30 Replies to ““We are looking at a multi-dimensional planned disaster””

  1. Could’ve had Trump I guarantee he would have either solved these issues or not caused them in the first place. Instead they have captain pudding brain the kiddie diddler in charge. Godspeed.

    We’ve got a dark winter coming to Canada thanks to captain socks and a rain storm. Most people don’t get it yet here either.

    1. Nothing about this is due to incompetence, this is the globalists making their move for world domination. The USA must be collapsed for it to work, their sense of freedom and patriotism in the only thing between them and success. Countries like Canada don’t matter, they will welcome total control and turn in friends and family to the government for wrongthink. I welcome this fate for Canada, no country deserves it more, and no people less deserving of freedom than Canadians.

    2. I talk with my niece in Florida once a week. She has a 240 acre farm in Northern Florida.
      She is freaking out because the cost of her animal feed almost doubled in one week.
      Last week she was paying 7.40 for 50lb bags of animal feed and this week it is 13.00 plus for the same feed. Same with chicken pig and cattle feed.

      1. And to think Gates is planning on building a new fangled molten sodium salt reactor somewhere in Wyoming.
        Hope it ain’t near Yellowstone, wouldn’t want to see the blue screen of death when it fails.
        Who’d of thought Gates other hat is in nuclear physics, the man is a genius.
        Just like he is in vaccines.

  2. In the 80s, I worked a a chicken processing plant that didn’t have any federal inspectors.
    We had protocols to follow, and we followed them.
    The spike in the price of ammonia, though, that’s gonna hurt.

  3. FWIW … I was just doing my monthly COSTCO run yesterday and there were NO whole chickens (the only way I buy my chicken). Yes, one full case was dedicated to Turkey’s … but … so too was one full case dedicated to chicken. But not one single whole chicken. Lots of thighs, breasts, and party wings … but NO whole chickens.

      1. OMG! What a JOKE.

        – What about spices for that pie that are ON SALE at my local Safeway for $6.49/tiny bottle. Several are required.
        – Where’s the eggs for the pie?
        – Carrots and celery as an appetizer platter? For $0.79?
        – And much more nonsense in that list … but I’m too pissed and lazy to bother ..

        Why are the media such LIARS!? The Left simply HATES truth. Loathes Truth

  4. Grew up on a diary farm.
    Hard work back in the day. We ate wonderful foods, drinking whole milk and homemade ice cream. in the winter the delicious things that came out of those canning jars, Peaches, eggs, beets, apples, pickled cucumbers, peppers,etc,etc , I Grew up to 6’3″ 200 lbs.
    Big boy wanted to quit working so hard and go off to war and be a Hero.
    Big boys carry 60 lbs. Radios with a tall frigging antenna that says please shoot me in the Ass.
    Government gives us beer and cigarettes and spam, eggs C-rats, if the enemy doesn’t kill me that shit will. Now you might understand why we smoked dope? We use to throw C- Rations at the enemy and they would throw it back.
    Point is, we have great farmers in this country that work hard to feed their children, animals, and the world, they are the Heroes and some day people will learn that shit and mandatory unfair laws comes from the government and food for life comes from the farmers.
    Not a grocery store.

  5. National security is food security.

    That said, calling it “planned” is probably overstating the case. They just really are that stupid. Atlas Shrugged outlined some similar situations, just as catastrophic, and did a really good job of setting forth the motivations and thinking of the people causing them.

    “Learn to plant potatoes” will be the new “learn to code”.

  6. Keep the larder stocked.
    The federal government doesn’t give a shit about you until you threaten its existence and then it’ll end yours.
    Its the same in Canadumb.
    The feds are a dirty rotten stinking leech on the citizenry, a parasite of no benefit to the provinces and a lumbering, stumbling behemoth of stupidity, waste and incompetence.
    The feds serve no positive purpose in the everyday lives of people.

  7. The Ontario minister of labour , our MLA, found enough $$ to hire 250 or so workplace inspectors. Not nurses or ICU workers. Too bad there might not be enough businesses left for them to inspect.

