160 Replies to ““Vaccinated””

  1. How is this reconciled with other UK studies that show the vast majority of deaths are in unvaccinated? Thats what we see in other countries too.

    Seems more like a math error.

      1. This data shows vaccination still protects against death. Remember 90% of seniors and 80%+ of others are vaccinated in the UK. It is important to calculate rates when r population of vaccinated are 9X larger.
        I calculated the unvaccinated in ages 50-59 are 5X more likely to die of covid. Ages 60-79 are 2.5 X more likely to die if unvaccinated and the over 80 set is 30% more likely.
        I would still recommend vaccination for adults but the vaccine isn’t as good as originally billed.

        1. What are you using as the basis for the death rate? When I did the same calculation using VAERS data I found that if 3-5% of deaths were reported in the system then it is comparable risk between the vaccine and dying of COVID. If the widely said 1% reporting rate is correct then the vaccine is between twice and three times as likely to kill as COVID.

          1. I am using the data from the table provided. I assumed 90% vaccination rate for over 60 groups and 80% for the rest.
            When you figure the vaccinated groups are 10X larger in UK seniors then total deaths among vaccinated seniors need to be 10X higher than in unvaccinated seniors to conclude the vaccines are not working. This isn’t the case so they still are reducing serious outcomes but they aren’t as good as previously thought.

        2. There is no protection from anything in these shots. Stupid people are still stupid and the shots are killing them by the tens of thousands. UK National Statistics Data revealed that 30,305 people died within 21 days of having a covid vax in England, in the first 6 months of 2021. I wonder what death toll is now from the vax? The vaxxes do not work.

        3. “It is important to calculate rates when r population of vaccinated are 9X larger.”

          But that’s exactly what has been calculated with populations of un-vaccinated when they were 9X larger.

          When the vaccinated populations were at 0% in 2020 – the death toll was 100% un-vaccinated – not so much anymore, yes?

          So again what is the point of vaccine passports to stop the spread of Covid?

        4. What about 40-49 year olds threatened with being fired if they don’t submit? How many times more likely in that demo to die if unvaxxed?

        5. Okotoks Matt – You don’t have to do any calculations. The link to the COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report – week 38 (Slide 15) clearly shows, the death rates/100k people for the vaccinated and unvaccinated are shown in the two far right columns (which were not shown on Rogan’s show for some reason):
          80+ 5 times higher (156 deaths/100k for unvaccinated vs 49 deaths/100k for 2-dose vaccinated)
          70 – 79 5 times higher
          60 – 69 5 times higher
          50 – 59 9 times higher
          40 – 49 8 times higher
          So I guess you can say, Joe’s guest is a bit misleading… He left the two most important columns out of the table on the show. Nine times less lethal sounds like an easy decision to me. Treatments like Aspirin, Ivermectin obviously play role in the outcomes.

        1. That’s right ASSHOLE.
          Its the Bio Weapon..aka,the mRNA Vax…destroying one’s Immune system leaving all completely vulnerable to any 2 bit pathogen known to man.

          On that note, your going for your booster when..??

          1. And the antidote to this insane Controllavirus and it’s Orwellian tactics to subdue and kill us is…..
            We go out , us lone wolves, and target every one of THOSE Fucks pushing and killing us , before the box cars arrive.
            How we bring accountability to THEM I leave to your imagination.
            Perhaps old school accountability the Wild West Way is suitable, me I prefer the way the Mexican Cartels dispense justice.

            It only takes 1 to 2 % of the population to overthrow THESE pigs , but one has to man up to do it.
            Read what Karl has to say about it.

        2. Holy Cow A. S., I think you might have just blown up all of your past argumentation. Also not established are all the deaths that have been attributed to Covid during the last 18 months, but have been used Authoritatively to create a false perception of the threat level. Unless you have some research that unequivocally demonstrates that the PCR test singles out SARS COV2 infections from all other Coronavirus’ among other confounding variables and then ignores the fact that it detects non viable viral fragments. To paraphrase Dr Coleman “any death within 60 days of a positive PCR test is a Covid death, any death with 60 minutes of a vaccination is a coincidence.” That’s okay though, nobody here is expecting consistency from you.

          1. “Believe all women” and “my body my choice”, just two more examples of leftards pushing rhetorical bullshit when it benefits them, then running away as fast as hell from that same rhetorical bullshit when it doesn’t. Now, to see a loyal leftarded activist complain about authorities not properly reporting COVID deaths is fucking-near priceless.

            The brainwashed trolls here PROVE the adage… “If you want to piss off a conservative, tell them a lie… if you want to piss off a leftard, tell them the truth!”

          2. Uh no dipshit, death certificates saying Covid means that it was the cause of death regardless of what you think. Theres no gotcha moment here.

