43 Replies to “Looking Back…”

  1. If only he had taken his own advice… 🙂

    Some greek guys offered this sometime ago:

    “I have no desire to suffer twice, in reality and then in retrospect.”
    ― Sophocles, Oedipus Rex


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. I only kept my membership in the “conservative” party so I can vote in a leadership review/purge.

  3. I blame CPC voters. Those assholes voted for the vax pass, gun bans, LGBTQ crap, etc, just like the libtards, they are libtards.
    Whats the difference between an LPC voter and a CPC voter? CPC voters shave.

    1. How is it “vote splitting” when the choices are one conservative party and the rest, liberals (or worse)?!

    2. When thoughts like this are pushed all the way up to your head, it is a clear indication that you need to stop riding your bike without a seat.

  4. O’Toole managed to grab defeat from victory. His liberal lite pandering to the media and non Conservatives only proves that the CPC has lost it’s way in a major way. If the Conservatives ever want to win an election again with the help of my vote they better have a true Conservative with balls a back bone and be a true leader in waiting . I am sick and tired of this Mamby, Pamby bull shit of a leader and the supposed platform which is nothing but a Liberal Platform watered down and called a Conservative one. LIBERAL LITE IS NOT CONSERVATIVISM PRIOD. (rant off) Steve O

  5. Pierre Poliveau is young enough, more than smart enough, has lots of experience, speaks French and English, excellent speaker, humorous and quick on his feet. I think he could bring people back to the party that O’Toole drove away. After all, O’Toole demoted him as he probably saw him as a threat for all above reasons. Poliveau makes O’Toole look like an idiot.

      1. He’s a poindexter loved only by those who are already conservative.

        His confidence might play and maybe third time would be the charm? (Especially after eight years of Liberals?)

  6. O’Toole passed the Red Tory litmus test by running for leadership as a blue and immediately turned pink upon victory. He now wants to have a conversation, he wants his membership to hear what he has to say about what went right and what could be improved. Note that he won’t admit a major tactical, strategic and philosophical error in pissing on his base by kicking out actual conservatives and then adopting everything the LPC and NDP want but with a slightly and highly enlightened (in his own mind) tweak. This was all in an apparent attempt to woo Ontario Liberals to vote for the same policies as Liberals but instead voting for their supposed enemies under new management – which failed for some reason. As they stand, they have no reason to exist in Canadian politics and should free up their membership to either become a proper Liberal, NDP, Green or if they happen to still be conservative, fall in line with Max whose platform is as good as this dominion could ever aspire to. This won’t happen of course because the party of the shitty milkshake is crawling with sociopaths bent on power and for some reason, attached to a party containing the word conservative.

      1. I don’t need a steak tied around my neck to attract dogs to like me , or shovel driveways to make friends with little old neighbours. Now go buy the $80 Beijing PeeHD, and use the $40 Calcutta one in place of Charmin!

        1. Your inferiority complex is showing, again. To be fair, you have plenty to feel inferior about.

  7. O’Toole can fuck right off.
    If he was back in a helicopter I’d pay an Afghan to shoot it down with an RPG.
    Fucking wanker would get the shit beat out of him if he went into the trenches.
    What is it with officers? Really? Somebody fucking splain it to me cuz I’m not getting it.

  8. Next election he can just copy and paste the Liberal platform and propaganda. That’s what the adults do.

  9. Did not vote shear or otool. Not ever voting CPC until they put an actual conservative in instead of one that panders to media which stab in the back the first chance they get. Why would I waste my vote on liberal light? If I want to get screwed, I want it to be by a real liberal and not one that will sully conservatism by acting like liberals do.

  10. Hasn’t this Globalist POS resigned yet ?
    Hey Stool, you did what you were supposed to do, you lost to the most corrupt Government to ever exist.
    Not an easy task, but you and the Con executive and your Globalist handlers got the job done, or not done, whatever it is… you lost.
    Go away you mendacious tit, go back to facilitating the CCP Turdhole agenda and just shut the fuk up already.

  11. Erin O’toole is a hypocrite – hypocrisy being a pillar of society.

    Under his leadership, the CPC failed to keep conservative support by not embracing policies voiced by PPC, and failed to gain significant support for the CPC from people opposed to puppy mills, or who have a cat, or are not grandfathers.

    Where’s the conservative figurehead, in his sixties, to man the helm ?
    Why are all the party figureheads so young ?

