Safe And Effective ®

I’m old enough to remember when it was one-in-a-million: Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations.

Summary and Conclusions This is the largest series in the literature to clearly relate the temporal relationship between mRNA COVID vaccination, symptoms and CMR findings. In most patients, symptom onset began within the first few days after vaccination with corresponding abnormalities in biomarkers and on ECG. Cardiac MRI confirmed acute myocardial and pericardial changes with the presence of edema demonstrated with both tissue mapping and late gadolinium enhancement. Symptoms settled quickly with standard therapy and patients were discharged within a few days. No major adverse cardiac events and no significant arrythmias were noted during inpatient stay. Further follow up will be required to ascertain the longer-term outcomes of this patient group.

If you’ve been vaccinated and experience chest pain after — don’t ignore it. (Lord knows how many cases went unreported in those who recovered without seeking medical attention).

Don’t interpret any of my posts to suggest you shouldn’t get vaccinated. This isn’t a team sport in which you must pick a side (much as some of you want it to be). You are allowed to hold than one position at the same time. It’s not contradictory to choose vaccination and oppose mandates. It’s not contradictory to be vaccinated and yet skeptical of government claims about risk and effectiveness. It’s not contradictory to be vaccinated, while rejecting coercion and the scapegoating of those who choose not to.

160 Replies to “Safe And Effective ®”

  1. Exactly Kate. I’m fully vaccinated because I weighed the risks and chose to get it. If anyone else chooses not to, it is not my problem. Mandates and passports are an affront to our liberties whether you’re vaccinated or not.

    1. Agree, in a free, open, and supposedly tolerant society we should, at the most fundamental level, respect the sanctity of deciding what does or does not happen with our own body.

      This sanctity has been totally violated. There is blood on the hands of every politician, media, doctor, etc who is pushing uninformed consent on the world. The bill to pay is going to be just as bloody one way or the other. Lessons of mass murder & genocide at the hands of the state were not heeded, they will need to be taught again.

    2. I took the vaccination because it would be required to travel international. So, I felt coerced to do so. Both poison jabs were within four weeks of each other.
      Introducing a foreign substance into one’s body is a personal choice. To make it mandatory is pure evil. It is very disappointing to hear neighbours who are on board with it being forced. Some of the worst offenders still go into “high risk” situations without a second thought. Their heads explode when you point out real life examples that involves them personally.
      I would never tell my grandkids that they could not socialise with Jenny McCarthy’s kids. So I have no issues shaking hands with an unvaccinated person.
      If you ever wondered how the Nazi’s did it, just look around.

      1. MikeT

        Semi-informed coercion.

        Amazing (to me) values hierarchy there.
        Mais, vive la difference.
        International travel in this environment?

        But yes mandatory injections are PURE EVIL for sure.

        We are made differently MikeT.
        I would refuse the jab even if I didn’t have health concerns and despite my two children living outside Canada.
        BECAUSE of the COERCION.
        I am one stubborn SOB when it comes to gubmint, having been regulated by the dumb fucks for 40 years.

    3. Kate: I agree 100% with your approach and stance. There are risks with either decision and we need to make informed choices, unless our employers/government take that option away. Currently 4.5M people have died with COVID so we can’t say it’s not deadly. There are hospitals in the US who are caring for “long haulers”; people who contracted COVID with long term health issues. Some were nearly symptom-free when they contracted the virus. Currently 5,634,533,040 people have been vaccinated with negligible deaths, so there is no equivalency in mortality between the options. Very Old White Guy says this vaccine hasn’t been tested for a long time. True, but the first mRNA vaccine was tested on animals in 1990 and the first clinical trial on humans was 2015 (from what I can tell).

      On the other hand…this map shows that the only places in the world with no COVID cases are Turkmenistan and North Korea. We don’t want to emulate them…{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnJaKBhDgARIsAHmvz6daOrRICK2zIVuUn6STTF-M2j2l-KBenk8c-R0DPLMznK-0X04rxBoaAl4QEALw_wcB

      1. That many people have died of Covid because they have not been treated properly with the drugs that work, not because Covid is so deadly. Not to mention nobody knows the actual number of Covid deaths because the numbers have been deliberately skewed, at least in the U.S., by the CDC. // I’m 69 and have asthma and Crohn’s disease. I felt no risk whatsoever in not getting the injections. Given how badly I react to real injections (and I have allergies too), it’s not at all unlikely the Covid shots would maim or kill me.

        1. Exactly, there would be no ICU issues if early effective treatments were available and not artificially made scarce. That is the crime.
          Also the lockdowns, distancing, masks and vax passports would never be required.

          As for the vax passports, fully vaxxed can have the same viral load and transmit the virus just as well as an unvaxxed person, so I think the passports are the introduction of a digital ID and eventually a social credit surveillance system. Certainly nothing to do with health.
          Also the jabs are killing more people than they are saving.

    4. Wise words, Kate. Allow me to join the chorus.

      My entire family chose to vaccinate, I chose not to. I have no objections to people who chose to vaccinate, or even those (such as Ted, and yes, even Allan S to a degree — Unme, OTOH…) who sincerely try to convince us to vaccinate for our own benefit.

      However I am 100% AGAINST coercion, and vaccine mandates, for obvious reasons, and I OBJECT STRENUOUSLY to those who advocate for segregation based on vaxx status, leaving people behind, rationing Health care from the unvaxxed, or even publicly expressing sentiments for the unvaxxed to die from Covid.

      Does that position make me an Anti-Vax extremist?

    5. The frantic push of these vaccines is not normal. The motivation for getting absolutely everyone vaccinated is not out of concern for our well-being … IT’S SOMETHING ELSE …

      I need to know what it is. I have some clues, but there is more than one reason to be behind this purge of those of us who are smart enough to not take an unknown, unproven, powerful substance into out bodies.

      I think there are going to be a lot of unexpected health problems for those who couldn’t wait to line up turkeys on thanksgiving to get their shots and go back … excuse me … Bawhahahaha … to normal … Bwahahaha.

      See you when the shooting starts. If not then then I’ll in the labor camps.

  2. Kate…No worries. Posts such as this I fully believe, will be taken as Information and only as such. And for me, I much rather trust what I see posted here….than pretty much anywhere else. It will be taken in the Vein it was put up:


    And If you have not already been (recently), informed… I, along with most here, am fully aware that this endeavour is one that is 100% Voluntary, I for one am grateful for that and have been for the near 15 years I’ve been a member….thank YOU.