            Having a death within 28 days isn’t meaningful. That isn’t the only flaw

        3. Well to be honest about it, you will probably find that in all the “Covid deaths”, Covid wasn’t the established cause of death either, EInstein.

        4. Leftists such as Allan S, argue like 4 year old toddlers.

          Last year, they screamed at us that cause of death could only be covid! That we were science deniers and conspiracy theorists!

          Now that people are dying of covid , despite TWO SHOTS of the vaccine ( a vaccine that leftists love more than life itself ), leftists are saying that covid cannot be the cause of death.

          So much irrationality … such simple minds…It is kind of amusing…

    1. These aren’t studies, these are actual UK statistics. You can also look at the latest Scotland results, where COVID deaths for October are 72% vaccinated, and their vaccination rate is ~72%, meaning the vaccine efficacy has declined to about 0%.

        1. They’re using the same criteria they (and you) have used throughout, stupid disingenuous retarded lying fascist fuckwit.

        2. That being the case, using your “logic”, what case has been made, CONCLUSIVELY, the 5-11 year olds require jabbing?
          It’s not deaths, which are statistically non-existent.
          Can’t be case rates, it’s the lowest by far.
          Or is it a case of Do as I say, not as I do?
          Or Irrational Fear and Loathing driving that?
          If the jab doesn’t prevent transmission or cases, and kids don’t die of the Vid, then what’s the point of jabbing them?

        3. Typing all in caps and on separate lines doesn’t make your bullshit true. For starters, page 14 shows you hospitalizations due to covid, and the vaccinated are 85% of cases in the over 80 demographic. Clearly, the vaccine isn’t nearly effective as originally advertised, is it? Next, please refer to page 11 where it clearly states “Deaths include those who died (a) within 28 days of the earliest specimen date or (b) within 60 days of the first specimen date or more than 60 days after the first specimen date with COVID-19 mentioned on the death certificate.”
          Haven’t we been counting everyone that died “with COVID-19 mentioned on the death certificate” as a COVID death? Yes, we have. So if we’re going to count all the unvaccinated dying with COVID as a COVID death, we should also count all the vaccinated dying with COVID as a COVID death too.

          1. It is true, uppercase or not it is true. Wake up get your head out and use the brain God gave you.

        4. One thing is not like the other…

          Allan S’ opinion of people infected with covid and dying in 2021 ; ” they did not die of covid !!!cause of death not established!!! ”

          Allan S’ opinion of people infected with covid and dying in 2020 ; ” cause of death is covid!!! can only be covid !!! “

        5. That Oz is correct and only morons who believe government and media propaganda think otherwise.

        6. “We just have to trust the word of LIARS…………..”


          “Fool me once, shame on you…………………….”

          How many lies can Trudeau, Tam, Fauchi, and the WHO make to the insane left and they will still trust everything they tell them – oh never mind, we all know the definition of insanity.

    2. If your talking math Allan how many 5-11 years olds were in the safety study
      for the vaccines and how many adults ?…I’m only asking because a internet savy MD , used the number of participants in the adult study as an excuse the vaccines were “safe” and effective. Unless I’m mistaken it was shit ton more adults than kids.
      But it seems your alright skimming over the fact adults were guinea pigs s the kids can be too. Own it.

    3. Math errors indeed. The above total “flu” deaths for a 28 day period is 4 times the perennial death rate in any Western nation.
      On average 1% of the population dies yearly and ~1.5% of that number involves a “flu” of some sort. That would make the average UK “flu” related deaths for a 28 day period about 800. The chart tallies up >3100 deaths, a glaringly obvious exaggeration of the impact of Covid-19, considering that excessive death rates are running at about 1%.


      In the above links there is some obfuscation re. delays in data registry which only raise speculation that in this age of instant communication, results are being hidden for some reason.

      At any rate, if the Covid “flu” were killing excessive numbers of our kith and kin we would surely see it; I, for one, don’t see any unusual rate of illness and dying – but then I don’t watch TV.

  2. What this tells me, if true, is that being that the great majority of people are vaccinated in the UK, and that over 70% of Covid 19 deaths are from people who were fully vaccinated, that the Covid 19 vaccines are completely useless, and provides absolutely no protection whatsoever. So there’s no point, no matter what your condition and/or age, in getting “vaccinated” at all.

      1. The jabs are destroying the bodies natural ability to gain immunity, after the third and possibly the fourth shot ADE will be the result, then, just like Aids, you will have no immune system. I suggest that all who believe that the “covid” is real danger, get the shots, do that, but don’t expect me to do it. I don’t have a lot of years left, hell maybe even only a day, but I will not hasten it by being a lab rat for evil people.

