84 Replies to “Wooing the Never-Conservatives”

  1. Liberals in Toronto would rather vote for an alleged sexual predator than the conservatives.

    and Erin O’toole said he didn’t need our votes

    1. Yup. Time for the war room/elite Ontario conservatives to go. No one who has good credentials will run for this party with no conservative policies.

      Liberals have either voted without reading news or just performed a religious ceremony. Actually, many people in the 905 do not speak or read English well, either.

      1. L

        “many people in the 905 do not speak or read English well, either” True enough. They do understand who sends them their $$$.


    2. I think most Liberals didn’t know what with the signs and ballots telling voters he’s still a Liberal.

  2. OToole could run any campaign he wanted.
    His error was that when the critics came he denied any connection to “those other” conservatives. Basically confirming the liberal narrative instead of pushing back and calling the liberals on their malfeasance.

    Sheer showed a spark in 2019 when confronted with criticism on some subject and he shot back at the reporter “this is the question your asking?” and then proceeded to list the malfeasance Trudeau had committed.

    1. Yep, for ex when asked if Conservative candidates are vaccinated or not. He should have replied that it’s no one’s business if a certain person is double/triple vaccinated or not.

      1. Or just say “if your concern is about covid transmission then blame the guy who called the election during a pandemic”

    2. Joseph

      On the first bit I am OK and agree. He caved.

      On the second bit Sheer always had that weird smile on his face …. could have been those Kbec milk lips he wore. I could be wrong.

      I went PPC this time and hope PPC keeps climbing in total %. This from a life long Conservative member.


  3. Throw your own party and base under the bus and act like a weak-willed pathetic loser by asking the people who hate you for their “thoughts and feelings on the matter” great strategy you got there Erin

    1. I voted for the very experienced MacKay for leader (no 2nd choice), holding my nose, as a blue tory (anyone but Trudeau …). He would have been able to mount a proper campaign.

      The Toronto folks really wanted O’Toole, so he won on our tragic ranked ballot CPC leadership selection system, which has not worked well since it was put in place. Now, O’Toole has proven that he sells worse than even Scheer in his own backyard, as his core principles bend with the wind.

      Needless to say, the CPC has never received a dime recently from this long-time conservative.

      I may not agree with all conservatives’ views on issues, but throwing some under the bus was very stupid. Scheer did that too, to a lesser extent.

  4. Send him home in the cheap seats, on the same slow train we sent Andrew Who home on; I’ll chip-in five bucks for his ticket.

    ‘Bye, O’FOOL.

  5. Shorter version: OToole’s mistake was that he thought he could expect our votes as opposed to earning them.
    He effed up.
    Please retire. You’re as boring as Joe Clark.

      1. Big lie, as those PPC voter were mostly not in narrow margin ridings. Another fake media narrative, which O’Toole will likely spout too, to “excuse” his flagrant loss in Ontario, his own back yard!

        1. L

          True. My riding is not”narrow margin”. I am one of them, life long PC member in Simcoe-Grey, Ontario. Safe seat voted 47% Con. I voted PPC this time and helped them get to 7%, knowing that to give the PPC standing next time around was vital in assuring they had at least a seat at the table.

          Our current MP does good work for the riding. I’ve donated and voted for CPC. I give him credit for that. It’s the foucking choices we make in our party leaders that bothers me most. They don’t seem to get what the folks on the ground are worried about.

          We’ve had three strikes in a row so far. CPC wake the fouck up. Clean out your consultants and clingers and start listening to main street.


    1. F**k.

      Joe Clark looks like Super Rambo compared to no’tool.

      But, what’s really funny is her depiction of scheer-the-steer as some kind of real conservative. I guess she forgot about him ordering all his sheep to support turdo on Paris

      1. Joe Clark looks like Super Rambo compared to no’tool

        Joe Clark was never anyone’s ideal of a small government/liberty and freedom proponent, or even a conservative, but the “old Joe”, (before he became PM), was actually a very vocal opposition critic of the Trudeau government. One might not believe it having seen him mature into an Ottawa-establishment “elite”. But back in the ’70s, Joe knew what his role was, that of OPPOSING Trudeau.