    1. And don’t forget that there’s a DONATE button!

      If you’ve enjoyed your time here, why not support Kate (whether it’s enough for some kibble for her friends, a good bottle of wine for her, or dinner out with a friend)?

    1. No kidding. On another site I was repeatedly called a c*** because I called out the misinterpretation of the VAERS database, which keeps track of health problems immediately following vaccination.

      The stupid thing is that I agreed with the guy that he shouldn’t be forced to get vaccinated.

  3. “ Don’t interpret any of my posts to suggest you shouldn’t get vaccinated. This isn’t a team sport in which you must pick a side (much as some of you want it to be)…”

    Sincere kudos, Kate, for saying this.

  4. As someone who had virus induced pericarditis as a young man I see no value in taking experimental shots that can induce the same thing. I have Atrial Fibrillation and anyone who thinks I will risk what is left of my life for an experiment is delusional. No matter how much proof is out there stating that these experimental “vaccines” are deadly, people just keep ignoring it. When 53 people died in a previous experiment with a flu “vaccine’ it was halted immediately. As I said in the past if the government wants to kill me someone will have to do it face to face and not with a poisonous shot. The myocarditis will be a problem years from, now, maybe four maybe five years.

  5. All I want is the truth so that I can make an informed decision. There has been so much misinformation spewed that I don’t know what to believe anymore.

    My employer has just mandated the vaccine so it looks like I won’t have a choice in the end.
    At this point I will probably just get it (once I talk to my doctor) as I am tired of being blamed for murdering a grandma I have never met.

    1. This short 2 page document from Ontario might be helpful to explain why you chose to wait.

      Best of luck Rob_in_AB

    2. So you are not consenting. You are being forced. Remember that the next time a girl cabes in to pressure to have sex. Refusing to do so is just fuelling the incel urban terrorism problem. Some poor pedestrian is going to get mowed down by a truck driven by an incel if you refuse, so just shut up, lie back, and think of the good you are doing!

    1. In a polite conversation between rational adults, ‘no’ probably works just fine.

      However, as these seem to be in short supply these days & one is far more likely to encounter an uninformed, sycophantic control freak, I’m afraid language just a wee bit stronger is often required.

      1. Here is a link for some great info on standing u for your rights and pushing back with gentle FORCE against those desiring to mandate the jab.

        This is a national movement and growing every day. It is a network of like-minded people desiring to be free and remain free.

        Rally today at 1:00 pm in Calgary to show support. This is going international as well.

    2. When asked by a reporter ‘Have you been vaccinated?’
      Tucker Carlson responded ‘When did you last have sex with your spouse and in what position?’

      1. I have’t yet (being like BADR a urban hermit) but one non-confrontational answer to a busybody might be: My health advisor has performed a risk-benefit assessment and has concluded that it would be best not to take the injection.

        No need to mention that you are the said health advisor.

  6. Well, Kate, I read the last part of the post and it rings a bit hollow. I made my choice not to get vaccinated. Now my employer is forcing me to be vaccinated against my will. Oh sure they claim to give me the option to test, but it’s a fake option. One that will cost me hundreds of dollars a week in testing. Here’s the kicker, I don’t even go into the office. I’m a teleworker. So when you are talking about these vile politicians that are doing this to me, it’s hard not to “pick sides.” I pick the side that’s not evil assholes.

    1. If your position was telework-based prior to COVID, and your employer is not planning to change that to an in-office position post-COVID (which they would be fully entitled to do), then you have solid grounds for seeking an exemption from your employer’s vaccine-or-test mandate.

      Employers are implementing vaccine policies to protect themselves from liability, in case an unvaxxed employee infects a vaxxed one, and the latter sues. If you will have no physical contact with any other employee in the natural course of your work, your employer faces no additional COVID-specific liability in terms of maintaining a safe workplace, and therefore cannot impose a vaccine-or-test mandate on you anyway just for the sake of it.

      Depending on how strongly you feel about not getting a vaccine, you should consider whether to take a stand. I’d suggest talking to your boss, your HR department, an in-house ombudsman if one exists, your provincial/state labour board, and/or a labour lawyer.

      1. Ted, since you are playing the liability card, will the employer be willing to sign a liability agreement that will allow the individual to sue them if employee forced to take the “vaccine” has an adverse reaction?

        1. You don’t need that Ward, if there is a problem later, there will be many class actions against employers for coercion into this vaccinations. You’ll know this is happening when you see the info commercials. Trudeau has promised to shield employers and others from liabilities if he forms government again; whether he does or not to be seen and a future government can choose to lift the shield.

          1. The government will NOT allow itself or its friends in Big Pharma (who didn’t want to produce coronavirus-fighting drugs like hydrochloroquine, for some reason) to be liable for its dubious flu shots. Whether it’s the yes-man or that f@g on Monday, either will cover their anatomy.

      2. Employers will owe severance, and that is a cost that most can’t bear.

        And there was no talk of this until A Liberal shitstain mentioned their federal vex mandate, 1 day prior to the election call. That, along with their intent to relieve employers of any severance responsibilities, is the end of personal rights in this country. Indeed Justin admires the CCP, and the imposition of a social credit system confirms the beginning of the end of a once “free” country. Hello Totalitarian rule!

        Gee, watch the lapdogs fall in line accordingly.

        This country is corrupt to the core.

      3. Thank you very much for this Ted. My plan is to appeal to my manager as I feel he is a level headed guy, use delay tactics, and subtly threaten to consult a labour lawyer.

      4. “Employers are implementing vaccine policies to protect themselves from liability, in case an unvaxxed employee infects a vaxxed one, and the latter sues”
        Wonder if unvaxxed will threaten to sue the vaxxed if they get Covid from that vaccinated person?

      5. Keep in mind that HR functions to PROTECT the company, not the worker. Speak to a canny up to speed lawyer -these lawsuits should become record breaking.

