2 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Isn’t it time to call them for what they really are? Far too long they’ve wrapped themselves with the flag and a copy of the Constitution like the chickenshits they are haranguing anyone who will listen about press freedom, and of course there’s the annual pity party imploring the rest of us to have the sadz because some of their commie reporter friends were killed “in the line of duty”.
    At best they’re press agents for the DNC… at worst, straight up hard C communists intent on the destruction of the U.S. And the rot is as deep as anyone can imagine at every alphabet agency as well.
    I’ve said it before: The worst thing the U.S. has ever done was allowing the Frankfurt Institute to set up shop at Columbia University before the start of WW11, infecting several generations of media students with their miserable ideology. Maybe Roosevelt wanted it that way, who knows.
    McCarthy had it right all along.

  2. The image that burned my retinas during the onset of that false narrative was that of that pathetic pundit, David Frum, desperate to boost his Never-Trump bona fides for his institutional cocktail circuit. Has he gone into complete obscurity or are there still paying customers for mushy middle has-beens?