  12. Wow. Peter MacKay is too “Liberal”? After the campaign you ran, O’Toole, MacKay is too Liberal? Wow. I was maybe willing to give you another shot at winning but after saying that, nope. Bring on Leslyn Lewis.

  13. When Mackay would have been a better choice, how screwed is that.
    And what the hell is is with these last names that you can’t even spell correctly with the mid name uppercase and apostrophies. Need another guy with some umlauts.

    1. At least McKay was an honest Liberal-lite Red-Tory.
      He wouldn’t have to do any bait-and-switch and he wouldn’t have gotten any farther than O’Toole.

  14. Erin is a success.
    He won the competition to lose the vanity election.
    For in hindsight I think they were all trying to lose,at least all the Uni_Party scum.

    What is coming down the pipe?
    We are bankrupt.
    We have less income/exports everyday thanks to Justine and his Gang Green comrades.
    The West will leave,when the bill is handed to them,a civil war will be cheaper than bailing out Eastern Can Ahh Duh.
    And what happens when no lender will accept Canadian Script?
    And old lenders demand payment in US dollars or Yuan?

    The current state of affairs is a bubble,it will pop.
    With no taxpayers,the State moves to direct theft of assets..
    Because they have a vast horde of parasites to pay off.
    Soon enough the branches of this Kleptocracy will be fighting each other for ever diminishing returns..
    All Kleptocracies end this way.

    Are we there yet?

  15. So this startling revelation makes a difference now?

    Here is the fun fact that the historic tweet emphasizes.

    There is an established pov inside the executive of the CPC that believes the path to victory is appealing to those in the opposition to come over to our side.
    There is no difference between them and the liberal party executive that is convinced that by going along to get along will reap benefits.
    They apply this principle to just about every issue.
    Here’s a historical example.
    Whenever the Quebec politicians get the right conditions to call a referendum (aka another shake down) these GATGA politicians can’t offer more than enough concessions to keep Quebec happy. The same goes for any of the other multitude of race hustlers, climate scammers, and poverty pimps. There is never a plan B that says don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
    But I digress.
    This is about the CPC.
    The folks that inhabit the executive are those that have made this their life’s occupation which means they are no different and share the same world view as any other government bureaucrat looking to advance their career, the golden ring being a senate seat, a deputy minister, a diplomatic post, or the holy of holy’s chief of the privy council.
    The natural inclination of these bureaucrats in waiting is that anyone advocating smaller government, which by their logic includes any plan that reduces taxes, is an existential threat.
    This logic however can be manipulated by merely inserting the word progressive.

    So having disgorged that bit of screed I will close with the observation that what ails the party is not a flaw but a feature.

    They really want to go back to having a Progressive Conservative party.
    To which I say, knock yourself out and please don’t call me again.

  16. Even if the pathetic CPC could find the wisdom and courage to dump Pinky no’tool, it would still have to get rid of that impregnated stink and yellow stain.

    And there just ain’t enough New Blue Cheer in the world to accomplish that task.

    We can rest assured that any Party post-mortem will completely overlook the facts that the cadaver is pink, not blue, and that it lacks testicle and a spinal column.

  17. At least Annamie Paul, pathetic loser though she may be, had the dignity and grace to resign. That O’Toole is even thinking of staying on as leader tells us that he takes no responsibility whatsoever for the CPC’s humiliating loss.

    He ran against Mackay as a Blue Tory (a complete lie), and then purged all the truecons in his party and came up with a platform barely one millimetre to the right of the Liberals. And then — shocker — he lost.

    This election should have been a cakewalk for the Tories. The natural governing party of Canada (85 of the past 125 years) under an increasingly unpopular Trudeau have been reduced to barely 30% of the vote the last two elections. They would have been trounced by the Tories if the latter had even a halfway conservative leader.

    But instead they were led by a fire-engine Red Tory who managed to lose even more comprehensively than Andrew Scheer did in 2019. And now he wants to stick around for more. WTF?

    The CPC is now facing not just one challenger to its right (the PPC), but two new parties (Maverick in the West and the Free Party Canada in Quebec) along with other minor parties like Christian Heritage and the Libertarians. This is what Scheer and O’Toole hath wrought.

    If the CPC really want to unite the right then they need to ditch O’Toole ASAP and replace him with with someone like Poilievre (i.e. not a Red Tory) who will actually FIGHT for conservative principles against the liberal establishment and their compliant media.

    Otherwise they can FOAD.