        There was also a blue wing of the PC caucus back then that were strident anti-Trudeau partisans. The corporate and state media apparatus called them “the dinosaurs”.

        Was it all a facade? Maybe. Trudeau always got whatever he wanted in the end. But at least it made for mildly entertaining political theatre. It might even have made Trudeau hesitate for a fleeting moment before some new tyrannical edict was decreed. As we know, nothing whatsoever gives Junior pause of any kind.

        The fact that I have to cite Joe Clark as a strident opposition critic shows just how much lower into degradation and decay we have sunk. Is there a bottom to this pit, or is it an abyss?

        1. Joe Who, grew up later after his foray as one of the first “not ready” so-called leaders, was actually, later, a very effective Foreign/External/Global Affairs Minister.

          Unlike some, he actually read his briefings fully, asked good questions and ran the department well during his tenure. He was respected internationally and did a great job. Lousy politician, but a very solid political bureaucrat.

          1. very solid political bureaucrat

            That is the very LAST thing this country needs.

            I’d prefer completely incompetent bureaucrats to those who are effective in carrying out corrupt and detrimental government policy.

            One of the greatest boondoggles in every national government is the “diplomatic corps”. The champagne and 9 course dinner elitist set. Foreign affairs mostly concerns itself with interfering in other countries’s internal affairs. Or as Ron Paul once put it, with transferring money from the poor people of the home country, to give to the rich people of the foreign country.

            Joe Clark was an effective opposition critic in his early days; he was a pompous, self-important minister in a useless portfolio in a crap Mulroney government. He was a thoroughly crap politician as PM. Although not everything he did as PM was crap.

          2. Joe Who was a red tory idiot. I put him as the 2nd worst PM after Blackface. L if you like McKay and Joe Who you are obviously a red tory also so I don’t understand why you would ever vote Conservative. I’ve always thought that Red Tories should vote and and work for the Liberals. You would help the country much more by moving the Liberals right then anything you can do with the Conservatives.

          3. I’ve always thought that Red Tories should vote and and work for the Liberals.

            @Denis Petit: The eastern Red Tories like Mulroney, Flora MacDonald, David Crombie, Perrin Beatty, et al., wanted their own club, where they could be the big fish in the smaller political pond.

            Why Joe Clark, as an Albertan, had to be a PC-er the same way Trudeau needed to join the Liberals. Each party was the only safe vehicle to political power where they were from.

            I agree with everything you say. But I remember watching Question Period as soon it became televised, and I remember Clark scoring debate points off of Trudeau. Early in his career he was a pretty solid critic in Parliament. My point is NOT to praise Joe Clark. My point is that today, there is zero opposition to the Trudeau regime. Zero. It is a one-party state in almost all aspects. What a sick joke.

          4. Except when he paid a hotel bill on behalf of one of Saddam Hussein’s “guests”. That was without said “guest’s” permission. Then Joe went after that “guest” for reimbursement. That made Joe Who look pretty stupid.

        2. “Joe Clark was never anyone’s ideal of a small government/liberty and freedom proponent, or even a conservative, but the “old Joe”, (before he became PM), was actually a very vocal opposition critic of the Trudeau government. :

          To some extent, true. But at least Joe fought a (losing) battle against turdo la first and Broadbent to have property rights included in the Constitution.

          There hasn’t been a Conservative leader since who has any concern at all about property rights. As a matter of fact, they don’t even want the subject brought up.

      2. Jamie, and the scheep run his mouth against Trump, rite after the Turd it. Trying to out TurD’Oh, TurD’Oh, they are, and have been for a while now using a failed strategy.

        1. ” … using a failed strategy….

          Here, let me finish that sentence for you:

          …. developed for them by Liberal media.

  6. I see that your “mainstream” Tories are just like our “mainstream” Republicans. They tell the electorate “we’ll give you the same thing as the liberals, just not as much” and wonder why that doesn’t put them over the top.