        1. My wife’s cousin got the jab a few months ago and within 2 weeks developed major blood clots in his legs. It took him another week to get it properly checked out and he was then diagnosed with lymphatic cancer, with less than a month to live. He died around a month after that.

          That said, he most probably had the cancer all along but with an immune system that was holding it at bay. Oddly enough a week after the jab all hell broke loose with his immune systems ability to fight it.

          Coincidence? Pretty amazing if it was…………….

    1. You know, this should not be a surprise to anyone who paid attention to the ” absolute” effectiveness of the vaccine in reducing serious illness and death. The absolute effectiveness ( vs. relative to a control group) has always been about 1%. Of course no one would have bothered getting the vaccine if they understood that.

  3. They do seem to offer some protection, just not as much or for as long as people would like. And not without some risks of their own either.

    1. Notice the report says effective “up to 4 to 5 months”, but makes no comments beyond. Again, biased commentary, but it’s a government report of course.
      We know the effectiveness drops like a rock after 6 months, but that’s an avoidable self-error by the report writer.
      Everything about government reporting for Covid is spin to the positive, emphasize what they want publicized, and omit/bury/obfuscate the inconvenient truths.
      Yes, time will be the truth teller for the jabs, and the damage they are causing, auto-immune diseases, prion enabled dementia, and ADE. In the meantime, watch Covid rates remain high and get higher as the jabbed continue to be infected by the majority. Here we go!

  4. This was all a charade to get a “Vax Passport” in place which will become a social credit and banking score so people can be depersonalized and removed from the grid at the touch of a button for wrongthink or wrong behavior. They couldn’t care less whether or not it works and every untimely death is another pension payout that stops.

    1. Yes indeed. The vaccine passports have been very effective for that purpose, which was the entire point of the whole escapade, well that and making politicians, journalists and public heath officials very very rich.

    2. I think they were also interested in getting the electromagnetic graphene oxide into our veins. This is an ongoing project.

  5. Above confirmed. This study isn’t all of the Covid cases in England. Also the report says a massive reduction in Covid deaths due to the vaccine. Also consider over 80% of eligible people are vaccinated.

    The other factor is Covid isn’t the established cause of death. If the death happened within 28 or 60 days, it counts here. Not exactly scientific. It will even include false positives.


    1. YeA…you’re Smarter and more knowledgeable than the 60,000+ Drs of FLDA.

      Your smarter than folks like the Ex VP of Pfizer, or those Pfizer folks continually being interviewed by Veritas.

      Your opinion is Greater than Cdn Drs Hoff, Hodkinson, Trozzi, Davidson, Modry and others

      Just go … somewhere – anywhere but here. We tire of your constant I’ll informed Psychotic bullshit.
      The only nothing burger here is you sonny.

      Please get your Booster….hmmm??

    2. Lol, now all of sudden you’re very interested in parsing between deaths with COVID, and deaths because of COVID. Never mind that “death with COVID” has been the metric you goose-stepping retarded fascist shits have used all along to justify your insane totalitarian excesses.

      Put on another mask, stupid lying fuckwit.

        1. The report specifically indicates these are all deaths with covid listed on the death certificate.

      1. It’s pretty important to know the truth when this disease is being used as an excuse to curtail citizen’s freedoms, don’t you think?

        1. “You should review how death certificates work.”

          They used to work by listing the medically confirmed cause of death, or at least they did before those causes of death were tied to *increased funding* in the case of COVID-19 deaths. That’s an undeniable recipe for fraud.

    3. Well, Alan, it seems as though overall death rates in at least 68 countries have gone up noticeably since their vaccine rollouts. Correct, they are not all Covid deaths, but could easily be vaccine related deaths, many of which go unreported. The impact of the vaccines on our immune system is not known, but there us enough evidence to warrant a closer look.

      1. So have case rates. Look at BC. Despite the extortion to get JABBED OR ELSE, case rates remain stubbornly at the 700 per day level, that with an 89% jab rate of the province.

        If the number of Purebloods are small, and, we are not allowed at any large group event, we are just not exposed anywhere. The stats MAKE NO SENSE. That’s because adverse reactions to the jab are counted as Covid cases, ditto for hospitalizations.

        Boriquato blog has noted this as well throughout the world, that high vax countries have HIGH CASE RATES, yet Sweden doesn’t, despite low vax rates.

        The jab is not the saving grace,

    4. Any idea why the “excess deaths” (not covid related) in the UK and Germany have increased? Usually heart issues. So here is the question…..any idea how many of the elderly have died within say 28 days of getting the “life-saving vaccine”?

      1. About 40% vascular disorder and 40% cancers the last 20% assorted other weird excess things. I saw an interesting report about a huge increase in psychosis as well.