  8. The Steele (Hillary Clinton) dossier, the FBI-CIA-DOJ Deep State coup against Trump, the corrupt 2020 election, the out of control spending, that container ship “stuck” in the Suez canal, the LA port disaster, the gain-of-function Wuhan flu, the millions of migrants and Chinese fentanyl pouring over the southern border, CRT, vaccine mandates and passports, defund the police, the police stand downs/“give the people room to destroy” riots – it’s all on purpose people. Dark forces at work. Sinister, by design, intentional destruction of capitalism and the West. “Are you awake yet?” as the saying goes.

  9. I learned recently squirrels are included in the wild meat hunt . I’m more animal lover than meat lover, won’t be missing meat shortages but please save me a Christmas turkey!

  10. The Great Reset.

    You won’t own anything, and you will be happy.

    You will eat bugs, and you will be happy.

    1. F that!
      “Lookit! It’s a pop-up bar-b-que!”
      “And it’s Buddy’s Long Pig Snack Shack at that!”
      “Mmmmm…Slow-roasted liberal on a stick.”

  11. The one quibble I have with this analysis, is, the suggestion that because of the shortage of government inspectors the processed chicken meat could be compromised, which suggests the only reason there is currently safe chicken meat available is because of government inspectors, and this suggests that we the consumers are at risk of eating unsafe chicken meat without government oversight. If we are so overawed and dependent on government that we can’t get a good chicken to cook up, our goose as free men is definitely cooked.

    1. It’s easy to say “run the plant without them”, until the USDA SWAT team shows up with padlocks and handcuffs. Always money for that.

      1. KATE…
        Poultry, beef, pork, fishing, will become local farmers black market supply.
        Thank God for Canadian wheat, soon to be $8000 dollars per pound.
        Old scripture prophecy “Pound of wheat, will be worth a pound of Gold.” In the days of our devastating hunger.

        1. WHY NOT SPEND $1,000 FOR FOOD STORAGE WHILST WHEAT IS CHEAP,and other good foods

      2. True, Kate, but will they have enough SWAT teams, I don’t know. I do think, though, that if the supply chain issue becomes direly problematic, such that people begin to starve, or at best are on very limited rations with few sources for obtaining the necessary food supplies to sustain themselves, Americans’ guns are going to come out to “hunt” for food, and not in the woods. The worlds’ peoples need to begin weaning themselves from all things government, because government is destroying the people. A difficult task, as even so-called independent individuals still have their favorite government program which they just can’t live without.

  12. I would hope that the meat is being processed safely, and that the only impediment is the requirement that inspectors sign off. I think this requirement might be waived if there’s an inspector shortage. I doubt the plants would try and get unsafe chicken out the door.

  13. They could send busses or planes to the Rio Grand. Pick up some illegal border crossers.
    They are not required to be jabbed.

  14. Regulated to death.
    The “problem” is that government will fine,imprison and close down a business for failing to be inspected..
    In other words,government fails to meet its own mandates,punishes business and consumers for Governments Failure…

    Never mind,that every business in the “food industry” depends on keeping their customers alive and returning to buy their product..
    Never mind that most “outbreaks of food poisoning” are caused by Government regulation..

    For government is good,government is great..At destroying productivity and wasting wealth and resources..
    Meat will still be available.
    Talk to your local farmers..
    Well except those in big cities..You might have to follow the Jeffery Dalmer Diet..
    Pickton Sausages for all?

    I would consider a massive conspiracy to destroy civilization..
    This is government.
    Government writ large.
    Malice is not required,when you have absolute power in the hands of Fools and Bandits,blessed with Delusions Of Adequacy.
    For which D.O.A. is a perfect acronym.

    Best beef I ever ate was raised on our own land,butchered as the first frosts came and hung for at least a week..
    Such treatment of meat,is classed as criminal by our rulers and regulators,if you now dare to share such with money changing hands.

  15. I just placed an order for next season’s ammonium phosphate fertiliser.
    At these costs and if yields and prices are at average levels, there will be no profit in growing wheat, so I – and a lot of other farmers – aren’t even going to try.
    Canola and some barley for stock feed.
    But not wheat.

    When anyone whinges about food prices, tell them that this is what happens when you panic, reduce hydrocarbon fuel production, and shut down the economy.