    1. Totally agree with this. The CPC are even worst. At lease in the US the Republicans are slowly rooting out all of their Rinos and are working to make their elections fair again. Everyone knows if a fair election was held in all the US the Democrats would be decimated. Unfortunately the CPC is a lost cause in Canada. CPC rejects everyone that is a true conservative or libertarian. CPC only want candidates that will tow the establishment party line. No Tory is able to think for themselves. Any true Conservative, social or fiscal and all libertarians will eventually see that the PPC is the only answer. The rest should just vote liberal because that is all they are.

      This video is only 10 mins long but it details what is being done to make elections in the US fair again.


  7. He came, he saw, he acted, he failed. His judgement and certainly those that advised him failed. This was seen as obvious when he started pissing on his base, defying the party vote (carbon tax), kicking out Socons and libertarians. Candace knows it and says it well and that explains why she and Ezra (and virtually everyone here at SDA) are excluded from the Red Tory circle-jerk bubble that the CPC has become.

      1. HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        That is what we wanted two leadership elections ago!
        Actually, remind me who counted all of the ranked ballots or who checked them, again?

    1. Jc. In the Penal Colony you should understand surely, that in order to continue with the charade, the Tragic Comedy that is Canadian Democracy. They need a foil. SHITCONS are that foil. In the USSR there was no need for a foil in a one party Communist Country. To give the brain dead voters in Canada the illusion of multiparty Democracy. They had to create the illusion of choice. Even tho voting SHITCON gets you every single Liberal Commie Policy. Because the dumbfuck Canadian voters see the party name says Conservative they are stupid enough to take the bait.. They are not capable of critical thought. They are fucking sheep. Tear Down The Penal Colony. Let The Prisoners Go. This is the only way to Freedom in Canada

    2. Just who are the back room boys in the Conservative Party giving policy advice to the leaders? “Conservative” version of the Laurentiis Elite? Nothing’s going to improve until THEY go.

      1. Pretty sure if someone dug into it they’d find those Tory back room boys are liberal plants. Literally on the payroll.

  8. All of the Canadian Penal Colony. And all her Political Parties can go ESAD. “Fuck Off, keep fucking Fuck off until you come up to a gate with a sign saying “You Can’t Fuck Off Past Here”. Climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever.

      1. I for one am in Watchers Kampf on that…100%

        Liberal Scum the entire lot….Max and the PPC on the true Conservative side…the only ones.

        Even MAVERICK…FUCK THEM TOO..!! Wanting to deal “within CON – Federation + IPCC ass kissing. Useless wankers

        1. Little ‘conservative’ parties spring up in Alberta all the time knowing that Albertans will fall for the fake conservative credentials. Once they get a little power they take what they can and sell out, just like the shitbird investors that are drawn to every up and coming stock. I’ve seen this play out in Alberta several times, including the actual Alberta Conservative party and Reform.

    1. As always, I agree with the sentiment without reservation. I am even prepared to ACT. Which is something very few, apparently, are willing to do.

      You can’t vote yourself out of the penal colony. The governor doesn’t give a damn what you think.

      Until there is a critical mass who refuse to comply, nothing will change. Canada has had plenty of rebellions and uprisings; all ended with the state murder of “rebels”.

  9. One problem the CPC has created for itself is that even if it made some move towards the right, who would necessarily believe any of what they said, I for one would be more inclined to figure that they were just trying to poach back the PPC vote and then would ignore the concerns of that segment if they could get into power that way.

  10. Donald Trump did something similar. Well … really not so similar. Donald Trump asked Black “urban” voters; “what have you got to lose?” (Voting for conservative Donald Trump) .


    Donald Trump didn’t pander by saying he would become a liberal leftist to appeal to them. Quite the opposite … he told the Urban voters to try conservatism. See what it feels like to get a job and the self esteem it brings. To stop illegal immigrants from taking black jobs. To expect rising wages for blue collar workers. To enjoy lower energy prices and flat-lined inflation.

    O’Toole followed the John McCain and Mittens Romney game plan … to be a lukewarm Conservative. John, in The Book of Revelation… warned Christians that God will spit out lukewarm believers … who are only believers of “convenience”.