  6. The vax passports aren’t useless – they are doing exactly what they were supposed to do: punish people who aren’t vaccinated and inconvenience them so much that they buckle and get the jabs. They are working great. My youngest son just had his first dose of poison last week because of the passport.

  7. What I am hoping someone can explain:
    Isn’t it normal that most deaths are in the vaccinated because most people are vaccinated? If 85% of your population is vaccinated with a leaky vaccine isn’t it normal to see more “breakthrough” cases and therefore deaths in vaxxed than in unvaxxed?

    I can see these numbers as proof that the vaccines are not working as they should however I don’t see that this is proof that the vaccinated are dying at higher statistical rates (per 100,000 vaccinated vs. 100,000 of unvaccinated people). The opposite perhaps, based on the numbers we are aware of.

    1. If 85% of your population is vaccinated, you would expect the number of deaths among vaccinated to be lower than 85% if the vaccines worked. In Scotland, their death rate for the past month among vaccinated is equal to their vaccination rate, which suggests the vaccines are no longer effective.

      1. They are not very effective in the elderly, for very long. Witness the “breakthrough” deaths in Long term Care homes recently.

        Solution: Well a Booster of course! Except, the booster effectiveness is far more short lived…..and then what, a 4th? 5th? Just keep stabbing them monthly? Hey look, more guinea pigs for Big Gov monsters and Big Pharma.

        1. I think the vaccinated are going to have to get boosters forever. It would have surprised me a year ago that this would be considered an acceptable solution. Now, I think people might be ok with it.

          I will take my decimal place chances with COVID and add some HCQ to the mix.

          1. Yes, if you have been following, the Zelenko protocol is suggested.
            Vit C &D, Zinc, Quercetin, and IVM if you find it. NAC and Claritin are also good choices.
            99.7% survivability, vs the dose of immune system destroyer (long term as per GVB, Malone, Yeadon, et al)……hmmm…..

          2. Look at it this way … the legal Drug Dealers are intent on getting as many people as possible addicted to vaccines since the vaccines destroy one’s natural immune system. Then … they will have repeat customers forever.

            Their enablers … aka government and government paid medical people are as guilty of this outrage as the Drug Dealers themselves.

            The truth will all come out over time and the evidence so over whelming that tens of millions of fully vaxxed addicts will hang their heads in shame and regret. Can’t wait until it’s the fully vaccinated who are not allowed on Airplanes, Bars, Gyms, Sports Events, Restaurants etc.

  8. Here’s some useful information about the effectiveness of various treatments. Quite interesting to see that fish tank cleaner is very effective if used early, and horse dewormer is effective overall. More notable, however, is just how effective Vitamin D is.

    If any of you are on Twitter, take some time to share this report. The more it’s shared, the harder it will be to suppress this information.

  9. This isn’t the whole story. The number of adverse drug reactions and their long term impact needs to be in the risk /reward analysis. Long term – There’s the rub.


    On this WHO site go to bottom – click the check box to continue to the database .
    use the search for the following terms (compare results from e.g. smallpox vaccine vs. covid -19 vaccine.

    COVID-19 vaccine
    measles vaccine
    smallpox vaccine

    from the help: What is VigiAccess?
    VigiAccess is a web-based tool for searching VigiBase (see below) to retrieve summarised statistical representations of the data available on potential side effects that have been reported to the World Health Organization Programme for International Drug Monitoring (WHO PIDM). VigiAccess was designed to deliver greater transparency to the medical safety system by providing a basic overview of the potential side effects reported in association with any particular medicinal product. Please note, in VigiAccess, potential side effects are listed under the heading “Adverse drug reactions (ADRs)”, but this listing includes suspected adverse drug reactions (in relation to medicines) and adverse events following immunization (in relation to vaccines).

    1. So the local health authorities have and are doing it anyway. Local school boards are run by the minister too so …

    2. This is big news. Hope the rest of the world takes heed. The Nuremberg Law (Code) must be adhered to for the sake of mankind.

      But…what will they think of next?

    3. it was a Bill put forth by a Liberal Member, so it’s not really Ford getting taken to the woodshed.

  10. Francisco, why do you exclude showing the last 2 columns of the table from pg 15 which show the death rates normalized per 100,000?

    The rate of death in UNvaccinated folk is ~3 to 9X GREATER than the vaccinated.

    appears somewhat disingenuous

    1. I cropped the image to focus on what Berenson was talking about so as to make it easier to follow.

      If you want to see what’s been going on in those columns over time follow the last link in the post to a Twitter thread that explains it well. Though I suspect you won’t like it because it tells the same story.


      1. Berenson is also being disengenuous by talking Absolute not Relative numbers. One must normalise numbers to determine meaningful death rates, and rates of covid death are lower in the vaccinated.

