Oh, Surly Pony!


Trudeau has looked frantic and sounded shrill. The leader who propounded “sunny ways” and the hopeful narrative has been reduced to accusing his rival of saying anything to get elected. Lest we forget, this is the Justin Trudeau who promised electoral reform, the return of peacekeeping, pharmacare, clean drinking water on reserves, Access to Information in ministerial offices, two years of deficits before a return to balanced budgets etc, etc.

This is dangerous territory for the Liberal leader — as is the politicization of vaccination. His position on those who have not been vaccinated is hardening, as he tries to link “anti-vaxxer mobs” stalking his campaign events to O’Toole.

“The vague position taken by Mr. O’Toole is an issue. He will not demand that people taking a plane or a train are vaccinated. He will not demand that the federal public service be vaccinated and he doesn’t even expect that his candidates be fully vaccinated — and that shows that, yes, he’s trying to get votes from anti-vaxxers,” he said.

Can anyone remember a time when the prime minister of a country demonized and delegitimized so many of his fellow citizens?

77 Replies to “Oh, Surly Pony!”

  1. I wish I had confirmation of Trudeau’s accusations. Will O’Toole actually defend a citizens right to not get vaxxed? It’s all very unclear right now. Which, in itself, is a bit of a problem.

    1. It’s a bit of a political hot potato. Currently normies think vaccine passports will avoid lockdowns. Once those start again then we’ll see.

      1. Normies believe everything the Big Screen tells them.
        The lies are enormous.
        Masks work (no they don’t).
        Vax is safe and effective (no, and not for long)
        Ivermectin is for horses and cattle (it’s an effective anti-parasite medication, used by humans throughout the third world, for decades)
        Did you know the death rate from COVID in Canada, is 10 TIMES worse than the Dominican Republic…..a third world poor Caribbean country, adjacent to Haiti.
        The DR uses Ivermectin.
        No wonder the government and their media henchmen want to bury Ivermectin. When the public finds out how well it works, and how long other countries have been using it, there will be blood!
        Depends on how cowed the typical Canadian dupe is. Ah, answered my question, Canadians LOVE BEING LIED TO! Gotta be nice, nice, nice, after all, no matter what!

        1. I consider Canadians not “loving the lies”, but just being the inherent shoulder-shruggers they have been molded into over time.
          If all the media began running stories about Ivermectin tomorrow guess what would happen…folks would shrug their shoulders and then check the listings to see what baseball game time was.

  2. Can anyone remember a time when the prime minister of a country demonized and delegitimized so many of his fellow citizens?

    What a hack! The Liberal Party has since the days of the “King-Byng Crisis” and the “King Or Chaos” campaign equated itself as THE “party of Canada”, and anyone who opposes the Liberals is “anti-Canadian”.

    So strange that a political writer would overlook something so obvious. Stupid? Ignorant and lazy? Corrupt? Take your pick, but don’t waste time reading such drivel.

    1. Ivison is, and always has been, a Lieberal shill. When he criticises the Lieberals, he is actually trying to help them out.

    2. Political writers are superfluous in this age of amateur news bloggers.

      Far more intelligent people here provide lucid and insightful commentary that a borderline IQ hack is incapable of.

      That’s why in totalitarian systems the government censors and suppresses free exchange of opinons, and subsidizes “official” news agencies.

      As is done here in Trudeaupia.

    3. I suspect Ivisson doesn’t include westerners (except those on the extreme left coast) as “fellow citizens”.

  3. BOTH party leaders are whacked out globalist rumpswabs. Canada, until you take things into your own hands, you are screwed.

    1. “Back in the good old days”….even the execrable Clark and Mulroney used to play-act a better game by pretending to eviscerate their political opponents on the campaign trail. I guess the oligarchs can’t find the same quality of play-actors to lead the opposition to the natural governing party that they used to. Or perhaps they now realize there’s no need. Canadians are sufficiently mush-brained so why bother pretending.

      Where is all that “moral indignation and outrage” about Junior shutting down the parliamentary committee investigating his family’s corruption, profiting from a corrupt, government-funded false charity? There’s a long list of outrages but I’ll limit myself to one of Junior’s creepiest.

