46 Replies to “Who’s Worried”

  1. Stands to reason. Those of us who haven’t succumbed to the mindless fear porn aren’t worried about the Wuhan crud and won’t risk the experimental gene treatment. The frightened rabbits, on the other hand…

      1. Grain of salt. I wouldn’t call it AIDS though.

        But, the basic premise of Zelenko, Yeadon and GVB, is that the jabbed will be immunocompromised and unable to ward off simple illnesses, as a result of the CLOTSHOT

        1. Dan: that’s basically what AIDS is. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and the clot shot does precisely that. Agreed that it is not the same as HIV/AIDS, but the effect is similar – the sufferer succumbs to other infections for which they have severely reduced or no immunity.

          1. Yep methinks Dan has been drinkin the bathwater. If you have no immune system Dan. You basically have what they call AIDS

    1. I expect some buyer’s remorse to start showing up as more and more vaccinated get the virus. Maybe that’s why they are switching the narrative to “a really bad cold”.

    2. very true. we did not fear the virus and now we are finding out that the vaxxinated carry up to five times the iral loadof unvaxxinated!


  2. Isn’t this obvious? I mean, wouldn’t the people who were worried about COVID because they were high risk (or hypochondriacs) have naturally been the first to queue up for the vaccine? Why would anyone expect the results to be different?

    1. I think they expected that people who took the vaccine would no longer be afraid of the coof. And the vaccinated seem to imagine us unvaccinated as living in absolute terror of contracting the wuflu.

      1. That’s why we keep asking the jabbed the following questions, based on how REAL vaccines work.
        “If you are vaccinated, you are protected, aren’t you?”
        “If you’re not protected, then it’s a very poor vaccine, or not a vaccine at all.”
        “If you knew it was a poor vaccine before taking the shots, why did you take it at all?”

        Logical, critical thinking. Trumped by IRRATIONAL FEAR, PANIC and FEELINGS!

  3. I believe a lot has to do with the “victim mentality.” There are those among us (a significant number of the populous) who have bought into the perpetual victim status. As a result, they go searching for the scenario. And, when they find something to latch onto, it envelopes their very soul. They eat, sleep and drink it. They are incapable of accepting a contrary viewpoint because of this obsession.

    Those who aren’t very concerned, for the most part, don’t buy into that mentality. Instead, they have a more positive view of the present and the future. They are more interested in what THEY can accomplish and overcome on their own, and not what someone else will do to protect them. Depending on others to remedy your situation is akin to giving up to some extent.

    Hell, that’s why conservatives are basically more happy than liberals.

    In addition, I sort of believe a Venn Diagram of “victim status mentality” individuals and “those lacking critical thinking” would be one big circle.

  4. And just like that *snaps fingers* … all those “Not at all concerned” will be labeled anti-science, bum-fuck, Trumpistas …

  5. Jesus, I am an old man and I really don’t give a damn. People who are afraid of dying are more afraid of living. This bullshit has gone on way too long, the stupid people who are terrified of dying need to die so the rest of the world can get on with living.

    1. “the stupid people who are terrified of dying need to die so the rest of the world can get on with living”
      I think I will start adding that to my email signature line…

    2. As Kate is fond of saying … “We need a Famine”. Not a FAKE pandemic. FAKE in the disconnect between the TRUTH of it (dangerous to old and sickly people) and the FALSEHOOD (you’re all gonna dieeeeee if you don’t get jabbed with some experimental concoction).

      The entire world has got it too good. Nothing of REAL substance to worry about

  6. I’m flabbergasted that so many of my otherwise ‘conservative’ leaning friends are absolutely immovable in their desire for evermore stringent regulation on their own lives. After sending one of them a link to the National Institutes of Health in the US, showing that Ivermectin was approved for prophylactic use in early onset Covid, part of his response was this: “Who else but our governments, acting on the educated advice of our scientific and health professionals, could legally impose protective measures?”

    He, and many others, despite being vaxxed to the max, remain deathly afraid of death. He referenced “50 million dead due to Spanish Flu”. I pointed out that per capita deaths were six times higher than that of Covid and that the vast majority were amongst the young – and I offered direct data and links demonstrating this. Does not matter. The ‘appeal to authority’ of Bonnie Henry somehow gives comfort and an ability to willfully reject anything that could be construed as ‘good news’ or optimism.

    Our next door neighbours are both in their late 80’s and granted, in frail health. Both are double vaccinated. The wife told me they had been to a restaurant for breakfast last week, their first outing in 18 mths. I asked, “what about family and friends”? They see a family member occasionally, but haven’t seen any of their lifelong friends since this all began. Pointing out that living in near isolation isn’t living, but existing, means nothing. “Living” is just too dangerous and they’d rather spend whatever time is left to them, just existing.

  7. This makes sense, at least if I apply it to most of my family. They are the ones who wake up to 24/7 “news” , watch it all day and their last blinking moments are still glued to the non-stop fear mongering.


    1. Kelly, re. ‘fear mongering’….That’s a way of keeping people in line. After this planned crisis, the fear merchants will move on to ‘Climate Change’ again. The globalists shovel money into Bill Gates’s coffers. He’s just so ready to sell his contact tracing program. His CHIP was patented March 26/2020.