        The twitter thread is good but not new, the UK ramped up the vax faster than Canada and as efficacy wanes the larger number of free-ranging vaccinated folk become increasingly susceptible.

        What i don’t like is the constant promotion of one side of a complex and evolving life-and-death issue like covid. This is to the serious detriment of any elderly higher-risk readers who may look to SDA for balanced commentary. Also, In Alberta ICU occupancy has been pushed to the limit. ~90% of those in ICU are UNvaccinated. This is local, current, empirical evidence of vaccine efficacy, and yes it wanes over time, but today is what counts. Couple this with the collateral health damage that comes from cancelled surgeries/transplants/treatments/diagnoses etc.

        And sadly Saskatchewan has the highest recent death rate from COVID-19 of all provinces.

        1. Of specific importance to the elderly in Alberta is that this 4th wave has seen a disproportionate increase in cases in less-vaccinated 80+ year olds in rural regions. Again, this is complex and one needs to be a biostatistician to figure it all out…but downplaying vaccines for your SDA readers is dangerous as evidence shows.


          1. The fact that people DIE at all, fully vaxxed, should bother you, doesn’t it?

            Or are you another Eugenist, and deaths of innocents are acceptable Collateral Damage.

            Explain how that is acceptable in modern society, Monster!

          2. Ben, it is not complex. The vaccines are approximately the same danger as covid, are temporary, any protection is temporary, and news about them is getting worse over time. Why do you hate people so much?

          3. Keep in mind that a good portion of the ‘older’ deaths, over the last three months, have been in vaccinated people. Almost half the 80+ deaths in Alberta have been in the double vaxxed. The increase in cases of older people is of both the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

            In Alberta, in August, there were 59 (or 60) deaths (depending on the table offered by AHS). 27 of those people were fully vaccinated (~45%), leaving 32 (or 33) unvaccinated. Some of those people could also have been recently vaccinated. 45 of 60 -75% are over 70.

            In Alberta, in September, there were191 deaths. 72 of those people were fully vaccinated and 119 were classified as unvaccinated (which includes newly vaccinated) – 37.70% & 62.30% respectively. 46% of the deaths were of people over 80 years of age and 23% were 70-79 years of age. It is in these older ages that you will see most of the vaccine break throughs and deaths.

            October is looking a lot like September, so far.

            COVID-19 deaths in the past 120 days in Alberta by vaccine status in those over 80 – 47.2% & 4.3% fully and partially vaccinated, 48.5% unvaccinated. – https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#vaccine-outcomes

        2. I don’t believe normalizing across a random set of 100,000 people is accurate either. We have plenty of statistics that show age and co-morbodities are factors as well.

          There’s probably some staged and qualified analysis needed along these lines.

          One way to look at it is this:

          What is my probability to catch covid? Then what can and am I doing to reduce that? (Vitamins, ivm, etc) What is my age? If I do get it, what is my probability of being hospitalized? What can be done to fight covid at this stage? (Mulnipovir, et al) Lastly, what are my actual chances of dying from covid? (age, comorbidities, etc)

        3. I agree, “…constant promotion of one side of a complex and evolving life-and-death issue like covid”, is not right but that is exactly what the media and governments are doing. There is no evolution or communication of caution as data is available. If reading/listening to the mainstream media only, it would have to be seen as a simple answer; GET THE VAXXX. No explanation of side effects, no warning that it may be a different situation for a young person vs. ones that are senior. Long term degradation of health not mentioned. I can see very clearly why the SDA contributors don’t feel it necessary to repeat that screed.

    2. Well, to balance out the situation, we should also be told how many people have died within 28 days of receiving their “life saving vaccine”. For example, the “excess deaths” (non-covid) in the UK and Germany is up 10%…..mostly heart issues. Why?

  11. If the government and health system made a mistake in pushing the vaccines would they ever admit that?
    How many doctors have been fired for questioning the policy?
    If the policy is wrong who will tell them when they fire anyone who questions it?

  12. Missing in all of the discussion here is the summary on page 13 of the report. It would seem that the jabbed over forty crowd are more at risk of contracting the virus than the unjabbed crowd. Now there is the conundrum, whether to get poked with the needle with the adverse side effects and the increased chance of contracting the disease or to go unjabbed and go with the odds.

    On the other topic about governments saving money on cancelled pensions there is also the government savings on decreasing patient care costs since there will be less senior patients to fill the hospitals.

    1. So there won’t be as many senior patients to look after because they’ve been vaxxed, and hospital staff are turning away patients who are not vaxxed.

      Seems to me that there are going to be a lot of empty hospitals in the near future, which, I suppose, the spin in that case will be what a healthy population we have thanks to the vax, and how efficient our hell-th care system really is.

