13 Replies to “Conrad Explains Glasgow”

  1. Lord Black is a master of common sense and Canadian Frenglish :
    “The advanced countries passively acknowledge their collective historic guilt, but prance about the conference out-doing each other in pledges to do better, as if it were a conference of unusually self-righteous reformed alcoholics.
    … …
    Instead of dissenting from this foolishness, Canada proudly proclaims itself (falsely) to be a leader of it. It is of a piece with our continuing official self-castigation for outlandishly exaggerated past mistreatment of our Indigenous people and a ludicrous and jejune preoccupation with gender issues.

  2. The protesting We Were Here First Nations people and their supporters can eat fresh shit.
    For once I’d like to see some We Were Here First Nations people come out and counter-protest. If its near enough I might just join them and support them.

    1. Nice! 😀 As far as being here first, here’s a cold hard fact they can chew on along with that fresh shit: anyone older than you was here first. Doesn’t grant them any special rights though, does it?

      I will give them one thing though: they took out a LOT of dangerous species during their colonization of North and South America. Thanks for that, Siberians – and absolutely nothing else.

  3. Are we supposed to believe these professional Indians are not being paid to, “protest” ? Its always about the money.
    Globalist politicians across the country foster and nurture this king of division.

  4. “Toronto police and Toronto Fire were present at the event but no arrests were made.”

    see the problem?

  5. // A 1 C increase in very approximately estimated world temperature in 120 years
    does not remotely justify the widespread hysteria on this subject in Western Europe and North America. //
    This Torontocentric bit won’t go down well in the Fraser Valley.

    Con Black’s competition for Canadian Guru, Jordan B Peterson, has passed on the identical remark:
    Dr Jordan B Peterson
    // The Earth has warmed one degree Celsius in the last 140 years (source NASA GISS) //

    Thinking of all the people I’ve met who said “I wanted to study psychology, but, man, the statistics.” Hearing them weep.

    As the graph shows, the one degree warming has taken place in the past 40+ years.
    [and the comments are mainly skeptical]

    Both have allowed themselves to wander well beyond their areas of competence.
    In Peterson’s case, he seems to be losing it:
    Dr Jordan B Peterson
    // Sir Christopher Wren’s great library Trinity College Cambridge. Beauty and grandeur everywhere here. //
    Dr Una McCormack
    It’s the chapel mate just the one book is the clue