        1. An employer requiring this medical procedure to retain employment faces two liabilities:
          1) severance to the fired worker if they won’t bend over
          2) damages to the worker who took it

          The second category will obviously include the coerced worker but also the worker who freely took it but doesn’t mind signing up for a free lunch when the class action starts. Problem for the employer is even if they win, the process is punishment and it will be contingency fee class action lawyers and not employees footing the bill. Executives and directors sued personally too of course.
          If I was an insurer, I wouldn’t touch a mandate employer with a 10 foot pole.
          Must be counting on Trudeau to give them a liability shield (with the notwithstanding clause embedded).

  7. Unfortunately, all we have is contradictions. One after another. What does an intelligent person do when faced with nothing but contradictions? Difficult to draw conclusions from contradictions? When lied to again and again, does one just accept the lies?
    The main difficulty now, as I see it, is it’s easier to defend the lies than admit you swallowed them.

    1. This almost goes to the heart of the problem (no pun intended). Whether the vaccines work or cause cancer of the uterus, who really knows? We are not virologists. Some of us (being of old fashioned Canadian stock) grumble and accept. But for many, all they have is disobedience and denial. They have no other card to play. And heck they may be right (I don’t think so, but I’m only one voice). If you only have one card to play, you play it hard.

      I’ve come to see this virus as being composed of 3 parts. The first part is the virus itself, and the vaccine to control it. Who knows how effective, how deadly, how long? These questions would arise regardless. Read up on polio and how people were afraid to go swimming as just one example. Second is our government. What a useless shit-show they are. We are really seeing how useless, incompetent and corrupt our governments are (that is the biggest problem IMO). The third is the Internet. You can literally Google any answer you want. Becoming informed is painful and clumsy, maybe not even entirely possible, especially with boobs like Geert Vanden Bossche around who sound super intelligent until you find out he has never published a single (peer-reviewed) paper on vaccines and hasn’t published since 1994. Not exactly a mentor, yet a strong player.

  8. When the heart inflammation risks are age stratified it shows that the risks are considerably higher for teenage boys and young men. The risk for young males is hard to pin down but credible numbers vary from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 6800 will develop heart issues from the vaccine. A recent report out of the UK (disputed) shows that young males are 6 times more likely to be hospitalized from vaccine injury than hospitalized from covid19.

    Since two of my kids are in this category, I follow the research fairly closely. Their college has mandated shots or regular tests. Luckily they’re as stubborn as me and we’ve gone over the risks and benefits together so they’ve decided to refuse the vaccinations despite the discrimination they know will come with that decision.

  9. I had this. It took about a week to resolve.

    Three trips for ECGs and a round of blood work so thorough my family doc said it was overkill but he issued it anyway.

    I eventually got a second shot. Moderna. No signs or symptoms with that one.

    1. Long term scarring? You KNOW the purpose of endurance training? To CHANGE the longterm function and effectiveness of the heart muscle. Why would myopericarditis be any different? Alteration to the long term function and effectiveness of the heart.

      Both appear to have the potential to be long-lasting, and far-reaching.

      If you are a couch potato, you won’t notice.

      But I wouldn’t bet my savings on any triathlete, or mountaineer, or runner or cyclist who gets this, being as competitive or durable going forward.

      But until the dumbfucks in virology can get me robust conditional probabilites, they can take their vaccine and shove it.

      I’ve made it this far and can still run a sub-40-minute 10k. Lots of exposure, mild symptoms a few times last year, nothing this year. I’ll take my chances with a virus I have WAY more likely already been exposed to and fought off.

      Thanks all the same.

    2. Oh goody for you. Not everyone want’s to take the risk. No one should be forced to.

      How long will it take to get the word out that the vaccines don’t actually work .. Blah Blah but the vaccines may maim or kill you as it already has done to hundreds if not thousands. Do you think they are going to report that shit on MSM.

      We are being played … period.

  10. Paul Brandt (country singer, Calgarian, former RN) posted a long and thoughtful piece on Facebook (look it up if you have FB) about his feelings on vaccines. He makes the argument that people who have recovered from covid have the best natural immunity, and should be counted as safe as people who are vaccinated, if not more so.

  11. I would respectfully point out that the tribalism exists for the most part on the side of ruling class, corporations, media, and the righteously misinformed.

    Those that are sceptical of the claims and who have worked hard to educate and inform themselves are not the problem.

    It’s the provax tribalists that are using every means and opportunity to vilify and destroy anyone who points out the misinformation and fraud.

    Let’s not lose sight of the fact that the experimental gene therapy has nothing to do with public health and safety, and everything to do with the subjugation and totalitarian rule over humanity.

    It’s the means to that end.

    The skeptical are not forcing anyone to do anything

    As the saying goes there is no middle ground between the arsonist and the fireman.

    1. That smells of anti-vax tribalism. Was that your intention or are you really that much smarter than the rest of us?

      1. Actually Steve it is quite obviously anti totalitarianism.

        I am fully vaccinated as are my kids.

        But vaccinations do not include unapproved experimental gene therapy.

      2. He seems a lot smarter than you.

        I usually find that I am smarter than most of the people who disagree with my point of view on this fake pandemic and all that it entails. On other topics, maybe not so much.

        Smart people don’t go along to get along, they investigate and decide what’s best.

        Dumbshits line-up for the jab. Sorry folks, but that’s the fact jack.

    2. Ward that is true.
      The tribalism is INITIATED by the left. Always.
      To join in with fellow skeptics is not true tribalism. It’s anti-tribalism.

      It just hit me: Kate’s tender (unnecessary and patronizing) lessons at the bottom have a whiff of moral relativism about them. Which is not to suggest that I have anything but admiration for our hostess.

    3. “Righteously misinformed”

      I like that one. I’d tweak it for the people I know and change it to “righteously ignorant”


  12. Although I am vaccinated my risk profile as a 63 year old isn’t the same as a twenty year old. And I didn’t sign up for vaccine passports or an endless series of boosters. Dividing people into two camps or scapegoating particular groups is classic Marxist tactics. I doubt anyone here will fall for that. Keep posting real science. As with climate alarmism, nothing you hear in the MSM is science.

  13. Kate, the vaccine has proven to be NOT be safe and effective so your little conciliatory piece at the end rings a wee bit hollow. We who are refusing to take the jab are losing jobs, friends and family all the while trying to stick up for our constitutional freedoms and god given right to life and liberty. This is a real war and life and freedom are at stake.