    1. If this is true, then the obvious solution is to make human Ivermectin available for purchase, rather than having people have to resort to horse paste. Human Ivermectin is very safe.

      1. Horse paste , of the correct type, is very safe also when applied in the proper dosage.
        Just because the full tube is in front of you doesn’t mean you have to take the whole thing, just as a having a full bottle of Tylenol doesn’t mean you gotta gulp it all down in one shot.
        You , are ultimately responsible for your own actions.

        I have used the horse paste , with great success and am still here with no side effects other than a stiffer chubby in the morning of which the wife fully appreciates.

        1. I have the oral “syringe” dose, good for 1 application to a 1500 lb horse.
          Equivalent to 6 treatments of a 250 lb horse.
          The media is full of nonsense and lies for anything that isn’t official government issued propaganda.
          Completely untrustworthy!
          It feels like the Soviet Union 70s era.

    2. Of course, generic story , no examples, gubmint propaganda willingly broadcast by Tass, Pravda was too busy with stories of Racism and Climate Alarmism.

    3. Exactly….and people might take vet ivermectin simply because the “medical establishment” refuses to offer the real stuff. And actually, the NIH in the U.S. mentions “anti-viral agents” approved or under evaluation for treatment of Covid 19…..ivermectin is noted there.

      It is extremely safe. There is very little downside in prescribing ivermectin (well except for Pfizer and other drug pushers) and HUGE upside to doing so…… according to the American Journal of Therapeutics….

      Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19

      Kory, Pierre MD1,*; Meduri, Gianfranco Umberto MD2; Varon, Joseph MD3; Iglesias, Jose DO4; Marik, Paul E. MD5


      In summary, based on the totality of the trials and epidemiologic evidence presented in this review along with the preliminary findings of the Unitaid/WHO meta-analysis of treatment RCTs and the guideline recommendation from the international BIRD conference, IVERMECTIN SHOULD BE GLOBALLY AND SYSTEMATICALLY DEPLOYED IN THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF COVID-19.”


  13. The other piece to this is the previous video posted on this blog of a funeral director in the UK stating that his “client total” actually went down (which is the opposite of what you would expect during a pandemic). That brings into question the actual cause of death and the reliability of these figures regardless of vaccinated or un-vaccinated.

    1. A filter.
      Filter out everyone from the government workforce who questions anything, anyone who dares to think.

  14. Even the absolutely worst age group has an 83% share of vaccinated deaths within 28 days of a positive. This age group is 93% vaccinated. That means the vaccine reduced deaths. These two numbers diverge as you go younger.

    But wait! Theres more!

    They’re not establishing cause of death. They are not using death certificate data. Only “death within 28 days of positive test”. Numerous flaws here. First, a positive test does not mean they died of Covid. Second, the possibility of false positives also skews the data.

    But wait! Theres more!

    For those combining any of the age groups:


    1. Any idea how many people have died within 28 days of getting their “life saving vaccine”? The answer might be found in the 10% increase in “excess deaths” in the UK and Germany recently that are not covid related. They appear to be mostly heart conditions. What do you think might be causing that?

  15. As more people are vaccinated the ratio of vaccinated to unvaccinated getting COVID will increase. The reason is there will be less vaccinated. A more useful graph is of total deaths due to COVID. Are more people dying of covid as the vaccination rate increases? A fair question I think.


    Click on “All” to get the full graph and then sit back and reflect.

  16. They’re not establishing cause of death. They are not using death certificate data. Only “death within 28 days of positive test”.

    Strange, this was the standard measure of Covid mortaility across the world. When we sceptics were pointing out that “death with Covid test” didn’t mean “death by Covid” we were accused of dangerous conspiracy misinformation.

    But Allan S can’t have it both ways. He must now accept that Covid-19 is not a dangerous disease, as nearly all the deaths ascribed to it are by bogus measurement.

    1. There is an interesting article (I can’t find the link) that discusses “cause of death”. The author makes the case that most people die of boring things like being fat, or getting old and being so dehydrated they have a heart attack. Their deaths are never recorded as “obesity” or “dehydration”. But the opposite is clearly happening with COVID. Whatever a person is dying of, if they have COVID they die of COVID. How on Earth can we understand the severity of a disease if our data is fudged?

    2. 100% false. Having covid on the death certificate means covid caused the death. 96% of CDC death certs with Covid have it as the main underlying cause. The other 4% have it as a contributing factor.

      Having a positive test result means Covid *may* have contributed to the death.

      Your comparison isn’t even in the same ballpark AND that is only one issue with the SDA analysis, if you want to call it that.

