9 Replies to “Justin The Spoiled Brat”

    1. Fuck Justin Trudeau
      Fuck the lapdog media

      Brevity. Strunk and White – The Elements of Style

  1. But he already knew it, the media knew it, and the army of NPC’s ignore it because there is always a “plausible” reason to excuse the behaviour.
    The plausible reason doesn’t have to be reasonable it just has to be enough to make an excuse for the sock monkey and allow them to maintain their world view.
    They do this because they have made the personification of all their arguments into the myth of Trudeau.
    Deconstruct Trudeau and the veracity of their arguments become indefensible.

    Why is anyone shocked that they go to these lengths to explain away his malfeasance?
    If anyone wants to engage his defenders in a debate, never argue their excuse just allow it and get them to admit he is the malefactor.

  2. Actually he and every other libbie lining up for their num-nums and voting instructions is reflective of Lincoln “You work, I eat”

    1. Out of curiosity someone should ask the journalists that where so outraged at the gravel being thrown at him still think what the protesters did that day was as bad as they made it out to be.

  3. Power is the only thing of value to the left. Character is irrelevant. Five percent of Canadian voters voted for character last month. The rest voted for power at any cost. That the Spawn is aligned with the Clintons, Obama, Biden, Soros, etc. is simply tribal affiliation of those seeking power and their underwriters. That his character is comparable to theirs is of secondary significance to most.

    1. One problem is that those people who did have a similar opinion of those of us who didn’t.
