We Are All Treaty People

Except for those treaty people — Indigenous Resource Network;

We conducted a professional poll in May with Environics looking at Indigenous people living in rural/reserve communities and their attitudes to resource development. Indigenous people in BC had the highest support for oil & gas development of any province – 65%.

BC First Nations have been discussing the pros and cons of natural gas and CGL for YEARS. There have been referendums, multiple election cycles, negotiations, consultations. And hard work to train community members and build business structures in order to benefit properly.

It’s difficult to watch “allies” talk about supporting Indigenous sovereignty & rights but dismiss the majority who want that development.
You don’t have to support natural gas. But maybe think about how you’re using the Wetsuweten Nation to further your agenda, not theirs.

8 Replies to “We Are All Treaty People”

  1. When the Northern Gateway Pipeline was cancelled by the dickless Turdeau Northern BC Indians were pissed. They had millions coming there way.

    1. No scar, you are misrepresenting it. Trudeau and his Butt pal are not dickless; they are being very successful in achieving their goals.

  2. The indigenous people’s ploy was deliberately thought up a few years ago, where it was determined by the tranzy watermelon people that the “indigenous” bands could be made a key ally in stopping oil and other resource development in Canada. Large sums of money followed. These were foreign interests at work buying the chiefs.

  3. The largest employer of West Coast Indians in BC is fish farms which now, thanks to the federal government, will all have to be land-based in three years. This means that, for an industry whose markets are mostly overseas, if you have to pump ocean water continuously to be in business, why not cut out the freight and do it overseas, or more likely, relocate to Chile. Greens and other US-funded hysteria pimps trump Indians.

  4. Ain’t the ‘Systemic Racism” of Canada’s Government great?”Those poor brown people are too stupid to be full citizens,they must be helped by us”
    Strange how that help has worked to systemically impoverish and destroy all trapped on reserves..
    Almost as if by design..
    Just another oddity,the people who created the Canadian Apartheid System also believed in Eugenics,so strongly that their plans included involuntary sterilization of the “unfit”…
    Do our natives truly vote Liberal as if it is a religion?
    Or are the reserves so corrupt that only Liberal Votes are recognized?
    For it defies all logic,to see a people vote so reliably for their own destruction..
    Oh wait..65% of Canadians who vote..
    Never Mind.

  5. Very good commentary, but much of BC has no treaties in place. The indigenous agreed to the (communist) reservation system as a placeholder, but to them all of the land (and the values of the resources therein) is still theirs. The Nisga’a treaty was one of very few in BC.

    And there are a lot of generational law firms who want to keep it that way.
