Sign Here Please

Details on the contracts governments sign with Pfizer and others.

“Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer, BioNTech, [and] each of their affiliates … from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses … caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the vaccine,” reads the contract.

Apparently this is nothing new anymore.

Indemnity from compensation claims has been common in contracts between many countries and big pharma companies since the late 1980s.


The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reported in February that Pfizer had demanded Brazil and Argentina put up sovereign assets as collateral to guarantee indemnity, as well as create a guarantee fund with money deposited in a foreign bank account. Pfizer said it had not interfered “with any country’s diplomatic, military, or culturally significant assets”.

Read the whole thing.

32 Replies to “Sign Here Please”

    1. How high, exactly? Nitrosamines are also used to cure meat, and come about as part of the smoking process, or even just cooking. You get them when you make crispy bacon.
      Maybe next, Pfizer will bribe a few politicians to ban the stuff, as they trot out a new drug to fight the resultant food poisoning, or a new drug to pump up the hoggs and cows with. California seems to be a great place to start this process.
      Nitrosamines are also formed in our mouths and stomachs from pre-cursor chemicals.
      The big problem with Chantix wasn’t people getting cancer from it, but rather it caused psychotic episodes in some people.

    2. There is no good evidence that Nitrosamines cause cancer. It’s been alleged so, but research is ongoing. The Daily Mail was irresponsible in its headline.

      But it appears that the levels do exceed FDA-approved levels.

      1. Its been demonstrated in many different animals, but like, say, BPA, not by using reasonable quantities.
        This nitrosamine stuff is, IMHO, a red herring, a relatively harmless substance that makes a good pretext to yank a dangerously psychoactive drug from the market without suffering too much from bad press; instead of people talking about the real dangerous aspect of the drug, they’ll talk about nitrosamines and BBQs.

  1. Governments don’t mind being free and easy with other people’s money, especially when they can get 6-figure kickbacks.

  2. With all of the other malfeasance committed by pharmaceutical companies, why would extortion be a surprise?

    1. No kidding…..Pfizer and others have been fined up the ying yang before with their fraud. I wonder how many in the government institutions worldwide are getting enormous kickbacks from Pfizer.

  3. I’m okay with indemnity clauses in these cases.

    The anti-vaxxing community is large and aggressive, and even if they don’t have a good case, they can make life miserable and expensive for the pharmaceutical companies.

    1. So, all those people suffering from adverse effects can just suck it up.
      I pray you have the same sympathy for tobacco companies, and that they should be subsidized by governments, instead of taxed to the hilt. Same goes for booze.

      1. Do we want vaccines or don’t we? If companies can be sued into oblivion even when they develop vaccines in good faith and with due care, and when the benefits of the vaccines far outweigh the side effects, then we won’t have vaccines.

        So what’s your call?

        1. So, sacrifice a few innocent people for the greater good.
          The end justifies the means, etc.
          If its dangerous when used as directed, then its dangerous, unlike, say, Tylenol and other n-said painkillers.
          Also, who gave the state the authority to decide for me?
          Also, if its mandated, and forced on people (vax passports) etc, you are essentially removing any and all recourse for any victims to seek redress.
          We still have Tylenol, despite lawsuits, despite the fact that it does indeed kill people, so your “we won’t have any vaccines” argument holds no water.
          Supporting that kind of behavior is very unethical, and if you need that pointed out to you, you have lost all ability to think critically about things.

          1. The choice is this: Indemnify the pharmaceutical companies or don’t have COVID vaccines. No other realistic option exists, as it leaves the companies too vulnerable to lawsuits even when they do their job well.

            So what’s your choice? Let’s hear it. Make your call.

          2. I deny your premise that that choice exists.
            Here’s a counter-proposal.
            Either you mandate them, and allow lawsuits, or you don’t mandate them, tell people that they take them at their own risk, and indemnify the manufacturer, supplier, etc, from all responsibility.
            If I force a man to take a shot, and it injures him, I’m guilty of assault, and on the hook for damages, just as if a lie to him about the risks.
            The fact that Pfizer is backed by a hired state goon squad and thousands of lawyers is proof enough about the quality of their ethics.
            We’ve had vaccines for a long time, and for most of that time, they manufacturers were not granted immunity, and your suggestion that without immunity, there would be no vaccines is ludicrous. Heck, fentanyl is still on the market.

