12 Replies to “Lets Go Brandon”

  1. That graph looks to be highly correlated to the number of jobs – more jobs, more people quitting. Sign of an improving economy?

    1. It’s happening in Canuckistan too.
      My industry, non-health care, non-government, is having tremendous challenges finding the skilled personnel required in this specialized line of engineering, design and construction.
      Early this year was bad enough for the design and build contractors to staff their teams, we have seen tremendous design delays due to personnel walking away, and vendors unable to fill the roles. The build has had its challenges with Covid outbreaks on crews, which shuts them down for 14 days.
      Aside from all that, the recent jab mandates, or else, is having a huge impact on the workforce. While I work from home FT, and am allowed to Rapid test if I have to attend an in house meeting, at least one major contractor has decided on a zero tolerance policy. They have lost dozens of their team members. And where will they find replacements in a highly specialized industry? From overseas maybe? Destructive policies.
      Many are walking away by choice, rather than be subject to these toxic death jabs, which government denies, despite overwhelming reports from all corners that these are destructive.
      So, given the choice, I choose MY health, on MY terms, and no one else’s! And if that means having to give up some frivolities of life, and lifestyle as well, that’s fine. Because the liars, deceivers, and killers in government, will be revealed and pay Their price, one day.

      1. ++++++++++/\ Dan

        I am worried ’bout both my daughters, 29/31…both of whom were forced (IN order to fucking EAT..!!), to take these filthy jabs. I made mention of that on a social media platform..& was damned near eviscerated by some (_i_)hole claiming my kids had “voluntarily” taken the path of Satanic Fascism and were destined to Rot in Hell with a hearty good riddance added.

        Said mouthpiece, had I known who it was and where said POS lived..?? mighta seen a Louisville slugger aimed at his cranium.

        Socialist Media…brings all kinds

  2. There was a time our betters dreamed of a “general strike” that would drive the Jew-capitalists to surrender by depriving them of profits for want of workers to exploit.

    It’s actually quite funny watching them get what they thought they wanted and choke on it.

    1. They couldn’t care less .
      The total destruction of the West is on purpose, by design.
      To Build Back Better and do a Great Reset , everything needs to be torn down first.

      Biden is the fall guy and all he cares about is his next puddin pop.

      1. John.

        One MUST utterly destroy that which is still standing, in order to “Build Back Better”…..just that phrase alone should be sufficient “proof” in itself of their plan.

        The ONLY Thing that will stop the Govt Madness on this planet is full on REVOLUTION…Armed. It will take a re-awakening of the HERD in order for that to happen. I expect that to possibly happen in Europe…?? we shall see..

  3. Ha. Good one Steve… Psaki will be preaching that exact statement if the Dems actually think up that analysis on their own. Would be interesting to see it graphed with a couple of other variables to put it into better context. I see under the graph that retirements are not included and something tells me that number may also be a bit higher than usual. The article mentions that 2/3 of the workforce that have vanished during the pandemic were retirements. Seems like a lot…

    And they don’t mention that there is a 4th reason people are voluntarily quitting their jobs…vaccine mandates. I see Oz covered that already.

    Along with a requisite scary Covid and feel good socialism story at the bottom of the page. Good luck with your vegan restaurant.

    Propaganda is so easy to spot that it makes me wonder why I bother reading any of the bullshit from the MSM.

    1. Indeed. But reading it is a controlled measure that we can do, without the vapid emoting and vocalization on the boob tube propaganda presentations, otherwise known as “newscasts”.

      We do need to stay cognizant on what Pravda and Tass are publishing, but in small doses. Watching TV news causes brain damage. As Ezra once said, it’s targeted for the under 5 and over 80 crowd.

    2. Indeed? Wtf? I’m referring to the trend that starts in 2009 and continues to the pandemic. Dramatic drop at the start of the pandemic and a return to its previous trend line. Similar but opposite to the unemployment rate. Not sure what any of that has to do with opening a vegan restaurant…