      Obviously, if the oligarchs told O’Foole to kneel down in public and lick the soles of Junior’s shoes he’d oblige.

      Look for O’Foole to prop up Junior’s government after the election just as he has done since his installation as leader of the CONs. One of the more risible of Junior’s lies was that the “opposition” was obstructing his legislative agenda. Hardy har har har….psychopath liar.

    1. Basically, it all depends on rural crime. I know lots of car enthusiasts are very careful about checking out junkers along fence lines. This land sharing scenario is no different. Anyways, most land is posted for hunting.

      This is an easy story to write for a journalist.

      Colton Bushie’s problem was the neighborhood use of cell phones…

      1. Larry what do u mean by the use of cellphones? Source please … I tried looking and got nowhere.

        1. I heard about it during a telemarketing call about my credit card being used. The next time they call I’ll enquire further.

    2. Something like 12 or so farmers doing this in all of Sask something like pissing in the ocean press blow it way out of proportion.The gentleman says he doesn’t feel safe after the Bouchsie incident then quit fucking robbing people

  4. Can anyone remember a time when the prime minister of a country demonized and delegitimized so many of his fellow citizens?

    Does a certain party animal in the U. S. count? His favourite activity was micturating upon the masses.

  5. Listen up everyone – Ivison took his head out of Trudeau’s ass long enough for a bit of air and for the obligatory negative column so he can point to it later as proof he isn’t a Liberal Party cheerleader.
    I guess you could call this an embarrassment of riches for our corporate media – If O’Toole wins it’s still a globalist victory.
    As for O’Toole’s persuasion vs. forced platform with respect to vaccinations. Pfffffftttt…how positively laughable, we’ve heard that line of shit before. In the end you’ll do what’s right for your masters. “Persuasion” could mean a lot of things in my book. Doug Ford says I’m forbidden to attend funerals starting Sept.22…I guess you could say he’s only persuading me.
    And if anything you’ve proven yourselves to be bold faced liars as well as a feckless opposition party to the point where I honestly thought it was intentional. Small wonder I see CPC signs with the candidate’s name in large block letters but the party affiliation is in small print on the lower right.
    I’d be embarrassed too.

    1. Bingo on Ivison, Burton – he’s a little socialist shill who is still pissed off Thatcher took away his government milk when he was a kid.

    2. I’m visiting my parents in queerbec right now where it’s passport land since the 1st…Sherbrooke region…although they both have their passports, they were never asked to show them both times they ate at their usual non chain but busy restaurant…today, i went to pick up some food for take out, I’m not vaccinated because I have natural immunity. Both guys in front of me asked to eat in so showed their passports via phone…they’re was no scanning and the cashier barely looked at them from afar. What a joke!
      As far as Ontario on the 22th and not being allowed to attend a funeral, this is what I’m hoping will happen as an example:
      « I am going to attend my mother’s funeral right here and I dare you to go nazi on me and call the authorities and I will make sure Rebel news hears about it too »
      Based on what I have witnessed here in Quebec, I hope many businesses will also « pretend to enforce » in Ontario…if McDonald’s, Tim Horton and others go nazi let’s boycott them by going to mom and pop places where a sort of resistance will eventually install itself IMO
      Vive la résistance!

  6. I’m an anti-human-experimental-genetic-modificationist. I’ve still believe in the benefits of vaccination though. So don’t call me an anti-vaxxer.

    1. They are using “anti-vaxer” as a slur for anyone who views making the mRNA concoction mandatory as tyranny. That’s exactly what it is — tyranny, as the vaccines have not been thoroughly tested, produce serious side-effects in some people, and have not even been proven effective in terms of preventing transmission. They do not prevent transmission. Using the term “anti-vaxer” is a cheap shot, intended to dismiss people’s concerns. I have even heard the wonderful Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi called a “Covid-denier.” It’s pathetic.

  7. Debates are a joke when the screws are tightened before participants finish , they don’t get to exchange views freely without “moderator” interference.
    O’Toole has so much ammo, Trudeau has promised so many things he hasn’t done in his six years, like promising clean water on reserves, so far has done zilch. Let’s hope opposition have a chance to highlight his failures, if not, it’s a useless exercise.

