Alexandria Omicron-Cortez

Conservative Treehouse;

Despite virtue-signaling that all the good people remain locked down in the leftist epicenters of COVID restriction; and despite saying that anyone who does not adhere to the rules and regulations of the lockdown are being selfish; Ms. AOC was recently noted partying maskless without social distancing in Miami, Florida.

Not to worry, a couple of doses of Nyquil and some rest, and AOC will be ready for booster shot number four in no time.

Related: AOC Accuses COVID Virus Of Just Wanting To Date Her

38 Replies to “Alexandria Omicron-Cortez”

  1. ‘I love me’ and you should love me too ya bunch a racist bastards!

  2. Have some empathy – she has only confused dating with “Lets go AOC” . However keep in mind the risk of contracting something more serious than covid is substantial . Give them enough rope…

  3. Date AOC?? She could win first prize for costume at a Día de los Muertos celebrations and she wouldn’t need a costume.

    1. I’ve known women like Donkey Chompers. No man would ever be good enough for her, so there’s no point in asking her out, but any man who doesn’t is, well, you know…..

      I see her as a cat lady in training.

          1. Stop all this laughter BS, I had to put on my Cpac MACHINE mask, can’t breathe, cant breathed.


  4. I would see that as a Babylon Bee article, interviewing COVID and how it wants to date her. It has a ‘thing’ for dumb women.

  5. Pelosi, Waters, AOC, Hilary, Harris, Omar, Tlaib… what a godawful cabal of hateful women that represent the current Dems.

    To that end, someone recently opined that it is quite remarkable that three of the most bitter, miserable women on TV are called Joy, Joy and Whoopie!

  6. I’m sure someone will say (or maybe already has said) that her testing positive after being in Florida means it’s Florida’s (read: DeSantis’) fault she got it because of the state’s lack of restrictions.

    Now she gets to vote by proxy instead of in person for a while longer; the week before Christmas, which was the last week Congress was in session before the Christmas break, she was voting by proxy and giving concerns about Omicron as the reason.

  7. Omicron!? Meh. I’d be MUCH MORE worried about the other killer diseases AdhOC could catch from the Tranny Faire.

  8. Sadly, these are the new up and comers on the political scene, we have our own here in Canada, Trudeau being just one of a multitude of these types. Vapid, inflated sense of self, a very polished educational and formative years background, masters of deceit and incapable of feeling embarrassment when their missteps are brought to the forefront. A nice way of saying psychopaths.
    Throw in a fawning media who’ll provide cover and they become every bit as dangerous as a toddler with a loaded handgun, voting for and pushing policies birthed from their deluded minds or worse yet, from the mind of some crackpot professor who took an interest in them while they attended community college.
    Jimmy Dore and Greenwald take regular swipes at AOC and those other misfits and quite frankly they aren’t liking it much.
    They can handle criticism from conservatives with the greatest of ease but when one of their own calls them out it becomes really personal.

  9. So let me get this straight, if I make fun of her or view her as a complete hypocrite, all this means is that I want to have sex with her?

    Does this then mean that everyone with Trump Derangement Syndrome simply wants to lie naked with the Former President?!?

    1. Reply to Robert
      I don’t think dating her means what she thinks, we think it means?

      That reminds me of trying to poke fun at in her.
      All the while yelling Trump, Hump, Trump, Trump, Hump, Trump, Trump, Hump, Trump, Trump, Hump, Trump,

      Then falling off the White withering house porch laughing.

  10. Just like Andrew Scheer partying maskless on New Years Eve in Regina and his entourage fighting bar patrons.

    Do as I say, not as I do.

  11. She got a cold or the flu. These politicos know the score and they are winning, while millions believe the lies they spew daily.

  12. My money is she doesn’t have COVID. She only says that she does to push the pro-lockdowns propaganda.

  13. Now we’re going to hear nothing but the “I had covid dontcha know” routine ad nauseum.

    These Lefty people wear it like a badge.

  14. All registered Liberals need mandatory STD tests!

    They should be forced to have STD Passports, and be barred from gyms, bars, and gay bathhouses until they prove they are clean from infection!

  15. “…and AOC will be ready for booster shot number four in no time….”

    That is unless her hart explodes. Her generation may well be among the most vulnerable to vaccine side effects… finger crossed.

  16. You will now hear from her (as from Whoopi) that the vaccine saved her life. Although there is no such evidence.

  17. Shocked(!) I was to discover that she has a sex tape out there… what is wrong with that bimbo?!
