Leader Wanted

Gunter-The disappearing act of Erin O’Toole

Ever since September’s federal election, I’ve defended keeping Erin O’Toole as Conservative leader.

However, in the last week, in particular, O’Toole’s missteps have made it appear that the chaos of an internal Conservative contest couldn’t be any worse than keeping O’Toole in place.

35 Replies to “Leader Wanted”

  1. I used to think Gunter had a brain. But he has swallowed the SHITCON dope.
    You can not fix Canada by voting.
    It is only a Penal Colony not a Democratic Country.
    It is a “I Wave My Hand” and it is law Queeny Thingy.
    The office of PM is not even mentioned in the Constitution. Look it up.
    Yet Trudeau the elected Queeny Thingy just waves his hand and makes up laws.
    Also breaks laws and gets away with it Canada in reality is WROL.

    1. When your constitution doesn’t grant you inalienable rights it isn’t a constitution, it’s toilet paper. And our government is the PMO and a bunch of rubber stamps, GG? Rubber stamp, Senate? Rubber Stamp, Supreme Court? First Nations veto / Rubber stamp, Media? Bought and paid for with government handouts.

      1. One of the MAIN PLANKS of Communism and MARXISM is Right in plain sight in the FAKE CONSTITUTION.
        PE Trudeau Equalization Act In Fake Constitution = “From Each According To His Means. To Each According To His Needs” Karl Marx
        Canada has Officially Been Communist since 1982 and Stunned Idiot Canadians Keep Voting For It over and over. And Jumping Up and Down Yelling
        “I AM CANADIAN” No Your Not Your A Fucking Idiot.
        Voluntary Servitude by Etienne de La Boetie

  2. Conservatives are drowning and Gunther is describing the water.

    “I’ve defended keeping Erin O’Toole as Conservative leader.”

    1. *
      where is o’toole on reopening the ‘trudeau expressway?’

      “The controversial Roxham Road border crossing was opened again on Sunday
      after nearly a year of closure due to the pandemic. Over the weekend, the
      Trudeau government changed this policy
      . Anyone who seeks asylum through
      this point of entry will have their claim processed.”


    2. I think Gunther may be one of those numerous journalists who have Down’s Syndrome. They are ashamed of their affliction and try to follow the herd… sensing safety in numbers.

      The way to correct this is to have the Canadian Association of Journalists offer an award for those journalists who have Down’s Syndrome. That would ease any tensions within the workplace as these journalists would have their own award to compete for.

      Heck, the proper thing to do would be to give them all an award. Journalists are very award conscious and can be envious if they are jilted.

      You know the type; pompous, arrogant, entitled…

      1. Ha Ha Ha Now that is Funny. In a sick kind of way. But fuck lets roll with the DOWNS Syndrome Award. Not really as severe as a Darwin as the person survives.
        It is refreshing to see someone who is sensitive on here like yourself OL.

      2. It’s Down Syndrome you ignorant fuck! And no, my daughter is not ashamed of her “affliction “ ! Do you follow the Hand Bus around so you can make fun of the clients that use the service? Kate must be proud to have a contributor like you on board!

  3. Is it just me, or does the Tool have a serious BP issue? Mine’s 115/75. Want asses to get kicked and stay that way? Vote OSF for a safer, saner future. 🙂

  4. First of all, how can anyone “… in the last week, in particular,…”, be just figuring out now that O’Toole is a major part of the problem and not even a minor part of the solution. He is clearly a frigging leftard himself, actively pushing leftarded policies! Please demonstrate to me how O’Toole is IN ANY WAY a trustworthy Conservative! Please!

    Secondly, I believe it is painfully obvious that The CPC needs a hell of a lot more refitting than a simple leadership change. The party is thoroughly polluted with pro-establishment hacks, I see virtually NO ONE in that party standing up against tyranny, quite the opposite, they have joined the tyrants against US!

    Fuck the CPC!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry, Kate)

    1. The CPC are SHITCONS worse than Liberals. We know Liberals intend to fuck us over. But the Bastard SHITCONS promise to move heaven and hell if we just vote for them. So we Do And Get Stabbed In The Back Every Single Time.
      So the Dumb BITCH Canadian Voters see the word CONSERVATIVE and assume they are voting conservative and find out they voted SHITCON who have all the same Liberal/NDP Commie Socialist Garbage that you thought you were voting against.
      Fuck Canada. Fuck The Flag. Break it up and burn that red commie rag

      1. Don’t confuse corruption for malice.

        There is a term for those immersed within Parliament Hill, Ottawashed.

        Stay among that crowd and those that are trying hard to be liked soon find they stray from the straight and narrow path.
        OToole isn’t out to sabotage the cause, he’s just forgotten what it is.

    2. “The party is thoroughly polluted with pro-establishment hacks, I see virtually NO ONE in that party standing up against tyranny, quite the opposite, they have joined the tyrants…”

      Hard to improve on that assessment.

  5. Would be interesting to know how the Tool did on his basic Q course…his leadership style wouldnt have made him any friends.

  6. So when’s O’Foole going to start wearing blackface and speaking with a lisp? After all, someone who did that won 3 elections in a row.

    1. Ah yes. Boy you are quick with the Knife BAD R. Ha Ha Ha. You forgot about him prancing all red faced and out of breath, in Pride Parades. Dodging Strapons and Boners etc.