    Human nature abhors the lukewarm. Absolutely hates it. Political advisors who argue for becoming a wimp to garner votes … are dead men walking.

  11. In 1987 Ted ByField warned the “Reformers” in Vancouver that is they worried about what the press and the left were going to say about them…they had already lost. They might as well go home.

    1. possible, for sure … No confidence in mailed-in ballots.

      Nothing will ever be investigated, as we know that Elections Canada is completely unbiased, oh ….
      except for when they raided CPC offices with the CBC cameras rolling real time and when they could not open enough polling stations in Ontario this year.

  12. The only thing that prevented the tool team from being massacred was they were running against the most corrupt and incompetent government in Canadian history. Many who voted for them were desperate to get rid of sockboy.

  13. My local newspaper feels I hold ‘extremist views’ because I liked Trump and voted for PPC. Canada is now 5% extremist. Wonder how long it will take to hit 10%?

    1. I looked at a wikipedia page for the election, and at the time of viewing, before the votes were counted, it described the PPC as “right-wing extremist”. If I were an impressionable youth in my formative years, I would really be screwed up with all the Orwellian propaganda, deception, and malevolent mendacity EVERYWHERE.

  14. How about a post-mortem on the PPC instead? They won 10% of the vote or more in 25 ridings, which is pretty amazing when you consider that PPC voters knew for sure that their candidates would lose but voted for them anyway, “strategic voting” be damned.

    How many CPC voters are also PPC sympathizers but ended up voting strategically? Probably a lot. If the PPC had a realistic shot at winning seats I think you’d see a lot of bandwagon-jumpers defect from the CPC, and a lot of people who stayed home would be motivated enough to vote for them.

    Of the 25 ridings where the PPC got more than 10% of the vote, 9 each were in Alberta and Ontario, 3 in Manitoba, and 1 each in BC, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Nova Scotia. Contrary to the polls that had them highest in Saskatchewan, the PPC are generally strongest in Northern and Central Alberta, and Southwestern Ontario.

    Of the 25 ridings, almost all are mainly small town and rural, but a couple are heavily urban (Windsor-Tecumseh @ 10.5%, and Dartmouth-Cole Harbour @ 10.4%). The top ten ridings in vote percentage for the PPC are:

    20.4% – Portage-Lisgar MB
    18.4% – Beauce QC
    16.5% – Provencher MB
    14.6% – Chatham-Kent-Leamington ON
    13.2% – Timmins-James Bay ON
    13.0% – Red Deer-Lacombe AB
    12.9% – Peace River-Westlock AB
    12.8% – Fort McMurray-Cold Lake AB
    12.8% – Yellowhead AB
    12.1% – Red Deer-Mountainview AB

  15. It was like Manning trying to get the CBC to like him.
    Pleasing your enemies does not make them your friends.

    Honestly, he ran for the nomination as a conservative and ran for public office as a liberal so really, when did he turn coat or do we even know how he might have governed? It is a mystery. When you can fake right or left, who knows what you really are. I don’t know what he is.

  16. The voter turnout was just 58.5% of the voters. Canadians were not wanting the Trudeau government to fall.

    1. 59% of eligible voters, 32% of votes means 19% picked Trudeau. Biggest mandate ever! (sorry people-date)

      1. I have to emphasise that:

        59% of eligible voters, 32% of votes means 19% picked Trudeau

  17. For years I have posted that I am the only living conservative in Canada. Many have said I am wrong, but after 18 months of the whu who flu. I know I am 100% correct.

    1. I am the only living conservative in Canada. after 18 months of the whu who flu know I am 100% correct.

      Perhaps you are confusing “common sense and a working brain” for being a conservative. I don’t care what a person’s politics are, there is ZERO excuse for ANYONE to be BAMBOOZLED by unadulterated LIES and DECEIT of the medical mafia and the power-mad government bureaucracy.

    1. She outed herself with a couple of comments. One was that “pro-choice people need to be allowed to voice their opinions”.
      It seems to me they already get all the airplay. Thus I would not trust her either.

      1. Campaign Life Coalition and Right Now both give Lewis a “green” rating. These are pretty staunch folks. Do you know something they don’t?

