Margin Of Fraud

It’s all just a stupid conspiracy theory, shut up.

In Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote , the duo with three decades of voting study between them highlighted the 1,334 cases of fraud and 1,147 criminal convictions Heritage has collected dating to the 1982 conviction of 63 involved in a scheme to stuff 100,000 extra ballots in an Illinois gubernatorial primary.

Fast-forward to 2020: They detailed the allegations of how Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg spent millions on election tricks in mostly Democratic areas to help Biden and how his money is to be used in 2022 to skew elections.

In between, they pointed to politicians, including Biden, who used to decry the types of election “reforms” Democrats and the media are now championing, such as eliminating voter identification.

“They have pushed the false narrative that there is no fraud in our elections or that it is so minimal that we should not be concerned about it. They have also, with their willing allies in the media, falsely labeled any efforts to implement needed reform as ‘voter suppression,’” Fund and von Spakovsky wrote.

“It is hard to see their intent as anything other than to make it easy to cheat and manipulate election results and to do so without getting caught or prosecuted,” they added.

When conservative politicians cede authority to talking head elites of mainstream media over which issues are acceptable for debate, which facts are settled, and which cultural topics are untouchable — they’re falling for a ruse.

They’re being herded away from the very issues they might win on, so that the left can retain their preferred battleground. When media reacts with derision, anger and censorship to suppress a topic or a debate — they’re frightened of it. Nobody, but nobody, tries to shut down an debate they know they’ll win.

Case in point.

16 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. 1) So to be clear: the schemes that had any chance of tipping any election failed, and the cases that did happen were small fry that are basically impossible to scale up.

    2) “They detailed the allegations of how Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg spent millions on election tricks in mostly Democratic areas to help Biden and how his money is to be used in 2022 to skew elections.” = not fraud, just more conservaderp butthurt.

    3) There is still zero evidence of any significant fraud in the 2020 election, where Joe Biden roundly and soundly defeated Donald Trump.

    The only people falling for a ruse are you Kate, and it’s your own ruse. And you’re never going to win on this or much else for that matter because you prefer to engage in make believe instead of reality. ‘The Media’ is neither here nor there.

    1. Hope you reached orgasm there, Young Hitler.

      BTW, where have you and your multiple personalities been? On vacation in Fucktardistan?

  2. What turned the tide in Virginia was that statement that parents had no say in how their children where educated.

    There was no distinction of who’s children as the democrats truly believed the voters where so in line with their orthodoxy that they would interpret it to mean those “deplorables” have no say in how their children are educated.

    This same shift happened during the election that Harper obtained his first of three mandates, when one liberal apparatchik decided it was a good idea to ridicule parents for spending money on beer and popcorn.
    It could have been any issue or any proposal, that’s not the point. The point was that the smear directed at the intended target actually hit anyone that is a parent.
    All of them, Republican, democrat, all creeds, culture, race, and demographic that are, have been, or hope to be parents.

    The Virginia race ripped the mask off of the anti-human side of the establishment.
    It’s not possible to jam it down the memory hole before 2024.

    That’s what’s happening.

    1. Especially if a lot of us (redacted), which is seeming more and more likely. They want brand us terrorists, so be it.

  3. So some GOPes wrote a book that will have ZERO impact on anything. They ARE key to the problem. Uninterested in becoming any part of the solution.

  4. 0 jurisdictions where the hand count did not match the machine count
    0 examples of Zuckerbucks “dirty tricks”
    0 examples of Zuckerbucks funding being biased against red counties
    0 affidavits filed with lawsuits that are credible, concise, specific, and not hearsay. A lot of them are just people saying they are upset, which is completely useless to a court.
    0 examples of fraud that would be above noise levels
    0 credibility to the Cyber Ninjas report
    0 credibility to the German server raid theory
    0 credibility to the secret Italian satellite that “zapped in votes”
    0 credibility to the Trump executive order theory
    0 credibility to the Mike Pence theory. He performed his constitution duties.
    0 chance of any of the lawsuits working. They were bad. Really bad. I said that a week after the election to now, yet get torn apart when I do.
    0 chance of Trump being reinstated. There is no mechanism for it.
    0 chance just proving fraud exists leads to Trump being reinstated. That was true all the way back to Nov 3 2020.
    0 chance of any of Mike Lindells lawsuits going anywhere
    0 chance of Mike Lindell “presenting to the Supreme Court two days before Thanksgiving”. He still doesn’t know how the justice system works.
    0 of the promised PCAPs were presented at Mike Lindells cyber symposium
    0 of the promised Dominion machines were at the cyber symposium. He had one document scanner unrelated to elections.

    1. 0 brain cells in the skull of our multiple personality disorder fuckup stoner troll!

    2. alla unDork

      The election fraudsters in Az, admitted under oath that they deleted evidence from the voting machines. So why do you keep presenting yourself as a stupid K**t in here?$400,000,000 by the fake book Joo to take over the election stewarts, would/did have a large impact on the out come. And the anomalous proceedings on election nite, is proof positive that there was fraud going on. Now FO goof!

        1. “No they didn’t and no they didn’t. You lost fair and square.”

          70% of Americans now believe otherwise.

  5. “Nobody, but nobody, tries to shut down an debate they know they’ll win.”

    We already won and we want to move on.

  6. Anyone else heard the whispers wafting out of Ottawa the Liberals cheated in the Sept 2021 election? Supposedly Kim Sung Justin lost so efforts were made to prop him up for another minority.

  7. Interesting article for those that choose to become informed:
    The steal was planned long before the election took place. And was initiated and implemented when then polls closed on November 3 last year. They were able to “Saaaaaave the Election!” Thank goodness! Things are so much better down there now, I mean secure borders, secure pronouns, gas prices are the lowest in memory!
    One can only say WOW!
    UnFu (and Allen)- read the article. There will be an exam.