    1. So … you just want your way with no sacrifice? What if I want to drink like a fish and drive like a moron? After all, it’s my choice. And if I take out a few bikers, what’s the big deal. You have the right to ride without a helmet and I have the right to drive like an idiot. Or did you just want things to go your – Bonnie-biker-chick-way?

      Either there is an entire medical conspiracy going on in every hospital world-wide, or, maybe, just putting it out there, maybe, maybe you are not entirely correct. I’ll fuck-off now.

      1. People like Steve here are the true threat to life and liberty. They claim the moral authority to boss other people around, in short, they are assholes. They claim to have the utmost confidence in the vax, while at the same time cringing in fear.
        In a normal, sane society, they would be laughed at, and beaten if they persisted in their harassment of complete strangers.

      2. “What if I want to drink like a fish and drive like a moron? After all, it’s my choice.”
        Then if you cause harm to others there will be a demonstrable and provable link between your actions and the harm.
        If I choose to be unvaccinated and you get the virus, first you’ll have to prove that I had the virus and then you’ll have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you got this universally rampant virus FROM ME.
        Good luck with that.

      3. “So … you just want your way with no sacrifice? ”

        Yes absolutely, no reason for people to be sacrificed for your safety.

        “And if I take out a few bikers, what’s the big deal.”

        As long as you mean cyclists, yeah, what’s the big deal? Hope the car wasn’t damaged too much.

        “I’ll fuck-off now.”

        Excellent, stay that way.

      4. You can FO forever, Stevo/Unme/Dingbat. Mind you, it’s good to see what a sheeple moron sounds like, for all of us to laugh at.

      5. “Either there is an entire medical conspiracy going on in every hospital world-wide…”

        No, hospitals follow a set of protocols, they follow them like robots without a second thought. Said protocols are put in place by bureaucrats appointed to make policymakers look good. Any government that would admit that vaccines are much more dangerous than originally advertised and that Wuhan Flu is much less dangerous than advertised would get toppled overnight. Hence the inertia takes over, and the more evidence there is that the one-size-fits all approach is wrong, the higher the fever pitch from the stuck on stupid operatives, and from the low IQ, sheep like you.
        There, all clarified, no need for a conspiracy.
        Just fear, stupidity and hunger for power.
        You’re welcome.

      6. Steve, MRNA Covid vaccines don’t prevent you from transmitting the disease so you are no more moral or uninfectious than an unvaccinated person. These experimental gene therapy “vaccines” are not vaccines in the true sense. Wearing a helmet is different from injecting toxins into your body. Helmets save lives in bicycle crashes and yes, biking is risky but a lot less risky than injecting yourself with an experimental drug that has been shown to cause blood clots, myocarditis, neurological problems, etc.

      7. Every last public health person/ hospital are not corrupt, but they are locked into a system that is. Most people within that system are not free to speak out or challenge directives given to them. This includes high ranking public health people. They are not going to go out of their way to challenge policies that are being given to them by higher- ups. With would they? If they are currently successful, it is because they know how to follow the rules,

  14. I for one do not wish to get the jab as I don’t think the benefit exceeds my risk.

    That said I believe at some point I will have to bend the knee and get it.
    Between the Provincal mandates, travel to other countries and most coercive my employer.

    I am Canadian but I am considering going to the USA or Mexico to get the J&J or AZ jab(s).
    Both of those preparations are accepted in Canada.
    Does anyone know how to go about going to the USA or Mexico to get jabbed there?
    Conversely if you know how to get those jabs in Canada let me know.

    What they say “get the vaccine “
    what they mean “bend the knee”

    1. If you do that, you are a gutless coward, and deserve EVERYTHING that will be done to you downstream of that.

      Publicly admitting that younwill allow yourself to be forced to take medication against yournwill tells me everything I need to know about your moral character. You are certainly not who I wantnin my foxhole. The British fought this and won. Their government has abandoned this cocked up “vaccine passport” idea.

      NASA caved, no? Make them fire you. I have spent the last few months ensuring maximal difficulties will result for my organisation if they fire me. Including reaching out to clients and building my brand, spending vast amounts of time on weekends building my own corporate structure, and locking in financing.

      If you have failed to plan to build in maximal pain and inconvenience for your company for firing you over this, then you have planned to fail. You deserve neither freedom nor security. And shall indeed have neither.

  15. I was going to put my 2 cents in on the body of the article so this is a two part comment.
    I was talking with the ECHO tech who had just found the heart remodeling on my Covid patient. He said the damage is very common, mostly in non vaccinated patients.
    But the comments at the bottom crystalized my beliefs perfectly. Make me get it, we are going to have trouble. But try to keep it from me and that is going to be a bigger problem. I love my time in the Covid Units (especially the pay) but I want to be the one standing. Hayden Goseek RN.

    1. Hayden. Who precisely is advocating for you not to have access to the “vaccine”?

      You are smearing the sceptical with the actions of the provax brown shirts.

      That is an entirely false premise.

  16. Thanks for the post Kate and your last paragraph. What I am getting from the people I talk to is frustration over not knowing what to believe. For many, they would prefer not to get the vaccine but now have a difficult decision – no vaccine, no job. Hard to say no when you have kids and a mortgage. Two close family members are in that position even though they both had Covid last December and one business I know of has been told they will lose a huge contract if their employees in the field are not vaccinated. Natural immunity should be considered as much as the vaccine.

    1. Hudson:

      When not knowing what to believe when the follow-the-money analysis is as easy as this: gubmint and health agencies bought by a wealthy oligarch, brown/black commie dictator club, an enemy country, WEF etc.

      Don’t believe.

  17. I think those of you who have had the Vid and recovered are missing out on a golden opportunity.

    You are better immunized and protected from the Vid than those who got double jabbed and they are therefore inferior to you (using leftist pretzel “logic”)

    Therefore you should embrace Vaxports but demand a second, higher tier of Vaxport for the “survivors” like you.

    These “Golden Vaxports” would entitle you to sit in biz class on airplanes, to go to the front of any queue anywhere at any time and to vote twice in any election.

    If you can’t beat their draconian measures, embrace the everliving f*ck out of them.

    1. Sorry, wrong.
      Once you submit and bend the knee to these Totalitarian fucks it’s game over.
      You are forever beholden to them, master and slave.
      THEY will just keep changing the goalposts until one day you will be deemed not useful to them and invited into the cattle car for extermination.

