30 Replies to “Green Advice From The CBC”

    1. Canada is colder in the winter (more heating) and hotter in the summer (more A/C) than Denmark, for gosh sakes. Also bigger distances than any other country on that list. Also more agricultural production. Just sayin’.

  1. What the corrupt CBC won’t tell you about our country’s GHG performance, as compared with other countries:
    – Canada is a large, thinly-populated country, so transportation needs per person are higher;
    – Canada is a natural resource producing country, whose industries use disproportionately more energy;
    – Canada is a nordic country, which needs more energy for winter heat;
    – Canada has a lax immigration policy, allowing more immigrants per population than any other country. New immigrants need additional energy use.

    The brain-dead Trudeau Liberals cannot, or will not, acknowledge the above truths when they right onto unachievable GHG reduction goals. Neither does the corrupt, pro-Liberal CBC.

    1. You’re operating under the assumption that this has anything to do with the climate.

      1. EXACTLY Chis…

        As top officials (Christina Figueres & Ottmar Edenhofer), in the IPCC admitted years ago, this has squat to do with the Environment and everything to do with Collectivism – Communism and the Destruction of the Western Hemisphere Capitalist Economic model.

        Has anything changed..?? Nope

    2. Canada has trees …which suck up all the CO2 and produce oxygen
      the world should pay us $$ trillions in reparations

    3. the CBC wont tell you CO2 is the gas of life …we are dead with out it
      the CBC wont tell you AGW is the biggest hoax in history and we are at historic low levels in CO2
      the CBC wont tell you rise in CO2 levels follow temperature rise , not preceed it which destroys the AGW sham…see Vostock ice cores

  2. Pretty hard to go ‘Green’ when our government create their own supplies shortage to achieve this.
    Our current infrastructure is heavily reliant on steel which uses that nasty coal.
    Closing down these plants makes our current infrastructure vulnerable to damage that can’t be replaced as the steel needs to be ordered in a broken supply chain that could take a year to get much need infrastructure repaired immediately.

    Our politicians and media tend to shoot themselves in the foot and then spin it that they are the victim to nasty policies that hurt what they are pretending to achieve.

  3. There are 312 comments on the CBC article at last count such as the following. Check them out before CBC cancels them:

    “Maybe some of these Berlin Boys should be dropped in a small prairie town in the middle of winter.”

    “Lol They want you to starve on oatmeal, live in a 10×10 shed, ride a bike in the winter and freeze in the dark at night”, to which Kathleen Maduro replied “Trutopia defined.” She also noted “Judging by the source this is a setup for another tax grab or multi $Billion giveaway to friends of Trudeau.”

    1. I’d love to comment on CBC’s page…but for some odd reason, they don’t seem to like me..??
      I Cannot for the life of me, imagine why that is.??
      Banned for 2 yrs now…LMAO.

      Fucking Communist ECHO CHAMBER is all they are.
      The RED STAR of the airwaves.

      When things turn truly ugly….?? I’m betting that CBC outposts around the country will be at the top of the hit list..

      1. steakman – CBC would be considered seditious but the definition of sedition is “conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.” Maybe they are the antonym for sedition. There are now 1,800 comments on this CBC article and I can’t say I saw a single one in support of the article that we need to be more like India. People who read the article know what that means. I think the CBC will start to realize the article was a mistake as it drives public opinion away from where they want us all to go.

    2. In progressive utopia, nearly everyone is dead. That was Maurice Strong’s objective from Day one. What I can never figure out is, if the working class is all deceased, where does tax revenue (to support careerist, criminal politicians) come from?

  4. Its going to be pretty cold in Berlin homes this winter due to its green policies.

  5. First, Canada is currently a carbon negative country.
    Second, considering the climate here and the energy required to survive, this would be a death sentence.
    I am sure that the German leftists are eager to find a final solution to the climate question.
    I have to oppose any policy based on genocide. I know that may seem controversial, but that is where I draw the line.

    Berlin… You can always tell a German, trouble is you can’t tell them much.

  6. “in a lower-middle income country like India, living spaces are smaller and a significant portion of the population lives in poverty; as a result, the overall energy demand is quite low per person due to basic living conditions and a warmer climate. That, combined with the popularity of vegetarianism keeps carbon footprints comparatively low, with most of the food consumed being plant-based and low-impact”

    Haha, now we have our targets, move people into poverty, change our living conditions to “basic”, become Hindus, and make the weather warmer. (Oh wait…)

  7. Oil is poised to hit 100 bucks. Natural gas prices going up. Alberta still forking over billions of dollars to Ottawa. We deserve every shitty thing that happens to us.

  8. Follow Germany’s example and our frozen north will be frozen from the 49th to the north pole.

  9. That La Palma volcano is emitting more CO2 and carbon combustion particulates than all of humanity’s emissions over a period of years.
    And it’s not that rare an event, you can check online, there’s global volcanic activity maps maintained. I don’t follow it or study it closely but it looks to me like there’s 18-35 volcanoes popping off at any one time.

  10. Dr Fruitfly did a “Nature of Things” episode where he praised Cuba because farmers are so poor they have to use beasts of burden to plow their fields. Last time I watched anything by that Commie piece of dried dogshit. Hope the Big One drops his Point Grey home into a huge rift with him in it.

    Note the CBC article’s second-last paragraph: they admit we emit less than 2% of the global total of “greenhouse gas” emissions. Well, then, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

    1. It was about 2% in the 1990s. As of 2018 it was below 1.5% approaching 1.4%. It’s not that we are emitting less, it’s that the rest of the world is emitting more and increasing their emissions at a faster rate than Canada.

  11. CBC needs to turn the heat down to 5C in all of it’s offices and studios.
    To save the planet and to show leadership!

    Same with all government buildings and schools.

    If it saves one duck….

  12. We should be more like China. Nobody bothers them about their carbon footprint or their polluted air or the garbage and shit they pump into the waterways and ocean. Oh, and now their worldwide disease. As I read somewhere, ‘the environmentalists don’t care about China because they’re already communist’.

    I plan on living as comfortably as I can and eating whatever I want until I die.
