Digital Dollars

Zerohedge-The ‘War On Cash’ Endgame Is Here

Building on the bitcoin model, central banks are planning to produce their own “digital currencies”. Removing any and all remaining privacy, granting total control over every transaction, even limiting what ordinary people are allowed to spend their money on.

From the moment bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies first emerged, sold as an independent and alternative medium of exchange outside the financial status quo, it was only a matter of time before the new alternative would be absorbed, modified and redeployed in service of the state.

16 Replies to “Digital Dollars”

  1. Negative interest rates make this move inevitable. Issuance of paper currency will be strictly limited in order to force depositors to take a loss on every deposit and postpone the bank runs.

  2. 6build 6ack 6etter …
    … and the IRS can digitally destroy your entire wealth … with the click of a mouse. For “wrong” thoughts. For spreading “misinformation”

  3. That was one of the more depressing articles I have read lately. I’ve also been watching La Palma. While most experts don’t think the mega tsunami is a real thing, I am beginning to hope it might happen. Only sad part is it won’t reach Ottawa.

  4. Our current unit of exchange is so debased that we could replace it with any agreed upon item and real trade will continue.
    The parasitic overload will be at a major disadvantage if we abandon their fiat dollar,because this is the easiest way they have ,to steal from the productive.
    Now I propose we use live ammo,as our new unit.
    Different calibers can fill in for different denominations…
    And the advantage is your money will never be worth zero.

  5. I was in South Africa in the late 1980s and they were encouraging blacks to use debit cards. I was impressed and mentioned we didn’t even have them in Canada. The answer was that blacks used cash in a barter economy and were impossible to keep track of. I was even more impressed. Looks like I’m changing color soon.

  6. The imperative isn’t dealing with underground economies, is to sidestep accountability for increasing taxes, by plundering savings.

    “In Greece, capital controls didn’t allow withdrawals of more than €60 a day, which led many Greeks to turn to Bitcoin to guard their savings. Of course, only the lucky were able to withdraw any money, since over two thirds of ATMs in Greece had no available funds. Endless queues formed in front of bank branches, with customers waiting for over three hours to withdraw their money.”

    Our politicians, of course, don’t seem willing to learn from what happened in Greece. The only thing they can think of is to smile for the cameras and claim such a crisis could never happen at home. They make promises and comments on how well things are going now. They forget, of course, how close we came to seeing the same situation in Spain, Italy, and Portugal, and that with unstoppable debt and sanctions around the corner, things aren’t looking good.”

    Who else remembers the Greek government promising to pay their debts? Of course, they did so without enforcing cuts or budget changes, keeping their loss-making spending policy and trusting that things would go to plan simply because they always had done.”

    Imagine what it was like to experience the Greek crisis. You live in a European country with a long tradition and history, a country where the economy has long been described as poor, but where nothing is being done to change this.

    And one day, you wake up to find that the banking system has lost $700 million overnight. The banks, of course, have lost the money deposited by their clients, and any savings kept there have been reduced to a figure in the owner’s bank book (or on the bank’s website).”

    1. If such a thing is coming, the easiest way to prepare is withdrawing those funds BEFORE the ATMs run out of cash. Maybe turn some of that into gold and silver.

  7. Bitcoin has value because it has to be “mined” with computer processing power, as opposed being merely “willed into being” as gov’t has done with our current currencies.

    Bitcoin or Eth or whichever, will still be valued at +$55k / $US crypto, (today’s exchange rate) or whichever local fiat you’d care to trade it into…

    When or if gov’t starts with their version of crypto currencies, they’ll be every bit as valued as the current paper / fiat currencies are, because they’ll “will them into being” and spend them in the same manner, for whichever pet project they think will garner them the most votes in the next election.

    Recall when Venezuela renamed the Boliver into the “Strong Bolivar” and then spent it at the same rate, rendering it as useful as the old Bolivar in short order.
    If this is explained to those siding with the gov’t overseers, they’ll respond in the same tired yet proven false argument of…

    “This time is different”

  8. Check out John Titus’s Best Evidence YouTube channel for a very entertaining break down of all their scheming.

  9. I’m kind of thinking that there are several different factions who believe that their planned endgame is just about to be set in motion.

    They’re going to be so surprised to find out that they aren’t playing chess at all. The game is more like Monopoly with an irritable gorilla. The money and deeds are all fake, and if you win, the gorilla tears your arms off and beats you with them.

  10. Digital currency goes hand-in-hand with the latest government proposals to require transaction reporting on any account that has a balance of $600 at any time during the year. The government will have the ability to know what you buy, what you sell, how much money you received from or gave to any other person, and exactly when (and likely where) those transactions occurred.

  11. This has been a l-o-n-g time in the making. Small, seemingly insignificant changes all in the name of “convenience” that nary raise an eyebrow, drawn out over the course of years – and here we are in 2021. Lay away plans, S&H Green Stamps, buy now/pay later, no interest until January, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, low monthly payments, debit cards, EBT cards, credit “scores”, swipe and go, bar codes, QR codes, preferred customer cards, fingerprint and other biometric scans.

    The masses have been lulled – no, make that anesthesized away from hard currency and the importance of opening a physical wallet, peering inside to see available funds, actual thinking, and then deciding whether extracting x amount of said funds is going to put them in financial peril.

    That said, is it really any wonder we’re seeing government controlled digital currency looming on the horizon?

  12. When they do issue digital currency, and digital bank accounts, with universal basic income, they will also tell us it’s only the sensible thing to do. Of course, we’ll still keep regular real cash around, they’ll say, ….until they, decide regular cash is just so messy. Plus, people carry that stuff in their pockets with their shitty hankies that they’ve been sneezing Covid into. Time for CASH to go. Of course by then, the peasants will have been weaned on to free digital UBI, just like they weaned them on to debit and credit cards. How can they resist free digital money?

    Of course, over time, the “free” money will arrive in your digital account on the first of the month, and if not all spent by the end of the month, it will disappear into the ether, just before the first of the next month, and the new monthly digital deposit. No longer will we be allowed to have savings or build wealth. Then, they will control everything. Income, outcome, taxes, permission of everything only by approval of those in power. Only allowing purchases of “approved” items, with limits on the amount you can spend.

    If you complain or say non approved things about government, your digital account will be frozen. If you continue to misbehave, your digital account will vanish. Then you can’t buy food or even toilet paper, and if someone else buys it for you, they too, will lose their digital privileges. You will then live on the fringes until you die, either from cold or hunger, they will not care! They only pretend to care now, how long do we continue to allow these evil thugs to continue to do these evil things to us all, and not start fighting back? We will NOT get our liberty and freedom back by asking politely!