  8. That’s a man who’s figuring out he’s been screwed dry—by the Chinese and Chrystia Chomiak.

    And who’s figuring out what normal people who have to work for a living really think of pampered ponces like Justin Sinclair.

    Pity Papa isn’t here to tell him what to do when you’re the most hated man in Canada. He’d have already quit and left Chrystia to go down in history as the woman who presided over the Liberal Party’s self-destruction.

  9. He’s pretty screwed. Oh I expect he’ll get a minority, but that’s not good enough. The Big Red Machine demands a majority and rightly so after all the time, money, and unprecedented opportunity. The chances of majority look slim. I remember the ’90s and man the BRM ain’t what it used to be.

  10. I must confess I underestimated the ability of Trudeau (and Freeland) to screw this up. I was sure O’Toole would not be able to enforce discipline. This is definitely not the election I was expecting.

    There Is Great Disorder Under Heaven, and the Situation is Excellent.

    1. The writing was on the wall from the 2019 election. That should have been a total cakewalk for Trudeau. The Tories were wildly overconfident with a terrible leader, and they still gained seats and vote share. Trudeau’s victory was as Pyrrhic as it gets.

      1. I keep reading here and elsewhere and hearing on podcasts how “popular” Junior is. Time and time again.

        Sounds like gaslighting to me.

        The cold hard numbers are that Junior got fewer votes in the last election than some non-entity dweeb got. Fact.

        Junior had less popular support than any other government in Canadian history. Fact.

        If the non-entity dweeb got more votes than Junior, shouldn’t the dweeb be considered “more popular” than Junior?

        Funny, but I’ve never heard anyone make the claim that the dweeb is in ANY way popular, let alone MORE so than Junior.

        So justify yourself, Trudeau-propaganda-purveyors…just how do you reckon Junior is so popular and well-loved?

        Obviously, Junior himself knows the truth. Why vilify your opponents by slandering them with lies, why bribe voters with borrowed billions, why put all the “news” organizations on the Liberal Party payroll if you can feel the LOVE?

        Total bullshit. But Junior seems to have succeeded in brainwashing everyone ELSE to think he’s “popular”…. incredible.

        1. Cue the brain-dead “my sister-in-law thinks he’s a dreamboat” refrain….

        2. Trudeau-mania II is, like most sequels, a pale retread of the original. Canada is not nearly as left wing as it used to be.

          1. Well with over 50% support for the criminals and the NDP let alone the Green, we have a long way to go.

          2. Actually, Canada is more left wing than ever, not that a low IQ clueless savage can be expected to understand it.

          3. Trudeaumania is now known to have been largely a psyop, concocted by an Edward Bernays type PR firm retained by Power Corp.

            The “iconic” video of Trudeau running away from lovestruck teenage girls was a staged event.

            Remember too, that at the time, Canada was ground zero for MK Ultra, operating in many places across the country but principally run out of McGill U.

            Now, I’m not saying I have evidence that Trudeaumania and LSD-induced pyschosis were in any way related, but….

        3. The paid Media,our Government Employed Presstitutes,must promote the meme that Justine is competitive.
          They will run such memes right up till the mail in votes give Justine and his children’s crusade their majority.
          We are about to see a repeat of the Biden Campaign,adapted for Canadian conditions.
          The Parasitic Overload of the North American Uni-Party shamelessly copy each other.
          So we will see real support of the opposition and continuous push polls,claiming Justine still leads,right up to the vote fortification.

    1. You’re mellowing.

      I’m still holding out for the Mussolini treatment. Hanging by his feet from a lamppost and beaten with sticks.

      Jo-jo’s with me.

        1. Love them or hate them, when the Italians are done with something, there’s no ambiguity. Into the Tiber with the mutilated corpse!

          We could use the Rideau…

    2. Exactly that, all viable options suck so at least Little Fidel can be obliterated in the polls as consolation.

  11. Is there a “Hack” to neutralize the COVID vaccine? If forced to get the vaccine and knowing the technology in it is obsolete; the side effects are disastrous, can one simply load up on ivermectin prior to taking the vaccine to kill its spike proteins and mRNA before they do any damage?

