33 Replies to “Flush With Power”

  1. Jacinda Ardern, the retarded offspring of a sheep and a shepherd. She’s the poster stunt for women being barred from politics because those who run for office are all damned Karens.

    1. Jacinda is living proof that Dolly the sheep bred a semi sentient abboration.
      What a world, eh, wot!?

  2. You think they gave their iron up?
    Yo’re dreaming.
    Never had a long gun registry and the number of rifles gave up are just a few thousand.
    The country side is full of buried SKS’s AR’s and semi auto shotguns.

    1. And what good are they? You can’t even legally practice with them, if caught transporting you go to prison and the tyranny is tightening despite all the hardware. All you got left is the satisfaction that you did not submit (just pretended to submit while quietly growling, quietly enough so they don’t hear it).

    2. It is probable that there are more armed citizens in Kiwi land than actual members of their defence force.

  3. In that case, PM Jacinda Ardern can come and spit shine my toilet and urinal by hand! 🙂

    Alternatively, send the great stupid cow an invoice for janitorial services…

    Or lastly, never clean your toilet and THEY WILL NEVER COME TO USE IT! 🙂


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. As I once saw in a loo in the oil refinery I worked at during my undergrad summers, “Cleanliness is our aim. Your aim will help.”

  4. I didn’t read the article. Is there glory hole guidance? They’ve been really quiet on this lately.

  5. The NZ nation are freeloading swine. They withdrew from SEATO, knowing full well that the guns of the US Navy, and Australia would keep them safe.

    1. The Aussies have so completely caved to tyranny, i wouldn’t count on their guns being used on anything but their own citizens.

      1. I am gobsmacked that the Aussies and the Kiwi overlords imagine a Zero Covid policy could ever work.

    2. The New Zealand government have long promised their citizens that in times of external threat they will defend their homeland to the last Australian… then Welcome their New Chinese Overlords.

      New Zealand, short of hoping the bad guys fly close to their two (total) warships can not even defend their own airspace.

      The other month when AUKUS and the Australian nuke submarines was announced the South Seas Tyrant made a bit hissy fit about how Australian submarines would be banned from New Zealand waters. Exactly how they plan to enforce that short of sending the All Blacks out in a fishing tinny was never discussed.