      The old ” if you can’t beat them, join them ” phrase in this case does not apply.
      Better to die standing up on your own THEN to grovel on your knees begging for mercy, of which non will be provided.
      Fuck THEM, go out in a blaze of glory and take one of THEIRS with you.

      Resistance to Tyranny IS Obedience to God.

  18. A BLOCKBUSTER. Edwin Black has written a phenomenal book in War Against the Weak. Black has taken all the skeletons from America’s eugenics history out of the closet and exposed them at a time when advances in genetics are leading some scientists down a similar path. At times I was reading the book with my jaw on the ground, astonished to read the racist and anti-Semitic views of scientific luminaries. The fact that “American eugenics had always sought a global solution” was a chilling statement suggesting that the seeds of eugenics practiced so brutally in Nazi Germany were planted firmly in the United States decades earlier. Quite simply, War Against the Weak is a blockbuster.

    – S. Jay Olshansky, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago; associate editor, Social Biology (successor to Eugenical News)

    1. I can atest to the fact that eugenics was alive as a policy in Alberta in the early to mid 1930’s. Some “mentally retarded” teens and adults were sterilized.

  19. I’m feeling the squeeze already and come Sept.22 even more so I’m sure. The next logical step of course will be random stops or something akin to RIDE programs to show your vax papers, then fine the living hell out of those who don’t have it. My heart goes out to those who’ve been ordered to take it where they’re employed and against their will. There’s no shame in it…take it and fight another day. You’ve got bills to pay and mouths to feed.

      1. Mike, I like that idea, but I think it might take more than $100. More like $500, but still worth it. If really, really, forced/mandated/coerced, and I literally have no other choice, I may just use that as a way out. Thanks.

        1. What is your life worth.
          If need be , $ 1000 or more.
          Bring a grapefruit instead and watch what happens to it later.

      2. Or buy a prosthetic arm. I saw a cool Russian video where a guy wore a long sleeve shirt and hid his real arm and had the nurse inject the prosthetic arm.

  20. The methods of CAGW have flowed into all government speak.
    The statement”Temporary reaction causing heart troubles”..very true its temporary, yet one must observe life is a very temporary phase in geological time.
    If the vaccine does you more harm than the disease,is it still a cure?

    Or does it rise to the insanity of “One little white pill,will cure everything that ails yah”.?
    Take our cure and nothing will bother you again.
    For which Cyanide works perfectly.
    or the age old observation?
    What is the best part of banging your head on the wall?
    When you stop.
    As for the disclaimer, damn shame people are so stupid they seem unable to evaluate information ,without blaming the messenger.
    Censorship is evil.
    The function of all these alphabet agencies cluttering government was to provide us with accurate and timely information,from which we might make informed decisions .
    As suits our needs and wants.
    Not to generate mass hysteria, confusion and mandates by morons.

    Massive failure.
    Disband all these bureaus and prosecute the minions inside them.
    Remember,they declared this to be a crisis,Pandemic!Emergency!
    Then they proceeded to show us their abilities.
    Are you impressed yet?

    Given the preventers have done us more harm than a raging pandemic could,why should we tolerate their continued existence and “emergency rule”?

  21. Yeah, not a team sport….BUT. You see some guy in a bar steal another guy’s wallet. That same guy comes up to you and holds up a glass of some unidentified liquid. He’s a complete stranger…and he tells you to drink it.

    Do you?

    Oh, and there are a handful of tough guys standing next to him informing you that if you refuse they will force you. All the while, the other bar patrons start crowding in throwing taunts and accusations. They accuse you of worrying about nothing…to just drink it and shut up so they can bask in their contribution to the “cause.” Or, maybe they are just uncomfortable in your discretion because if reflects poorly on their choice to drink the unidentified liquid from a complete stranger who has shown questionable behavior right in front of you.

    So, it comes down to “what is that liquid?” And, is it beneficial in any capacity, or would I be better off avoiding it. Let’s ask the FDA….oh wait, someone just mentioned they work for the guy holding the glass and stealing wallets. Let’s ask a doctor….but not that doctor who had me fill out a questionnaire at my last visit on how many guns were in my household. And, not that doctor ignoring HIPPA and sending summary documentation to the Federal government for their propaganda.

    Moral of the story is: Everything is politicized. The honor system is dead. Reagan used to say “Trust but verify.” Well, we’re past that…now it is “Verify before you trust.”

    1. There are no easy decisions right now because every bit of data and research is followed by opposing data and research. There are two main reasons why I’m in the vaccines refusal side.

      Observation: First, the most highly vaccinated countries are not doing as well as what was promised or expected. Second, the rate of death and serious adverse reactions for covid shots are multiples higher than any other vaccine on record.

      Credibility: which side is acting sketchier…the government side or the non government skeptics. Hands down it is the government and government agencies that are behaving badly : squashing dissent, using statistical tricks to manipulate data, suppressing treatments, using threats and harassment, imposing mandates and passports and frankly outright lying and exaggeration. This is only a partial list of behavior that destroys government credibility.

      “The U.K. advisory committee admitted a few months ago that they had ethical issues with the panic and fear campaign. Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists
      Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods”

    2. Orson, A great analogy, and well laid out. With what we know of politicians and especially this turd, I am beyond verifying.

  22. I agree with your comment entirely.
    I can add that Vaccine hesitancy for young healthy people is a little like deciding whether to defend yourself against a lion attack or an elephant attack. The possibility of either is so remote that you shouldn’t be give much thought to the issue.
    The concern should be about Vaccine Passports. These don’t look temporary. It seems truly dangerous to allow engagement in public activities based on the affirmative consent of the government. It is easy to add further prohibitions to the list – the hard parts have already been done.

  23. Israel was the first and most vaccinated and are now on their 4th booster. Yet, their case numbers are at record highs.

    The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if it’s no accident.

    I agree with Kate’s note at the bottom of the post and am fully vaccinated. But I have questions.

    1. But I have questions.

      Too late you already took the poison.

      There is no antidote to getting the spike proteins out of your system, nor the clusters or tiny blood clots they will create along with a new variant.

      It looks a lot like the variants began when the vaccine roll out began. Coincidence? I don’t thing so.

      But I do not oppose anyone who wants to take the jab, it’s their body and I really don’t care about other people’s bodies because I have no control over other people so why bother being concerned about that which you have no control over.