      1. Having a positive test result means Covid *may* have contributed to the death.

        Like say when they said folks had died of CV, but it turned out they died of gun-shot or knife.

        Heck they couldn’t even get George Floyd right (he died from heart issues and then they added CV). Which had ZERO to do with this death.

        1. “Like say when they said folks had died of CV, but it turned out they died of gun-shot or knife.”

          Or motorcycle accident.

      2. Uh….no it doesn’t. It means nothing of the sort. The number of Covid “deaths” is highly distorted.

        Monitoring the emergence of COVID-19 in the United States and guiding public health response will also require accurate and timely death reporting. The purpose of this report is to provide guidance to death certifiers on proper cause-of-death certification for cases where confirmed OR SUSPECTED COVID-19 infection resulted in death. As clinical guidance on COVID-19 evolves, this guidance may be updated, if necessary. When COVID-19 is determined to be A cause of death, it is important that it be reported on death certificate to assess accurately the effects of this pandemic and appropriately DIRECT PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSE. – April 2020 CDC Guidance.

      3. I belueve the CDC admitted that only about 6% of Covid deaths were really from Covid. The figures on Covid deaths have been wildly exaggerated.

  17. Aaaaaaaand right on cue, the latest crap from the CDC:


    “Full vaccination” will soon mean “two shots plus booster.” And then they’ll go to “two shots plus two boosters,” etc.

    Welcome to the 21st Fuck*ng Century, simps. Now roll up your sleeve while you chase that cat.

  18. The vaccine is a test of loyalty.

    CBC reports that anybody refusing to take it in Ontario will be deemed to have been fired for cause and will be denied EI payments.

    1. COVID is a religion and the injection is their baptismal sacrament. Moloch will be appeased and you will not be allowed food from Mother Earth unless you sacrifice a fetal stem cell line to Moloch.

    2. It’s a flamingly dumb move on the part of TPTB, but it’s tracking the same move made in many states in the U.S., for example, so I can’t say I’m really surprised. It’s going to create a lot of social unrest, unfortunately.

    3. Exactly.
      I’m hoping I’m not collateral damage when SHTF from those deemed unfit for society.
      Turning law-abiding people into terrorists over a virus with a 99% survival rate – at the least – is madness.

    4. Except the government has no authority to determine a company reason for letting someone go. And if they are paid severance, it is “without cause”. Furthermore, existing employment contracts (whether written or not), do not permit the employer to subject employees to medical treatments no more than Harvey Weinstein had the authority to demand sexual favours from women he employed.

  19. The bad math performed and communicated by the authorities is appalling. On the other hand, those opposed to the bad math shouldn’t spread their own bad math. The partial table provided here is an example of even more bad math! The number of deaths alone tells nothing without the underlying exposure. For example (made up numbers) 20 vaccinated deaths isn’t worse than 10 unvaccinated deaths if there are 100,000 vaccinated people in the group being measured, and only 1,000 unvaccinated people. The table on the posting was truncated to exclude the rates per 100,000. On the rates per 100,000, it shows that the rate of death for unvaccinated is substantially lower than for the vaccinated.

    1. You might want to double check a few things before jumping to that conclusion there bad math guy.

  20. Francisco: Your last line. You’re trying to “win the argument”.

    The EGTIP (experimental gene therapy injection passports) are NOT USELESS.

    They are useless only if you misunderstand their purpose.

      1. But it does contain Luciferese.
        Whatever the fuck that is , I have an inkling it ain’t for our benefit.

      2. It’s not a vaccine (at least the mRNA) as it doesn’t stop transmission. It is AT BEST, and injectable therapeutic with unknown long term effects.

        1. What year was it that Fauci said mRNA 2015 or 2018 should not be used on humans.
          Yes it was in the papers. This guy is all over the board.

      3. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t take the stuff. All the same, it ain’t gene therapy, as far as I know. Could they put reverse transcriptase in it without telling anyone? I like to think not.
        As far as chips, etc, well, that’s flat Earther stuff, just like the satellite mind reading/control BS that some folk believe. Those people don’t seem to be cognizant of the necessary infrastructure to build such things, and, if that infrastructure existed, the panacea of goods that would be available to people. Musk’s Neuralink is still in its infancy, and it, like fire, the transistor, radar, etc, will bring untold nightmares and dreams into being.
        You can’t stop the signal.

        1. It’s all around definition. Is it “gene therapy” by definition? And by WHOSE definition? Is it a “vaccine”? No….certainly not by the definition at the time they were released. Those vaccines that are not mRNA are vaccines by the definition at the time of their release. MRNA aren’t.

          1. “Gene therapy” means able to effect changes to genes. That’s my definition. Yours may differ, and you may consider tobacco to be gene therapy. I don’t care. This cannot change one’s genes in the absence of reverse transcriptase, at least no more than tobacco can.

