27 Replies to “Never Let A Good Deed Go Unpunished”

    1. Yeah, I can see what you’re saying.
      20 sentences. I mean, damn, T-W-E-N-T-Y.
      In the Post Melinial. Five or six maybe, but twenty!? Obviously too much.

      Good grief.

  1. Here’s the thing. Why on God’s green Earth would you choose to not name them??? Certainly there can’t be liability issues and if it’s because your thinking is that ultimately it will only hurt the recipients that this charity provides aid too I kind of understand to some extent.
    If charities feel they have the luxury of yaying or naying funds based on political ideology let them grow some balls and say so.
    I’m not interested in donating to anyone who resents me.

    1. I was also annoyed by that. Why would Peterson protect them. He should have shouted the scumbags’ name from the rooftops.

  2. George Hull Charity
    Full-time staff: 91
    Avg. compensation: $93,125

    That seems like a pretty lucrative career choice.

  3. L – A “charity” run by virtue signaling Social Justice Warriors, morally bankrupt, with no chance for a loan.

    “Hoist by their own petard.” the Bard would say.

  4. I checked the George Hull Charity website. Almost all of the funding from government! Almost none of the money
    spent on programs. Sounds like the old Make a Wish scam.

  5. The only “charity” I donate to, and respect is the Salvation Army, they run things with volunteers, so very low over head.

    1. Agreed – Salvation Army is my domestic charity and Operation Smile is my international one.
      Anything associated with the United Nations is an automatic “The Computer Says NO!” (reference Little Britain)

  6. Yet the government which hates my guts and wants me dead, continues to accept my tax dollars.

  7. What this tells me is that this “charity” takes orders from those whose “donations” it does accept.

  8. If this is the ‘charity’.
    From their latest annual report:
    Total Revenue 10,357,000
    Salaries and Benefits 7,805,000
    Professional Services 679,000
    Program and Client Expenses 229,000

    Putting aside if it is or not, those that run the ‘charity’ are very generous to themselves first and foremost, what ever is left over, they will see to it that it is spent on the ‘professional’ help, and what’s left over after that is for the actual purpose of the ‘charity’


    1. $20 bucks says they’re ALL card carrying Liberals, another $20 says this is the new “Adscam”.
      Ps… the very first thing the Trudeau Liberals did after defeating Harper was to rescind his “Charity” reform laws.