  18. Stool and all his Liberal Party advisers should resign immediately and go back to the Liberal Party, but they won’t because they have no integrity or character, but the biggest reason they won’t resign is because they are happy they lost, that was their plan all along, to lose… so, mission accomplished.
    Stoool doesn’t understand that he has to go because in his mind he thinks he did a good job, he lost like he was supposed to. Stool wants to stick around so he can lose other elections and never oppose anything the corrupt Liberal/CCP Government does.
    Thast his job, to facilitate the agenda of the Turdhole/CCP Party and pretend to be leader of the “Conservatives”.
    If the Cons want to win elections then they need a real Conservative Party with a real conservative leader that will stand and protect Canadians and not the Liberal Party.
    Stool saved Juthtin Turdhole from an easy defeat, that was his job and he did it very well… way to go Stool, now kindly fuk off and die.

  19. Stool saved Juthtin Turdhole from an easy defeat, that was his job

    Sigh. I fail to see the untruth in this statement.

  20. I mistakenly thought that by voting for stool sample there was a possibility of putting Trudope in the cross hairs of the liberal big wigs who would soon call for his head . That may still be in the works and time will tell . I was under no illusion that O Fool would ever garner a majority let alone a minority position in parliament . My only desire now is for the Conservative party ( what ever that is ) to select a leader who has the guts to articulate what the party stands for and not what the whore media wants to hear .

    1. There’s a lot of bad news coming down the pipe and an election in two years might see the liberals turfed. The turd got them another 4 years so calling an early election might turn out to be the only smart thing he does during his reign.

      1. calling an early election might turn out to be the only smart thing he does during his reign.

        In a “democracy”, even in a sham democracy, a government needs to have enough support to get itself elected. Small government/freedom types are unfortunately a small minority in Canada.

        In two elections, (and counting), roughly 2/3 of the country has voted against Trudeau, and Trudeau has come in second place in popular support, receiving fewer votes than has his main political rival in these past two consecutive contests.

        If Trudeau can obtain and hold power with so little popular support, then a smart, effective free market/small government party can too.

  21. All he had to do was read and follow the SDA mantra.. pleasing your enemies will not make them your friends.

    What a fool. Time for him and every last advisor to hit the skids.

    I am working on my letter to my MP now, asking her to support removing this clown.

  22. Coulda had Max … if they hadn’t stolen the leadership from him with Milk Jug Andy, think where we could be instead.

    Probably would have had a minority conservative government in 2019 still governing without this un-election. Might have had a majority, but almost certain that a Max-led party could defeat the Liberals in seats as well as popular vote.

  23. Perhaps, o’toole applied another strategy, the run for the hills, circle the wagons, reassure all the media that we can out- woke the best of them! Supporters be dammed, what would they know about government anyway. I’ll just say these things, get voted in , and then I’ll really show them who I am! Sorry, I’m afraid you already did. With expected results

  24. Last spring, when ot started his descent down the path of wokeness, I sent my mp an email voicing my concerns of the direction he was heading with our party. I was assured that there was no need to worry, as the Conservative party, and them alone, allowed MPs free vote in the commons. While laudable, it’s a bit like telling the passengers on a bus that although the driver seems drunk, don’t worry, if we go off that cliff up ahead, rest assured that he had a valid license to drive, and the bus had just been inspected so, no worries!

  25. If O’Toole doesn’t resign and actually trigger a leadership contest, I expect the next federal election will be much the same result.

    I’m not about to settle for “liberal-lite” … especially when I see actual conservatives vying for my vote, and promising something near to actual conservatism.

    My preference is for AB/Sask. to separate still, as the west will never be treated as an equal within Canadian confederation, nor be allocated a fair number of MP’s to be elected by population, nor will the Senate of Canada be allocated fairly.

    This is what the MSM view of O’Toole is today…

  26. There has been a shift over the last few elections, and it is subtle enough that most people don’t realize it is even happening.

    Policies, plans, ideals, strategies, honour even morals mean nothing any more. Even truth has been sacrificed.