  21. On a company Covid webinar right now.
    The ‘expert doctor ‘ has explained how the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines triggers the immune system.
    Nothing about how they actually work.
    He’s a bit mixed up about what vaccines are available in Canada.

    Now he’s explaining how those who have had Covid don’t have as good of protection as the vaccines provide. No mention of Israel or the U.K.

    There are no long term effects from the mRNA vaccines because that can’t happen.

    A farce.

    1. “Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19”


      Experimental mRNA vaccines have been heralded as having the potential for great benefits, but they also harbor the POSSIBILITY OF POTENTIALLY TRAGIC AND EVEN CATASTROPHIC UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES. The mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been implemented with great fanfare, but there are many aspects of their widespread utilization that merit concern. We have reviewed some, but not all, of those concerns here, and we want to emphasize that these concerns are potentially serious and might not be evident for years or even transgenerationally.”

      That is from a 42 page report in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research, May 10, 2021


      1. As far as I’m concerned, there is no such thing as an mRNA vaccine. It ain’t gene therapy, but it ain’t a vaccine either. India is making real vaccines, that can be taken orally, inhaled, etc.
        As to how effective they are, well, I’ll take my chances and do nothing, maybe drink more OJ or milk for vitamins…and drink like a fish and smoke tobacco, maybe a wee bit of hashish…

  22. Anybody seen a movie called “Vexille”?
    Its quite fitting in this day and age, and someone should make a movie called “Vaxille.”

  23. If I told you,

    70% of crashes were with airplane that used a new special fuel additive.

    the other 30 % that crashed were using NONE of that fuel additive.

    In which airplane would you prefer flying?

    70% of covid deaths in the UK are people FULLY VACCINATED

    it is clear that not being vaccinated gives you better odds of NOT dying.

    1. What if I told you:

      “Inject this shit into yourself, or else!
      It’s good for you! See my stats, ye mighty, and despair!
      If you don’t believe me, I’ll rob you of your freedom, perhaps even your life, if I can pull it off!
      Now take the shot!”

      Talk about inspiring confidence.

    2. The problem is in the use of percentages.
      Suppose I told you that the 70% of planes using the fuel additive represented 99% of all planes in the air and the 30% represented the remaining 1%. Which airplane would you prefer then?

      1. “Which airplane would you prefer then?”
        The one that doesn’t try to force me to take an injection.

  24. Here is a US DoD report on COVID Breakthrough Infections/Deaths. It is having a hard time staying on the internet:

    … The report admitted that 71 percent of cases were breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated individuals and 60 percent of hospitalizations were fully vaccinated.

    Humetrix also found that when Delta took over, Messenger RNA vaccine efficacy declined significantly over time. The breakthrough infection rate was almost twice as high 5 to 6 months after full vaccination compared to at the 3 to 4 month mark, with a similar statistic present for hospitalizations…

  25. I don’t know what’s funnier. Watching act 4 scene 3 of Death of the Wuhan Lie, or seeing so many guys disrobing so that Allen S can tug his little pudd.

  26. I’m willing to bet that some time around 2017 or 2018, a confidential discussion took place at either Davos or Bilderberg, along the lines of the problems for advanced countries paying out pensions to seniors with life expectancy soaring past 80. That discussion probably led to some others and now we are seeing the results.

    The behaviour of some governments early on in this pandemic was apparently a desire to accelerate the inevitable outcome. I don’t think this will end for quite some time, they want to load down the older portion of the population nearing pension age with guaranteed life shortening formulations. A return to the old standard of seventy years would suit our governments (and the undertakers) very well indeed, pension in, but no pension out. So that money can go to offspring and relatives doing consulting work, studies to see when native people can get clean drinking water, and the long overdue end of hate; apparently the curve they wanted to flatten was our growing life expectancy.

    1. Thank you Watcher for linking this! Maybe the EU will turn the tide and freedom will prevail! This EU press conference finally is giving me some hope 🙂

  27. It’s amazing to me that you deliberately truncated the table in order to remove the rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated people, the rates that showed that unvaccinated people were many more times likely to die during the time period.

    It’s pure dishonesty. I am really disappointed that Kate stands for this.

    1. “More here” is “Pure dishonesty?”
      Do you assume the rest of visitors here are as stupid as yourself?
      Click on link…for rest of information..
      This is too hard for you?
      So you accuse Franciso of “Pure Dishonesty and express your “dissapointment”.
      You could be a Liberal.

  28. Is any country who gave Astra Zeneca, keeping track of the mortality and infection rates between each type (AZ, Pf, Mod) of those double vaxxed. Just curious if they are all relatively equally ineffective.