      I will never take the jab and I remain unafraid. The weak and frightened disgust me.

  24. My wife got her two jabs. I’m standing fast at refusing all and any. She’s against the passport and treating the unvaccinated as second class citizens. Therefore, we have no real philosophical differences. She admits she took the jabs out of fear and understands that I’m much better at assessing risk than most people. But no, I will not consider those who want me treated as a second class citizen because I’m unvaccinated as my fellow Canadians, and I will express my contempt for them. This will unravel over the next few months and I will enjoy the shadenfreude with gusto.

    1. Gee Thud, I could have posted EXACTLY those same words. My wife too, has had the two Moderna shots.
      The same day after the first shot, she went to emergency and overnighted there, and the next day was diagnosed with pneumonia, and spent five days in hospital. The next week, she again went to emergency and overnighted, ending with a diagnosis of pleurisy and an antibiotic treatment. This was at Easter. Up to now, she has since had two occasions of extreme chest pains that she went to emergency for. The last time she was there for six hours without being seen by a doctor, and gave up and went home. She still has the same chest pains on an ad hoc basis, four or five times so far, usually lasting 24/36 hours each time, the last was over three days ending Sept 14th, and has found using a heat pad and a Salonpas pad helps. She absolutely refuses point blank to go back to emergency. Me, I absolutely point blank refuse to get the goo shot. I also haven’t had the Flu shot in thirty years either. Every time I got the annual flu jab, two weeks later I would get the Flu. Since I quit the Flu jabs, I have had the Flu once, and that was in 2001. There is a reason they are applying extreme pressure to get vaxxed, and it ain’t about anyone’s health!

      1. I know a couple of people with sudden heart issues since the vax. I know someone else who had a mysterious brain bleed issue. I think there is much more risk in these vaccines than is being admitted to by authorities. It’s just crazy to vaccinate every one without any long- term testing.

  25. Sorry, but the tribalism is coming strongly from one side, the mob is organized between malignant government, ignorant media promoting their propaganda and ver the top fear, and useful idiots of the business community, practicing wokism.

    We are both lucky to be very close to retirement, so we can both play out the imposed rules of “GET JABBED OR ELSE, DUMMY!” that is trickling into most large employers playbook. By working at home, myself for 6 years, the wife since the wuhoo plague started, there is no point to getting jabbed. Any attempt to mandate it will be met with resistance. And as we see, BCGov knows they owe severance, so they’ve chosen to “suspend without pay”. Torture is better apparently. Extortion. This is your kind and gentle, tolerant NDP.

    My wife reacts to all shots, but probably not enough for BonBon to relieve her, of course.

    Governments are practicing extortion, for a shot of limited benefit, with high risks of various immediate reactions, including death. No THANKS. You take the jab at your risk. We are prepared with our terrain enhancing supplements including the Zelenko protocol. Our hospitals have chosen to use reactive rather than pro-active therapies, that are a crap shoot, and quasi-barbaric at the same time. Like a large scale human gene therapy experiment……..hmmmm….

    Yes, we will pay a price of loosing some secular privileges, at least in the short term.
    No sit down restaurants. Big Deal. They’ve become too expensive and will continue to get worse. Can still get our fix at any take-out.
    No out of country travel. Oh well, glad we got ours in before all this, though we had more plans.
    No concerts or sports events. Big deal.

    Governments are pretending we are near the end of the plague, and if only “the stupid people” would just get dosed, it would be all over. The media harps in with its propaganda to emphasize. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are at but a point in time, on a long road that may get very dark as we move along. The vaxxed may be in terrible trouble, if GVB continues to be correct about the mRNA therapy.

    Sorry, this is one way tribalism, with an enforced, extortion methodology being forced on the population, while alternative and very effective therapies are being ignored in North America, that are being used effectively in Africa, India and Central America. We are just the peons, not an organized ‘tribe’, trying to avoid totalitarian imposition of subjective rules.

    Gotta disagree with Kate, this is government overreach, with a complicit population of brainwashed sheep, that have fallen for a vary effective FEAR based psy-op.

    We will never take a shot, certainly NOT these clot shots.

    1. Gotta agree with you Dan, This IS government overreach, using fear to force us to obey, and as I said to Thudcycles above, this ain’t about health!

      If the idiot sheeple don’t have this figured out by now, they never will.

    2. “this is one way tribalism”. Dan – you are the very stereotype of tribalism.

      “the behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one’s own tribe or social group”. the internet

      You just don’t like the other tribe.

      1. You promised us (at 1pm), “I’ll f***-off now.”
        From the team that came up with “two weeks to flatten the curve”
        You’re never to be trusted because all you do is lie.

        Don’t ever believe the vaccine passports are temporary.

      2. Your opinion counts for nothing Stevo, now fuckoff like you promised, you ignorant piece of Commie shit!

  26. If there’s any fortunately here, it’s that two new vaccines are due soon, both Novavax and Medicago/Glaxo Smith Klein are closer to a traditional vaccine in design, using some new methods in production. Novavax in particular looks quite promising, I’d like everyone to do their own reading and make their own decisions, but these are my first and second choices. Based on my research for my particular case I’d rather have AZ and take aspirin forever than the mrna shots.

    Although, really, it’s like the entire planet simultaneously lost their GD minds.

    1. That’s what irrational fear does to people, Wonko. It shuts down rational thinking and critical thought.

      1. People in the West are now treating the unvaxxed the way they treated the Japanese residents during WW2. It is disgusting. I might add it’s the English-speaking world doing most of this. Not all, but most.

        I am coming around to the views of the 1619 folks. There is something profoundly diseased and deranged in the white Anglo-Saxon mind…

          1. So? By the standards of the day they were treated extremely humanly. And given where loyalties of the large portion of them (if not of the majority) lied, the treatment was fair.

    2. Is it possible that Canada stopped administering AZ because it wasn’t killing people fast enough? Sure would follow the end trails, wouldn’t it?

    3. I think AZ is also a problem– injects the spike protein I believe. I am also keeping an eye on Novavax, but delays keep cropping up. Because of the regulatory framework, they may not be readily available in Canada. Then, you have to keep an eye on what other countries are allowing to travel there. Not sure the US approves AZ.