    Justin Trudeau stood in front of Canadians having broken every promise he ever made and even refused to even answer questions and merely parroted his “$10 daycare” mantra over and over again. He didn’t even bother with O’Toole and actually campaigned (successfully I might add) against Stephen Harper who hasn’t been the leader for 6 years!

    The media didn’t hold him to account, voters (outside of the big blue block on the map) certainly didn’t either.

    All that matters in today’s world is how you present yourself and how you look, image is everything.

    The education system is programming our children from birth to think left wing and to treat the right wing as a lower form of being and they will dominate more and more as the older generation of dinosaurs die off.

    Social media is the new bully on the block bludgeoning anyone that doesn’t conform to the new mindset.

    Conservatives have the tendency to measure each other with little Conservative rulers and judging their peers as being not Conservative enough shrinking their tent smaller and smaller.

    There’s no point to name calling or getting angry. There’s no leader that is Conservative enough to ever get elected again in this country.

    I hope that the next Conservative leader is not Andrew Sheer V3. Get someone that looks good on camera, someone that isn’t perceived as yet another grumpy old white man. Maybe Conservatism has to move underground, heck, the Liberals campaigned from the left and governed from the right for years.

    Look after your own. Raise your kids with good values, send them to schools that follow those values or home school them. Teach them a work ethic and how to save money. Teach them how to hunt and fish and how to fix their cars. Teach them logical problem solving and critical thinking cause you know the schools certainly won’t.

    The current system will not be able to sustain itself somethings got to give at some point. Separatism will never work for Alberta or Saskatchewan, you can see the demographics changing daily.

    Enjoy the decline (and prepare for it).

    1. Or better still, get out if you can. Americans are made of sterner stuff, they won’t be steamrolled by the globalists, it is the last best hope. Most Canadians have been infantilized by 60 years of Mommy goverment making all the decisions, from healtchare to what you may read and see, et cetera ad infinitum. They are terrified at the concept of personal responisbility, rather they merely want to complain, as a child complains.

  27. When I was young I was a Red Tory. It seemed to be heartless not to be.
    As I grew older I became a Blue Conservative.
    Now in my old age I’m a Purple realist.
    I may not live to see the PPC in power but judging by the election results I not alone supporting the ideas.

  28. I am done with this version of CPC. I voted for them this time around after lengthy soul-searching. I donated to them as well as Maverick and PPC. I only voted CPC because of their having the best chance of beating the Libs. (I apologize for that.)
    On gun control, I had hoped that O’Toole would have given a hint to indicate that even though he said he would not erase the Liberal legislation, he would have revised the Regulations regarding
    A) the definition of “assault weapons” to be fully automatic weapons in stead of anything “mean” looking , whether it is semi automatic (one pull, one shot) or fully automatic (one pull, a bunch of shots). Leave the AR- 15 semi automatic hunting rifle alone!
    B) Re-assign the funding from control of legal non-crime gun ownership to illegal gang gun importation an ownership
    On climate change theory, only the PPC makes any sense at all. The climate science is very unclear and in no way indicates an emergency, so lets continue to study and challenge the science while simultaneously examining adaptation options in case something bad really does start to happen instead of being just predicted by erroneous climate models. (all of them so far).

    Disclaimer: I have experienced 78 winters (Joe Biden’s age) and I welcome any small recent winter relief. I have experienced 78 Canadian summers and the records from the pre-suv 1930s still exceed anything since. Also I don’t own any guns. They didn’t let me keep them when I left the Canadian Army in 1970.

    Here is what I plan to do for now….
    I didn’t fly the Canadian flag on my balcony on Canada Day this year for the first time I can remember. For Canada Day 2022 I plan to chop my flag in half, keeping only the West half and flying it upside down. Confederation had a pretty good run but it is pretty feeble now and over for me. I have programmed my phone to block calls from 416 and 905 area codes. Folks I know can email me. We are 2 nations waiting for a divorce. May it be amicable, because it is over.

  29. The CPC proposal to end puppy mills has been thwarted.
    The upside is that foreign rescue puppies will be less necessary.