          3. We can both agree that people should be forced to take the vaccine against their will.

            So that means you support indemnification. Great. Glad you see things my way.

          4. Voluntary indemnification by the user, not involuntary indemnification foisted on them by the state. If you don’t feel comfortable with the vax, don’t take it, and the state has no business using force to get people to take it, and that includes mandates.
            If you think its OK to force a jab on billions of people and be indemnified of any and all risk from doing so, you have some pretty deep issues.

          5. We can both agree that people should *NOT* be forced to take vaccines against their will.


        2. Vaccines yes….medical experiments, no. The trials are not yet done and won’t be until 2023. And you must be a male….because that data from around the world regarding adverse INITIAL effects are 3 to 1 female. That’s my call. Idiot.

          1. A day ago, Kate asked people to be tolerably respectful in their post concerning COVID. Why don’t you give that a try?

        3. Sport, no covid “vaccines” would be the best thing possible except that rat has already been let out of it’s cage and is killing people.

    2. It’s not an “anti-vaxxing community”….it is anti-EXPERIMENT community. The largest medical experiment in history. Pfizer should be burned to the ground.

    3. Pray tell….What TF are you yappin about with this “Large and Aggresive Anti-Vaxx Community…?

      I’ve seen the odd nutball yippin off about vaccines on FB or some other Social Media…but a Vast network of Determined Anti VAXXERS…WHERE….?? Looks to me thats just some BS disinformation that you believe…

      I Served – & as such all who have or do, are 100% Vaxxed for every conceivable viral – bacterial pathogen known to man….so I’m in no way shape or form “anti-vax”…..Just Fully ANTI-STOOPID.

      Now, if we’re talking about the Fauci/Barrick/Gates/Daszak Bio-Weapon….?? AKA the VidVax…?? Well now..!! thats a whole different animal now ain’t it Marmot.?

  4. Chantix cause people to have psychotic episodes.
    There is anecdotal evidence of the vax doing the same thing.

    1. Actually, when you read comments from the vaxists, it appears that psychotic episodes are pretty much the rule.

    1. At least until tomorrow (Monday) when Project Veritas and James O’Keefe go public with their series of insider info from Chinese Flu madness, with the gov’t and vax insiders.

      James is promising a lot. He’s fully expecting to be blocked or censored on all social media platforms. It may mean the only way of accessing the info is through “new social media” like Telegram or Rumble, and not the established Failbook, or Twitter.

      *Alberta health unions are calling for the provincial gov’t to call in the military here.

      I don’t know if this has much to do with those declining to be vaxed or if they’re tired of working or tired of following their own union mandated rules, or tired of being told to fuck off by citizens, or if the great reset is being foisted upon Alberta as a test case like what Oz is enduring at this moment. The gov’t controls all aspects of health care, same as only gov’t prints money, so there isn’t anyone else to blame but gov’t.

      Also note… the Vice Pres. of the UCP has requested (late Friday night 2 days past) the UCP executive committee look at having a review of Premier Jason Kenney’s leadership of the party. It wasn’t scheduled for another year and a bit…

  5. The blame for AHS an its inability to handle what I believe is nothing short of TOTAL Bullshit….is on the hands or Stelmach- Red Rachel – Prentice & Kenney.

    Between them they have allowed AHS to BALLOON in cost with much of that being middle management of which there is a SEVERE abundance.

    Kenny by not taking down the Public SERPENTS a notch or two didn’t help either.

    By adding in an arbitrary & MANDATORY Fascist Requirement for injecting unproven- untested-Experimental and OBVIOUSLY DANGEROUS Filth into their workers arms…..

    NEGATE that..?? and said emergency is OVER.

    Many workers in said hospitals are being reported as treating un-vaxxed patients as if they were Lepers – Continually demanding & Pushing said patients to accept the jab….and when they say NO, Virtually ignoring them entirely. This happened to a friend of mine just this past week, went to Emerg 3 times and was refused..!!! Finally his wife called. an ambulance and near had to beg them to bring her husband to the hospital – once there he was denied water for over 4 hrs…!!!! Nor given a blanket to cover him up….treated LIKE SHIT.

    No VaX..?? you are considered VERMIN – Acting like NAZI’s
