42 Replies to “Less Ambulances = More Safety”

  1. Wait. Vaccine MANDATES save everyone!? Except those who will expire while waiting for an ambulance. No big deal. That’s a very small subset of the public. And they won’t be voting anymore. Well … unless their heirs are liberals.


    1. The “health care industry” has been collapsing for 30 years…

      My mother couldn’t get an MRI 21 years ago, because Paul Martin decided to cut $35 Billion in health transfers.

      Rationed health care is what they want…

      Heaven forbid you have more EMS staff, doctors, nurses and cleaning staff to actually help people get better.

      No you’re not a tax paying contributor, so you should “do the right thing” and shuffle off this mortal coil.

      This is why the recently demised C-14 wanted to help mental patients off into the hereafter via (MAID) euthanasia.
      Or take the jab and help a $billionaire$ Big Pharma CEO take another vacation…

      Avoid risky death in Canada, don’t get sick; then you won’t need expensive ambulance staff.

      Help keep the planet green, create more Forest Lawn inhabitants! 🙂


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

      1. “The “health care industry” has been collapsing for 30 years…”

        The NDP has been warning that the Conservative government of Alberta has been privatizing healthcare for 50 years. Funny thing – I had a friend recently have a procedure done in a private clinic. It was in BC. The Peoples Republic of British Columbia seems to have more private healthcare than Alberta.

        1. The best care I ever got was at a private clinic. Booked an appointment in a day with a sports doctor, had absolutely no wait at the clinic, got an examination, X-ray and treatment in an hour. Going through the public system would have taken 6 weeks.

    2. Kenji

      They are taking every conceivable angle to destroy the economy and our very LIVES.
      “They” are ALL IN, in every aspect…..and the HERD of Sheep…?? till listening walking about with their eyes WIDE SHUT and listening to the same BAND that has been playing on and on and on and on….while Families literally disintegrate, and Decency buggers off to DIE.

      I’m waiting for the shooting to start in your part of the World and to be honest, I think its going to be PARENTS with School aged kids who will be at the forefront….for damned good reason.

  2. If you want some real entertainment. Find out exactly how many ICU, Critical Care and Emergency beds are in your local hospital.

    Then ask how many were in place in 2018.

    Betcha a loony, they either have less beds or the same number.

    Kinda strange that they didn’t increase in a pandemic eh.

    1. All Kabuki Theater.
      These fascists can’t even keep their lies in order.

      For some other entertainment, how about some drops of the Vax under a scope in real time self assembling itself into something.
      This is what goes on in the blood of the vexxed.


      Fast forward to around the 10 minute mark.
      I sure as heLL don’t want no transfusions after seeing this.

      1. John….

        WOW: You’re not alone..!!
        That’s simply crazy… One can see how in minutes this insitu transformation could kill someone…right there n then.

        1. steakman, that is amazing. Is also not amazing how many of us intuitively knew that this whu who flu was not as billed and that there is an agenda that is not people friendly. We have to somehow do more than just talk, as the government is actually killing people with their policies.

  3. Don’t worry, anyone who dies waiting for an ambulance will be marked “sick at home” and assumed to have died of Covid.

  4. So one wonders why paramedics don’t want to take the jabs, seeing how they’d be the first ones to see individuals who are having adverse reactions to the shots…

  5. There cannot be a downside to vaccination mandates; they guarantee better health for all, and eradication of COVID. The very, very few people who decline to be vaccinated are a statistical outlier, and have no effect whatever on the lives of the [intelligent and vast majority] vaccinated.

    There will be so few people refusing to get the incredibly safe and efficacious vaccination that no one will notice the effects of mandating vaccination.

    /sarc off

  6. The hospital system next door to Windsor is preparing to dismiss 50 plus employees due to Covid vaccine status. But don’t worry, our local MLA, Monte McNaughton (Ontario minister for Labour) is trumpetting hiring 100 plus Health and Safety inspectors to keep workers ‘safe’. Nice to know where the priorities are.

    1. Calls for innovation:
      The supervisors, who usually deliver the bad news, need to feel the pain as well.
      If we’re gonna tear it down….. tear it ALL down.

  7. yea…the Complete Bullshit MIRAGE of ZERO Vid.

    Someone needs to tell the media,
    “hey assholes, its in animals too.??”
    But then, they know damned well….don’t they.??

  8. What are they going to do with the fentenal cases ? In Regina there are two ambulances just for them. Let them die I guess. Stars will be the next to cease operations.

  9. Both WA state & Oregon are in big time trouble because of these firing at hospitals and EMS services.

    Stay safe everyone.

  10. This is what I was saying yesterday. Medical licensees can’t talk about the things they see. The graft, inefficiency, failures, bad behavior. They have to shut up or they will lose their license and their livelihood.