    2. I just read somewhere, that in all the CRAZY INSANE NAZI INSANITY in New Zealand that a total of like 28 people have died of COVID. FFS

  8. Not surprising given that we are witnessing mass hysteria. Kind of like “War of the Worlds”, actually.

    1. War of the World panic via the mass media of the day.

      Playing on peoples existing fears
      Delivered authoritatively.

      Anyone notice ..remember all the wiping, 6 feet, barriers? Remember all the reports of covid on door nobs, surfaces, someone coughing across the store and you breathing in?
      What happened? Were they lying then or now? Covid should be spread deep and thick on everything by now.

      Lying then or now?

      Yet that wiping, spraying, barrier panic is over?

      Lying then or lying now?

      But there is the “vaccines” And booster one, two, three, every….6 or 4 or monthly…

      Lying then or now? Answer, why not both. Always.

  9. There’s a lot going on here and none of it is good. Remember how we all live in fear of getting polio and smallpox? No? What do you mean absolutely no one worries about that? Why?

  10. My guess would be that poll will be used to validate the narrative that the jabbed are fearful because of the unjabbed (yes I know it makes no sense). Its all about he narrative.

    1. Absolutely. Trying to get my mother and sister to say they are satisfied with the “protection” they chose to receive and not involve me as an unwilling subplot to their bullet-proof (not bullet-proof apparently) health story, is like bending an iron rod with your bare hands. It ain’t going to happen.

      Our phone calls usually devolve into the twighlight zone version of Who’s on First? Where they at once proclaim they are protected, and yet moments later, because of folks like me, not…it’s like either side of their brains are working independent of each other.

    2. … a Narrative that has to change ever few days because of all that unfortunate evidence that leaks out over social media (the popular press cannot be trusted to report it).

  11. Now, I was assured by people who have no medical or scientific background that they were safe because a waitress at a restaurant checked their laminated card (the cell phone one didn’t work – again!) and said it was fine. She wouldn’t lie about that, would she?

  12. The people that are petrified about Wuhan Flu are the same people who believe that their vaccine only works when their neighbors are vaccinated.

  13. A retired nurse from California recently asked, “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?” If the vaccine works to prevent infection, then the vaccinated have nothing to worry about.

  14. In Alberta, only 290000 or so have tested positive for the disease, out of a population of 4 million. That’s 7% of the population, after it has been circulating for 18 months. Fewer than 1% of those who tested positive died. And most of those cases were before the vaccine existed.

    The percentage of those vaccinated who are still concerned is more than double the percentage of those who actually caught it. They’re delusional.

    1. What truly is delusional is that there is a “vaccine” that actually works against the flu.

      1. From memory so vry suspect, but I remember flu vacinations going from 5% population in 1960, to about 60% now.

        By and large no % by population difference in flu deaths.

        Flu vaccination = no difference . Decades of data confirm.

  15. I am 64. I am not vaccinated. I have less worry about this virus than I have about getting in a car accident. I don’t take any precautions whatsoever. About the virus that is. I wear my seatbelt religiously.

    1. I’m two years older. Have also been wearing my seat belt and haven’t got the virus.
      If those people that got the vaccine are so worried about getting the virus they should just start wearing their seat belt, so far it’s efficacy has been 100% for us… better than any of the vaccines!
      That would at least demonstrate that they have some ability to think logically.

      1. I am old enough to be your father and I too wear my seatbelt, sort of. “Vaccines”, nope.

  16. The doublethink is mind blowing. The purpose of a vaccine is to protect yourself, not others. But the COVID poison jab is sold as “we all need to have it or else”.
    Neighbours are convinced, despite being vaccinated, they will succumb to death if they are in the presence of an unvaccinated person. They hate me for pointing out the purpose of a vaccine and go into chanting the narrative.

    1. Chanting the narrative. Thanks for that. Still laughing.

      Spouse and I are also completely unconcerned about the coof. We’ve even been to a beer garden packed with unmasked millennials (gasp) and done other untoward things for over a year.

  17. I’m 72, unvaxxed, and have no concerns about the wuflu, but do have concerns about the whugoo, and will not take it. Those that are vaxxed seem to be in three camps. Camp one being, not concerned if another is vaxxed or not, camp two, are the suspicious types that keep their distance, and mask up when outdoors. Camp three are the Karens and Kens that are convinced that you intend them harm if you’re not vaxxed. We don’t see them much because they are afraid to leave their homes, and probably bathe daily in sanitizer. I’m sure there is a whole bunch of sub camps that branch off from the main three, but those are my simple observations.

    Those of us in camp zero, who remain unvaxxed, and have no irrational fear of the dreaded Covid, seem to be the only people that are level headed, well adjusted, think logically, and don’t live in mortal fear of others because of all this insanity. I personally, am very happy to be a proud member of that camp zero, and continue living my life just as I did before this idiocy savaged the populations of the world. It’s way better than living in fear of those other camps, of family and friends. Living in fear of living, is no way to live, and living in fear of dying, which is gonna happen at some point, is no way to live either. Nuff said.
