successful civilizations as they cycle through their lifespan is a matter of philosophical and socio-scientific debate.

        Regardless of who, what,where, and why, smart ancient peoples understood it’s existence and wrote it down as a warning.

        1. I think the greatest tactic against freedom was somehow letting loons like you get into a position where you could be seen as representing the pro-freedom side.

          1. Thank you for regularly confirming that, just as we have not yet reached “peak oil,” we have also not yet reached “peak moronity.”

        2. “The greatest tactic against freedom was to first blur the lines of “good & bad”, and then invert the truth entirely.”

          That’s not necessarily true. In fact it is not true at all as the greatest tactic was importations of replacement voters unfamiliar with the concept of freedom. But leaving this aside, in the context of fantasy and sci fi literature, works that blur the distinction between good and evil are often much more thought provoking then light vs dark stories. I’d take Sapkowki’s Witcher series over Bored With the Rings (books not screen adaptations) any time. At that is precisely because the world Sapkowski is painting. The world that is cruel and dark, where loyalties are questioned all the time, where individual is always pitted against state and against fate and does not always have a morally clear path in front of them.

          1. “……..that blur the distinction between good and evil are often much more thought provoking then light vs dark stories”.

            Thought provoking it may be, propagandizing another narrative may be as well, it depends on the agenda of the author.

            As far as “the greatest tactic was importations of replacement voters”, I disagree, masses of barbarians moving into a culture to destroy the status quo is a well known outcome of history, the barbarian hordes eventually take control. A “tactic”, sure but the insidiousness is convincing the citizen population that it is all in their best interest. This is accomplished from within by drips of lies and false narratives convincing a large portion of a nations citizenry that wrong is right, and right is wrong.

            Orwell had it right.

    2. “Better to die on your feet than live on your knees” is another apt quote that I can relate to.

  6. Not all doom and gloom.
    I work in what is called fly over country.
    I’m tied to rural construction…the sh$tter end of it.
    No shortage of youngsters up to the 50 somethings escaping corporate hell
    And starting their own business.

    Those with drive and vision will not do well or stay long in a woke corporation.

    They have also realized the importance of home schooling.

    1. Flyover country doesn’t and shouldn’t matter. The big metros generate the wealth culture and future of this world.

      1. Energy and food are of no concern to “big metro” citizens. Barring all else, they can revert to cannibalism.

  7. “It already appears that the ongoing Fantastic Beasts film franchise has started to distance itself from the author by downplaying her name’s visibility on trailers”

    Rowling should be grateful and relieved. The FB movies are just bad.

    Nothing wrong with openly gay characters but the rest of this sounds so so bad. Beyond parody. Not going to end HollyWood though as this is planned as a web series apparently. Buried that at the end.

    1. Now, I thought the title was “Fantastic Breasts”, so you can imagine how disappointed I was!

  8. I’m too old for the HP books, so I didn’t miss anything there. I tried watching the first movie when it was shown on TV and I couldn’t make it past the first hour. I found it far too irritating to continue.

  9. The Harry Potter thing is clickbait, you can do better. It is an attempt at a “fan” project, NOT an official project.

  10. *************************************
    *People please don’t feed the UnMe troll. *

  11. Solzhenitsyn had it right: that the line between good and evil runs through every human heart.
    The Post Modern achievement is that the distinction between good and evil is arbitrary and a d an affront to equity and inclusion.
    A good time to remember WB Yeats:
    The best lack all conviction, the worst are filled with passionate intensity..
    What beast, its hour come, slouches towards Jerusalem to be born.
