27 Replies to “More than a little insight from Joe Rogan”

  1. I wonder how many people who died with the Wu flu were regular recipients of flu “vaccines”?
    That might be a very interesting study.

  2. It isn’t the “vaccine” they want people to get….it’s the QR code.

    If everyone who is willing to obey has the QR code, then you can control and punish those who do not.

    Don’t have a QR code? Guess what….your kid can’t go to school.
    Don’t have a QR code? Guess what…….you can’t get a mortgage at the bank.
    Don’t have a QR code? Guess what…..you can’t shop here; or buy food or medicine. And we will charge you extra for health care.
    Don’t have a QR code? Guess what….you aren’t allowed to go into the voting booth.
    Don’t have a QR Code? Guess what…..your electricity bill is going up; or we will cut your power.

    It’s about CONTROL.

    Here’s a prediction. When some “progressive” (most likely from Quebec) starts complaining that people with woodstoves are ruining the planet….then you know it’s too late. If you aren’t one of the ‘APPROVED” people….no gas, no electricty, and no heat for your home; until you SUBMIT.

    The “conspiracy theorists” have been warning us for years about these people; and I used to think folks were just kooks on many occasions. Now I just think these Conspiracy theorist Kooks……are just people who have done better research.

    1. Thanks James, all good points that I have advocated myself onto deaf ears. I’m sharing that post to pass on the debate. Sad part is most Canadians, I think now upwards of 85%, have swallowed the blue pill already. Their future is cast with no way of going back for them and their children.

      I’ve made my choice along with my wife. If forced at the door to get jabbed there will be resistance.


  3. I think it’s as simple as vaccinate everyone, because the people making these “rules” are getting huge kickbacks from Pharma. Follow the money.
    The QR digital ID is just a bonus.

  4. Robert Malone explains:
    What is Mass Formation Psychosis?

    Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. A key aspect of the phenomena is that the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.

    There are four key components needed for an environment to experience a mass formation psychosis: lack of social bonds or decoupling of societal connections, lack of sense-making (things don’t make sense), free-floating anxiety, and free-floating psychological discontent. Free-floating anxiety is a general sense of uneasiness that is not tied to any particular object or specific situation.

    When followers start to participate in a strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, new social bonds typically emerge and people change from a highly aversive negative mental state and isolation, to the exact opposite to the extremely high-level of connectedness that exists.

    In the context of institutional investors, identifying mass formation psychosis in countries and global markets can be critical to one’s portfolio to identify a trend or major risk that could occur. Some reasons for analyzing this topic include geopolitical risk, policymaker risk, and consumer habits changing.

    1. Evolutionary psychology explains all human behaviour.

      Bothe Communists and Libertarians are wrong because human beings, by nature, are neither socialist nor objectivist.

      Human beings are hierarchical social primates. A tribe of one hundred people or less, led by the most powerful alpha male and with hunting/gathering labour divided along sex lines, is the natural state of mankind because that’s the state that evolved as the most successful at keeping the tribe alive and breeding.

      the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.

      Because that’s how we’ve evolved: follow the most powerful alpha male because that’s survival. Dissent can’t be tolerated because any member of the tribe not cooperating threatens the survival of the entire tribe.

    2. Have never considered Robert Malone to be legit……
      Would appear others in the scientific community feel the same.

      Brian Hjelle, virologist

      Jan 9
      Let’s say you’re an ambitious scientist and want everyone to know you invented/discovered something. Here are the steps everyone always does. *Complete your degree(s) *Publish shitloads of research backing claims *Even if that requires decades *Wait for OTHERS to declare it.
      The science world, make no mistake, has immense respect for UCSD/Salk scientist Inder Verma. He’s the guy who, sadly, hadda kick loser grad student Robert Malone outta lab. No advisor wants to do that.
      Look there are more “fly on the wall” wishes than there are flies. But I wish I were there when Malone’s graduate advisor in San Diego told hem there’d never be a “Robert Malone, PhD”.
      It’d be SO EASY to one up the guy who claims he invented mRNA. Say you invented nucleotides!
      I’ve had guys like Malone in my lab too, and completely understand why his grad advisor got sick of him and tossed his sorry ass out w/o a PhD. “But my great experiment WORKED, boss, tho I have no idea why or how but I’m ready for my Nobel.”

      1. So….. your rejection of Malone’s position is based on WHO he is, not WHAT it is based on.

        You ain’t “legit”, either.

      2. You really wanna go there, into ad hominem? Can’t attack the argument so you disparage the man?

        Robert Malone invented the mRNA technology in the Vax. His name is on the patent. He stands to become unbelievably wealthy merely by keeping his mouth shut, but he’s talking.

  5. Keep in mind big pharma sponsors a lot of news rooms, that’s why they push the vaccine exclusively. It shouldn’t be legal to take big pharma’s money as sponsors without plastering the conflict of interest across their screens non-stop.

    1. Rose

      Pharma and other corporate monopolies have been controlling the news and subsidizing it all along in a large part for a long time. They are controlling governments as well. “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it” as Carlin said years ago. We have no media reporting breaking news just all shills. Look at the government funding to the Corpse alone. Rosemary Barton has done nothing in interviews but wet her panties, more than once, while in the presence of the Turd over the years.

      The Turd has no agenda other than total control. He has no opposition just rules by dictate. Opposition parties seem to fold like cheap suits and lack the fortitude to do the right thing or simply go along to get along. Disgraceful.

      I’m almost ready to vote Kim Campbell again. <sarc


  6. Loosely related.
    In his magnum opus, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Robert Kennedy Jr. said that back in 2014, Roger Ailes of Fox News told him that any reporter who interviewed him about vaccine injuries to children would be FIRED because except in political campaign 70% of revenue comes from pharma advertising.

    Note: I always include the full title : subtitle format because it’s about a LOT more than the diminuitive thug Tony Fauci, the J Edgar Hoover of public “health”.

  7. Joe is certainly doing his bit to desensitise the public to the eff word.
    But not my wife, LOL.
    I edited and re-recorded my song entitled, Crazy Covid Times.

    The bridge contains these lines:

    and every time we think we might
    get a jump on tomorrow
    we find that we are stuck in the muck and
    they don’t give a _________ [the word is unvoiced]

    She heard it from outside my man-cave / music room and has severely reprimanded me! But I only obey her 98% of the time. The lines stand!