  7. I think O’Toole is kept as CPC ‘leader’ by Liberals’ Mafia (Gerald Butts & co). Keeping O’Toole as puppet leader of opposition party guarantees forever re-election of Imbecillus Maximus. For 2 reasons: 1) O’Toole fights from within with whoever is true-Conservative and vocal against him. This is the best, much better than having a spirited public discussion between two main parties. 2) Come election time, O’Toole will always be bland, squishy and no-charisma whatsoever. His topics will always be non-issues, hand-picked by Prime Moron’s inner circle.

  8. I think Erin O’Toole looks to represent the “Loyalist” tradition in Eastern Canada. He looks to bond with those who have roots in this country that originate when eastern canada was a series of colonies that were compliant.

    In Western Canada, the term “Loyalist” is synonymous with “Loser” of the American Revolution.

    Maxime doesn’t carry any of that baggage and will fight for what he believes in.

    Vote Maverick or PPC.

    1. If its going to be those two parties as alternatives – then they ought to cut a deal – Maxime can take the east and Maverick the West. No point in splitting.

  9. Every time the Conservatives lose an election, mainstream media pundits pontificate that they should move left if they hope to win. O’Foole was just dumb enough to believe them.

    Proven fact – he absolutely cannot win an election. Most of us already knew that before the election was called.

    Gunter expects another election in only 18 to 24 months. I doubt it. The Bloc, Greens and NDP are all in for Trudeau’s policies so he can complete his full term, and after calling an unnecessary election that the people didn’t want last time, he won’t make that mistake again.

  10. No longer matters at this point who the leader is. The brain trust has decided that they are not left enough to win seats in the golden triangle, which are needed to win a majority.

    The last election has also shown that it does not cost them enough support in the west that they will start losing seats by going left.

  11. Margaret Thatcher didn’t win successive majorities by being a wuss conservative. She won because solid conservatism with good leadership is the only way that really works to build a country. When O’Toole moved to the Left he also moved away from the common sense solutions that builds trade, jobs and prosperity. It’s not that O’Toole was the best choice for Canadians last election. It’s just that he was the least worst. Bring on Pierre! Sell voters a conservative vision they can see themselves having success in. That’s where the votes will come from. Not from being a slightly less stupid version of the current PM.

    1. “Bring on Pierre!”

      Oh yes. Peter Rabbit-pea … or is it Pea-rabbit?

      He who has spoken out as loudly, bravely, and consistently about the nation-wide suspension of liberties as he has about the craven ineptitude of his boss. Sure, he’d be the perfect replacement for Pinky no’tool.

    1. I will not vote for someone from central or Atlantic Canada ever again, no matter what party they represent or what planks are on their platform. Period. I’ve been screwed over or disappointed by every PM born east of the Man/Ont border, not limited to but including Harper. Which, if memory serves, is pretty much every one since I started voting.

      No. Ain’t happening.

  12. By perfectly aligning with Team Red, O’Toole and his party became a nullity. Why does the Canadian political landscape need competing Red clones? One is truly so and the other, faking it to show how brilliant they are at getting elected from their dwindling remaining voters holding their noses. Gunter is pretty slow in finally seeing the light.

  13. Why would the Progressive Conservatives want to change their leader?
    He perfectly represents them and their beliefs..
    And if they do not like his beliefs he will find some new ones for them.
    Uni-Party of Can Ahh Duh.
    If we have learnt one thing from the rise and destruction of Reform,it is that our eastern comrades have nothing in common with those of us out west.
    We are in an abusive relationship ,in which our abusers benefit from our continuation..
    Why would they change?
    We might have to finally grow up and take responsibility for our own affairs..
    Oh the horror.
    Let us retreat into Conservative Nirvana,into the womb of big government mamma..
    Mummy,can we be just like Venezuela too?

    Stupid is.
    Doing the same thing,over and over again,but expecting different results.
    Today we know even more,the hatred and malice our helpers feel for us..
    You have those lovely Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,to comfort yourself with…
    Found a way to make a living outside of government?
    We can fix that for you..
    And yet we keep electing Eastern Imports..to lead us to the promised land…
    Which is coming into view as this Dread Covid Theatre plays out..
    You will have nothing and you will like it.
    The Motherland is all.
    The individual is nothing.
    Statism is so glorious.
    Forget the CPC,they serve no one,except their masters.

    1. John, you had me at….

      “Why would the Progressive Conservatives want to change their leader?
      He perfectly represents them and their beliefs..”

  14. Oh;Stool is a liar and a cheat… he lied and cheated his way to victory in the Con leadership.
    As soon as he was elected leader of the Cons he was no longer a “conservative” and everything he campaigned for was discarded and thrown out so that Oh;Stool and his team of Liberals could impose the Liberal Party agenda… for that he should resign.
    Stoolo lost, he kept Turdhole in power.
    Stool has no integrity and is of flawed character.
    Batherson has got to go too. In fact the whole Con executive has got to be purged of the obvious Liberals and other Globalist or nothing will ever change.
    It isn’t the “leader” that is the only problem, Oh Stool is a mushy lying POS that bullshitted his way into the leadership, but Batherson and his gender pro nouns is a bigger problem then Stool, and I’m positive that Batherson isn’t the only Liberal sitting in the cat bird seat.
    The Con executive needs to be hosed out and disinfected or nothing will change no matter who is selected as leader.