    1. That’s the recommendation from Dr Chris Martensen, IVM, before, day of and after.
      As well, continue with adult size Aspirin (anti-coagulant) and Claritin or similar anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory.
      If no IVM, Quercetin is the next best thing.
      Avoid the shot entirely though, unless you are over 60 and obese or have another serious medical condition.
      We’re in a war now, of truth vs tyranny and lies. Governments are so invested in their vax lies, that they are doubling and tripling down on their deceptions.
      The vax is not safe, the side effects are numerous, but, the complicit media will not report them at all, and doctors will be suspended if they report. Drs are muzzled.
      this is Gulag Canada

      1. Also everyday:
        5000 IU D3 (Bump to 50,000 if confirmed infected for a couple of days.)
        2000 Vit C
        Vit B complex
        Not medical advice.

      2. Well that’s weird.

        I read that one factor in the high death count of the 1919 flu pandemic, (it seems stupid nowadays to call it “Spanish Flu” considering what is now known about it), was the overprescription by doctors of the relatively new acetyl-salicylic acid (aspirin).

        Medical malpractice probably resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths.

        Now you’re supposed to take aspirin to mitigate the harm MDs are perpetrating with the phoney “vaccine”??

  12. “Can anyone remember a time when the prime minister of a country demonized and delegitimized so many of his fellow citizens?“

    That’s too easy.
    How many came from Quebec?

    “Da peepels from Alberta, Dey are different”

    1. He said that while campaigning in the Maritimes. “I can do business with da peepul here…but those Albertans….”

      1. For Ivison history obviously only began in 2015.

        That or it’s the short term memory loss prevalent among the parliamentary press gallery. They seem to experience bouts of it during liberal governments.

        1. I don’t think the reason for this “phenomenon” is anything more exotic than that the natural governing party can be a rich benefactor or a dangerous enemy. Pretty simple choice if one is a lazy, talentless hack living in Ottawa.

    2. Oui m’sieur, pis les maudits Juifs itou.

      C’est à cause des maudits Juifs que chu jamais capable de me rendre saoule comme un sauvage!

      Le Québec aux Québécois, les Juifs au gaz! *hic*

  13. Justy thought he could ride to majority on the horse called Covid, easy peasy. He figured folks would feel sympathy for him living in the cottage all alone, away from his loving family to take care of us all.
    Time we showed him where the bear went potty in the buckwheat.

  14. Incuriously, most of the people who are hesitant about the vax wouldn’t vote for the Hairdo in the first place. He loses almost no votes, takes a postion & is viewed as strong by those who will vote for him. Win/win.

  15. Not exactly “courageous” to “stand up for what you believe in,” if you believe that the majority stands with you.

    The real guts is with saying to the perceived majority that your policy is wrong-headed, and putting us all on a road to disaster.

    Unfortunately, O’Foole lacks that kind of courage. He will not stand for the minority. He will not protect the rights of ALL Canadians… only those whom he agrees with.

  16. “Can anyone remember a time when the prime minister of a country demonized and delegitimized so many of his fellow citizens?”

    Well, it hasn’t even been 100 years since the federal government demonized and delegitimize a segment of fellow Canadians. Based on what journalists are now supporting to punish the unvaxxed, I’m 99.7% sure that today’s journalists would have supported Japanese internment. Canadian journalists are just as compliant with the government’s erosion of human rights now as they were in the 1940s. This was their test and they failed, again

    By late summer 1942, all Japanese Canadians had been moved from the West Coast…However, the majority of Japanese Canadians, some 12,000 people, were exiled to the Slocan Valley, in BC’s eastern Kootenay region. They were housed in what were euphemistically called “interior housing centres.”…

    …Except for producing shelter, the  government did not provide the inmates with any financial assistance. In the United States, the camps offered basic food, clothing and education. But Canadian officials provided no food or clothing, and no schooling above the elementary level…

    …The federal government confiscated the property and personal possessions of the Japanese Canadians. This was done to finance the costs of their internment and to discourage them from returning to the West Coast. After amending the powers of the Custodian of Enemy Property, the government issued an order-in-council on 23 January 1943. It permitted the forced sales of Japanese Canadians’ property.