    But if they refuse to take the vax because they’ve -seen- what can happen, well that’s different. Then all they get is a suspension. They’re not even fired. Because the employer can’t FORCE them to get the shot, and thanks to the union can’t even fire them.

    Meanwhile the already short-staffed socialized medicine system grinds to a halt under “PANDEMIC EMERGENCY!!!!” but really it’s just a normal load. Hospital systems were crumbling under the load in December 2019, before the “we’re all gonna dieeeeeee!!!!” propaganda started.

    What scalds me the most is these administrators willingly, happily sacrificing the lives of patients just to make their employees knuckle under to a bureaucratic whim. What the actual F- are these people thinking?

      1. I agree, it is the Communist model. And no, I don’t think it will be any different here.

        I learned some troubling things long ago about healthcare workers and hospitals. Healthcare workers get very hardened to people’s suffering. They have to, otherwise they can’t do the job. With some of them this is merely armor, but with others it’s a coarsening of the spirit. They really don’t give a single damn.

        Those coarsened ones are happy to follow any sort of ridiculous protocol that administrators and insurance companies come up with. They’ll sit and fill in papers while patients are literally screaming in pain right next to the nurse’s station, purely because it is “fill in the papers time” on the schedule. They’ll go see about the screaming patient at “seeing the patient time” and not one second before. I’ve seen that one in living colour.

        Hospital protocols and policies are not based on science, for the most part. They’re based on money and hospital politics. Sometimes the politics are a more important consideration than the money.

        That was in the USA, where patients can successfully sue hospitals for malpractice. Canada of course is -much- worse because you have union politics and PC vs. Liberal vs. NDPee politics as well as all the rest of it. So it doesn’t surprise me that Essex/Windsor is laying off ambulance crew during a pandemic. But I still don’t understand what they’re thinking, because this can’t benefit them or the health system at all. They’re painting a huge target on their foreheads this time.

        As a patient, your only hope is a dedicated family member with ties to the medical community and a really good lawyer on retainer, who will come every day and stand over your bed like the angel Gabriel with a flaming sword. Then you will still get your pain meds when it is “fill in the papers time.” Otherwise, no.

  11. In Nova Scotia we are regularly in “Code red” via no ambulances available. it’s become so common that one man who fell within spitting distance of a hospital was left with a broken hip lying in his driveway because the nearest ambulance was three to five hours out of the area. If they start firing healthcare workers we won’t even notice, we get such poor services in this Province these days. Oh and the new Conservative-spit-government just imposed “vaccine passports”-why are we putting up with the abuse and tyranny?

    1. “why are we putting up with the abuse and tyranny?”

      Because this state of affairs is the result of a process that has been going on since McKenzie King was the Prime Minister. Arguably since World War 1. The frog has been boiled very slowly.

      Try this experiment. Ask anybody you know if the Ontario Rural Electrification Program was A) a success and B) the only possible solution. Unless they sit down and really think about it, do some research, they are instantly going to tell you A) Yes! and B) Yes!

      If you then ask them if any valuable opportunities and freedoms were sacrificed for the monolithic command and control structure, owned and run by the government that is our modern electrical grid, they will tell you “No!!!” Very likely they will start yelling about Capitalism, pollution and privately owned electric companies kicking old ladies out into the snow. Because that’s what they’ve been told, by everybody, for 100 years.

      Socialism is a thought weapon. It attacks a person’s reason first, then moves on to making sure you can’t get an ambulance when you’re lying in the street with a broken hip right outside the hospital.

  12. Canadians voted for this. They also voted to fire nurses and doctors and flood the already decrepit healthcare system with non-taxpayers.

    What could go wrong?


      1. Nothing will happen until we on the right have nothing left to lose. But then it will be long past too late.

        1. We will be in the Kamps by then.
          Being ” re-edumacated ” along with whatever that entails.
          I for one , won’t be in there, whatever it takes.

  13. In English we say “fewer ambulances” rather than “less ambulances”, because ambulances can be counted. So less snow means fewer snowflakes, etc.

  14. The whole ‘crash the heathcare system’ meme is a crock. It will continue to operate as poorly as ever. We’ve always had ‘code reds’ – no ambulances available – we’ll just have more.
    The reason for the continued lockdowns is the dearth of ICU beds.
    The MoH makes a calculation of sick/admitted/ICU admits every time they open restrictions. They have a fairly rough idea of how many will end up in ICU for every tweak of the restrictions- hell they have 20 months of data.
    They know if they fully open they’ll be forced into ICU triage – deciding who lives and who dies. It’s a 3rd rail none of these pricks will touch.
    Its why places like Texas and Florida open right up, they can deal with the influx.
    We normally run at +90% ICU occupancy or about 2100 of the 2300 avail.
    So, what they’re saying, is just an additional 200 ICU admits out of 14.4 million people is enough to overwhelm the system. Capacity won’t change for a very long time. We’re truly fkd, strap in for a long haul.