  27. I am double vaxxed(AZ) even though we are both super fit and healthy – our age puts us in a higher risk bracket. Absolutely do not support mandates, masks, passports or the other undemocratic nonsense foisted upon us. This is a personal choice and should stay that way. Healthy young people, esp kids, should not be receiving the jabs unless their physician says so. If you choose to not vaxx – the risk, if any, is on you.

  28. I’m old enough to remember when ten cases per ten thousand was one in a thousand, or .1%.
    So according to the data, it’s a lottery, with who knows what prizes, and the chance of a young person winning is one in a thousand! Add boosters and the odds get better!
    So is new info this the reason the government set seventy-five million aside for vaccine related deaths?

    1. No worries, the government “health” system will look after anyone with side effects.

      Government will look after you, during, and after, sort of. And then they don’t. The sheep have put so much faith into government, they aren’t prepared when they will be let down, and they will be.

    2. Good grief. That’s on top of all the money they are paying for vaccines. They could have used all that money to fund long term care or hospitals. Given the short duration of protection from the vaccines ( and given their abdolute effectiveness of 1 to 2 percent) the vaccine program has been a complete fiasco.

      1. Or find cheap prophylactics for people like Ivermectin which would have been way more effective and way cheaper.

  29. But, But, But, Other vaccines!
    In the livestock world, there are entire catalogs of a variety of vaccines you could use. Literally hundreds of products with years of history & development.
    The difference? They are all approved, with studies.
    Do farmers use them all? No.
    Do they work 100%? No.
    When the medical profession or pharmacist dismisses Ivermectin out of hand, they are ignoring the fact that doctors have the ability to prescribe things “Extra-label”. The whole point of why they went to school to make informed decisions.
    Dismissing it out of hand is Their Bad in doing due diligence.
    At the same time, doctors are just “practicing”. Friend went to doctor. With elevated blood pressure, They treated him like he was having a heart attack. Didn’t physically look at him. His wife pushed his displaced rib back in place. Pain gone.
    “God & doctors wives know 90% of peoples concerns fix themselves with time”

    1. Jerry – were they introduced during a pandemic or did they wait for all the horses to die?

      1. If its anything like Covid, Steve, 99.9% of the horses survived, with the older sicker horses being the ones that died

  30. My wife and I went to Burlington in July to get our first Moderna shot. The fellow across from my wife, keeled over, laid out on the floor like a dead fish. My wife hadn’t even received her jab yet. The staff rushed over and helped the guy outside. My wife asked if he was ok. The nurse laughed – he hadn’t even received his jab yet. He was scared so shitless he fainted and fell off his chair. Not sure if that qualifies as myocarditis. My nurse said a lot of people were nervous coming in. Wonder if that has an effect on the heart?

  31. Thank you Kate and associates for trying as best you can to give your readers the best information that you can find. As per your end-comment, Kate, I agree wholeheartedly. My views on many subjects are nuanced. People these days try to fit people into ideological, and now racial, boxes and make drastic assumptions about their opinions.

    As for COVID, I knew, watching Europe and the IATA discussion, that there would be no way to enjoy my retirement life-style without getting shots in order to travel. As well, while I have a couple of health issues, I am reasonably healthy/active/not obese and have never had bad reactions to vaccines. My new hip – on hold – for two years. So, I am double-dosed. A personal decision … I wear masks indoors in stores without complaining, mainly to get things done or be compliant on public transit. I don’t care whether other people do not wear masks – their choice. Masks are likely useless.

    Then, along comes the BC NDP and MANDATES vax passports to go for a sit-down dinner! We have been going out for dinner weekly for months! No outbreaks! This is absolutely insane and the health emergency mandate has got to be ended! Last time that I looked at the curricula for health professionals, there were zero required courses in finance and economics. Thousands of businesses have been ruined. Supply chains and working-from-home models make many businesses slow and in-effective.

    Passports for use within Canada are a VERY BAD IDEA for re-opening sporting events and nightclubs. Mind you, I loved my urban summer, as there were no large-scale, noisy fake festivals in my local park !!!!!

    I totally respect the people who have chosen to not get jabbed with very experimental MRA product or the untested others, except maybe the folks who also refuse to immunize their children against whopping cough. If I were in my years of fertility or younger, I would never have taken the MRA “vaccines”.

    I hope the governments NEVER develop a vaccine sloppily for my pre-school grand children.

  32. A passing thought.
    Perhaps we over complicate this.
    We have a “cure” promoted by serial liars and thieves.
    Do you believe them?
    What level of credibility do you give,the potion pushers?
    Has anything else they promised you turned out to be true?
    Where there is propaganda there is lies.
    For truth never needs “narratives”,group shaming nor statistics.

    1. John Robertson, BINGO.
      That is EXACTLY how I make theses assessments.
      There’s follow-the-money but also determine the character of the leaders of this campaign.
      In the WuFlu hysteria, they’re all compromised and rotten to the core.

  33. When this orchestrated excrement show started I had my suspicions, I guess a good foundation for a conspiracy theory for some and when the vaccines came out, I figured I’d wait a year to let them work the bugs out…hmm…it seems to be more bugs.

    I’ll wait, whether or not some semblance of sanity will be restored in the future remains to be seen. There is a lot of information out there accessible easily while sitting on the throne.

    But in less than 2 years time we have come from having rights and freedoms as a whole to a 2 tiered society, one with privileges and one with less and from 2 weeks to flatten the curve to 2 jabs to feed your family.

  34. My husband got the double jab, I refused, because I have a history of sinus blood clots. I’ve read everything I can get my hands on via the research or lack there of of the non-vaccines and frankly the only reason they’re trying to bully us into having them is we the unvaccinated can and will be used against the corruptocats that forced them onto the people. We the unvaccinated are a control group, we could very well be the only evidence left of the level of corruption in big pharma. They destroyed the data from the trials, after telling those taking the plecibo that they weren’t getting the vaccination. Think about that, they have zero data of those what weren’t vaccinated-now why would they destroy that?

      1. Yep, what they did should be criminal via destroying the control group data but it appears it’s a perk.

  35. I believe this may prove to be a JOHN GALT moment.

    Honest people forced out of work will join the underground (non tax-paying) economy, non-monetary trading will proliferate. Drinking and eating “speak-easys” will be popular. Restaurants, gyms, theatres and professional sports venue will go bankrupt. Hospitals and care homes will become non-functional for lack of critical staff. Inflation caused by Wuhan-flu caused shortages will exacerbate this.

