18 Replies to “Racism Running Rampant On Turtle Island”

    1. Conservatives funding the CBC is like having to buy the bullets for your enemy’s gun.

      1. Like I’m given a choice? Harper’s one huge mistake when he had a majority was not ending the CBC’s “mandate”. In the end, he was “literally” Hitler, after all.

      2. Conservatives funding the CBC is like having Alec Baldwin point a prop gun at you.
        There I fixed it for you.

        1. Conservatives, having their tax dollars used to pay for a network that attacks their every value is like … living in Canada. There. Fixed it better. Unless, somehow, you don’t pay taxes.

  1. The more I hear about racism the more I realize those who are calling me a racist are just that.

    1. Everyone who calls me a racist is a pedophile.
      I use the same standard of evidence to judge them as they do to judge me: Mind reading, voting record, their politics, their unconscious tendencies, the words that they use.

      As for the CBC’s hate mongering, Marxism requires some sort of societal division and warfare.
      In Russia it was the working class and peasants against land owners and rulers, here the Marxists are determined to divide society by race.
      Once they demonize one segment of society the other will have no qualms about robbing and enslaving them.

  2. Of course racism is running rampant here, there are progressive liberal woketards everywhere you bloody look.

  3. Blacks provide 100 percent of the Toronto and Ottawa police’s ” most wanted” lists. They are massively over represented in crime all across the country. If people don’t like or trust them, it’s with good reason. Those blacks who are contributing members of society will have to do something about their brethren if they don’t want to have to deal with the fallout.

  4. If any black people really felt this country was as bad as some say it is they would grab their kids and run. But the opposite is true, they grab their kids and run to Canada, not away from Canada. Liberal racists aren’t called out on their malfeasance though, no leader in Canada has that courage, or they agree with the leftist racists.

  5. Is Being Black in Canada hosted by our prime minister, by any chance? After all, he has personal experience with it, doesn’t he?

  6. One thing I have noticed from my wife, friends and acquaintances — low-information, non-political types all — is that they have become turned off by the increasingly racist, anti-white propaganda from the Corrupt Broadcast Network. It’st all to the good. Race and sex identity has become an obsession with these jackboots.

  7. So if someone were to snap and kill a bunch of white folks, and then present at their trial the incessant drumbeat of anti-white hate speech from traditional media companies, online media companies, universities, school boards, local school administrators, their own kids’ teachers, federal agencies, provincial agencies, municipal agencies, individual federal politicians, individual provincial politicians, individual local politicians, charities, churches, church social and charity organizations, multinational consumer goods manufacturers, national retailers, local retailers, and their own employer and co-workers, would that person be acquitted?

    Asking for a friend.

  8. People who hate white people are historically illiterate. They need to be remined that white people are the most dangerous on the planet when forced to go to war. They rarely have lost and will not pay any attention to the rules that others think they should follow. Todays milquetoast white men are not indicative of most white men. To think so is to put one’s self in a very dangerous position.

    1. Duh.
      Those men who just wanted to be left alone.
      Have a nasty habit of exterminating things that intrude violently into their world.
      After WW2 Dad remarked how creative tradesmen can be,at improvising weapons from ordinary items.
      Course he had some nasty examples in mind,apparently damn near everything in Ortona was booby trapped.

      We remain complacent,until we aren’t.
      The fools and the bandits continue to mistake forbearance and tolerance for fear and acceptance..
      “WTF?” does not translate to “I Obey”, except in Libtard Speak.

      The “Anti-Racists” amuse me,they are so overtly racist that they cannot stand each other..Yet they insist they “Set an example for us all”.
      Indeed they do.
      Do not be like them.
      Life is grand,full of joy and learning…
      As long as you do not think like a loser,Liberal or perpetual victim..