    And all for what? Alternative cheaper therapies with none of dire side effects exist and are MORE effective than the experimental gene therapy.

    I have seen no comment on the tests required “Cardiac MRI confirmed acute myocardial and pericardial changes with the presence of edema demonstrated with both tissue mapping and late gadolinium enhancement” it would seem the 1 in a 1000 occurrence of peri/myocarditis-related problems require some very expensive (and normally long wait-time) tests. The use of MRI with gadolinium enhancement is also far from risk free.

    The true costs to the economy of this insane gene-therapy experiment is immense and extremely damaging.

    1. And BC , THEY have a remedy to the underground parallel economy.
      Get rid of cash and change over to a Digital currency.
      No more buying or selling without it.
      Also , I am sure that future booster shots will have an identity marker imbedded so once injected it is like a digital dye marker.
      No more shooting it into the garbage can with a bribe.
      Ivermectin and associated therapeutics production can and will be shut down.
      TPTB have gamed this all out and know how to thwart every counter measure aimed at getting around their new dystopia.

      We are in for a rough ride in the future.

  36. My wife had something bad in Jan 2020. Covid came around..and nothing for her and me. Our kids came home with it in the fall… nothing for us. One son just had it again a few weeks ago…nothing. my dad (84 in poor health) had it, sister had it… nothing for wifey and I despite close contact. Nobody has been tested for it due to the government, but losing taste/smell is a good indicator.
    I’m certainly not bothering with a vaccine at this point. I don’t want to be on a team either, but you don’t understand…by default that puts me on a team. Get if you want it leave me be you wankers, team.

  37. Getting the vaccine or not getting it is neither here nor there.
    The worst thing about it all in my humble opinion is the “passport”.
    It infuriates me because so many people don’t realize what it really is or will become.
    My team believes in individual rights and freedoms.
    Anyone not on my team is an enemy.
    Don’t tell me how to live and I’ll stay calm, like a bomb.

    1. Yep, passports are a step towards social credit score. New conditions will be added over time. They will never go away. Passports are much more dangerous than Wuhan Flu or the vaccines. Mandates and coercion is the problem.

  38. I have two sons age 13 and 15. My 15 year old had covid. Now they have to get a covid vaccine to play sports. Hockey or basketball. We have a choice of 1 in 1000 chance of myocarditis or no sports. They get minimal benefit from a vaccine particularly my covid recovered 15 year old.

  39. My experience continues to point to a vaccine that is far less than what it’s been sold to us as. I have family and friends that have been vaccinated and still got covid. Who’s to say whether they would have gotten it without the vaccine. I also have close personal friends and family that have gotten covid and have recovered. Similarly, no one can definitely say that it could have had a different outcome .The big tell for me is the frantic pleas for vaccinations as if that’s going to solve everything. Really? If it does, and you’re vaxxed, why it it so critical that everyone else get it too? I shows a serious lack of confidence in your position. I have recently lost someone very close to me who had many co-morbidities and I know of several others personally that have been through/are going through similar suffering. I would never tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t do as a matter of respect for their ability to make that choice . The ones who rail on and on about how everyone has to do exactly what they think is right will undoubtably be at the receiving end of someone else’s determination of your worth someday. Not a good place to be. If you arbitrarily decide that you are qualified to say what’s right and wrong but aren’t in a position authority, then you’re just blowing smoke. If you are a person of authority, and you hide behind your paycheque or behind your protection of liability , you aren’t don’t have moral authority to say. Sadly, the most vocal aren’t in a position of responsibility or liability but because of fear, people continue to listen without discernment We’re not in a good situation but if people don’t soon wake up and see where this could take us, we are all in for a terrible time. As it’s been said, picking sides is not helpful to anyone. If we can’t have reasonable dialogue, trustworthy facts, and leaders willing to learn and listen, we won’t get through this. Pride, arrogance and stubbornness destroy from within. None of us is capable of taking the high road on this without have faith in something more powerful than us. If you think the vaccine is it, it may be at your peril. If you think fixing it on your own is the answer, it could be the same. Time will tell. As I type this, I’ve just been through a really tough go of covid and continue to battle it. I have never once wished that I had been vaccinated, I’m only thankful for my faith in a God who cares, my wonderful wife who has helped me, and many friends in my community who have given us their support.

    1. And I don’t think we yet understand the scope and scale of the vaccine side effects. In Israel it is the double vaxed who are getting seriously ill. Could it be ADE? I agree this should be a personal choice. . . especially as we know they are not sterilizing vaccines, vaccinated get and can transmit Covid. They do not lead to herd immunity, and this HUGE push to get everyone vaccinated is creepy. Good luck to you.

  40. In my day we were so careful about ethics we hogtied ourselves. People who have hemochromotosis can’t donate the blood they have to have removed every two or three months because they get personal benefit from the procedure so the blood goes down a drain, discarded. We couldn’t look at a patient’s file to see if they might fit a study unless we first contacted that patient to ask permission to look to see if they fit. I could go on and on.

    Today, these vaccine mandates are a combination of coercion and enticement to accept a medical procedure. There is absolutely NO WAY to interpret this as anything but a gross violation of human ethics. It’s a short step from vaccine mandates to holding a gun to your head and then telling you they are giving you a choice.

    Anything else, the effectiveness of the vaccines, the side effects, the dangers, anything else about them is completely irrelevant in the face of these unethical, immoral, illegal (both at a constitutional level and in light of international laws such as the Nuremberg Code) actions by our health officials and politicians.

    Vaccine mandates and lockdowns are evil. These are crimes against humanity. People need to go to jail for this stuff.

    1. Hopefully the Nuremberg II trials happen soon. There have been way too many deaths and adverse reactions from these experimental gene jabs and many doctors and researchers are sounding the alarm. Yes it’s your choice to take a jab, but it’s my choice to refuse a jab that could potentially kill me.

  41. Over at The Chiefio,EM has a fine posting on India and their success against Covid.
    Funny how such good news never appears of CBC or any of the Government Funded Narrators..
    And Mexico has fallen off the Media World,ever since they started widescale use of Ivermectin..
    The killer quote in Chiefio’s comment is “Pennys a person”.