  17. More to the point and which should be of concern to ALL Canadians is the way provincial health ministries are fine and dandy with third parties using personal and confidential information to ‘protect us”. In Regina, the city government is demanding that anyone visiting a city facility must show proof of vaccine or a negative covid test – before they are allowed into a building that they fund through their tax dollars. This is NOT voluntary use of confidential information. Employers are doing the same. You are restricted in your movements/employment unless you comply. It is all under the guise of protection (they will come up with a catchy slogan at some point like 2 weeks to flatten the curve/stop the spread, we are all in this together.

    I don’t expect much from City officials, since most of them are dumb as a bag of doorknobs, BUT why the heck is the provincial government going along with this? It is data that they collected and should be keeping private except to those that need access to it. And the City DOES NOT need access to it. The ‘science’ underpinning actions such as the City and employers is false. See https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/07/florida-governor-ron-desantis-is-following-the-exact-covid-protocol-recommended-by-u-k-senior-vaccinologist-sir-andrew-pollard/#more-216539

    Not to be extreme, but anyone with a passing glance at history sees the trend. How did the Nazi’s prepare Germans to accept the final solution? First they created a crisis (Jew taking over the economy etc), then they labelled them (yellow stars), then they isolated them (ghettos), then they moved them to ‘camps’ and by that time, when they were shipped off to the gas chambers – no one cared. See a pattern – the exact same thing is happening with those who are not vaccinated – we have seen the headlines in MSM/academia talking about how the unvaccinated are threatening all of us, with the suggestions that then need to be isolated and labeled, and now Australia is even seriously thinking about opening camps for those unvaccinated. Guess the next step? It is not hard, but once in camps far away from the main populations, what is to stop some caring bureaucrat from the next step (likely not providing health care because they deserve to die)? NOTHING will stop them.

    1. Yes. People may think comparisons with the scapegoating that went on in Nazi Germany are extreme, but they are not — and some of those who survived the holocaust have already expressed alarm. The insanity in Australia should be a wake- up call. A sinister global agenda is in the works, and Canada does not seem to have much will to resist. The unvacvinated are no more likely yo be trandmitting the virus than vaccinated, and our Prime Minister is using them as scapegoats. Totally immoral.

      1. And the irony ( or should I say gall) of a PM busy apologizing to every last group that was treated unfairly in the past, and then going out and deliberately demonizing the unvacvinated. The hypocrisy is stunning.

  18. Hmm, this poll https://youtu.be/gi4LrcQyQl0?t=21 imples 10%don’t know, are BQ or PPC.

    It’s just a poll but the greens and NDP dropping certainly aren’t goping to the CPC so it must be

    Green/NDP -> Libs -> CPC. I would have expected

    CPC Green/NDP if wonderboy were the source of unpopularity with the left.

  19. I wouldn’t get very excited about something Ivison wrote.

    He’s the prick who was full of applause for pinky when the gutless little wonder reversed his position on turdo’s ban on semi-auto rifles.

  20. Vote, vote for anybody, but do not vote for this charlaton JT.
    We have seen his colours and they are dark and meant for the Globalist.
    We as a country, represent an opinion other than his.
    Reject him on September 20th.

  21. Linking the anti-vaccine passport protests to O’Toole is a horse that escaped the barn, the media figured out that the anti-globalist protests are almost entirely related to the surge in PPC support. Good for them for noticing, now where’s Max at the debates?

    After all, it’s hard for five socialists to have a debate about anything except the colour of the drapes.

  22. Ivison has always been a Trudeau boot-licker.

    Since when was Justin authentic, empathetic and honest? Do tell!:

    “Trudeau’s success is built on authenticity — in successive elections, a plurality of voters has been convinced by his empathy and positivity.”

    What an @$$ Ivison is.

    1. Thank you so much. Here I was digesting my gourmet meal in peace and now it’s threatening to make a reappearance. Not to mention my blood pressure.

    2. Indeed. The phony little sociopath doesn’t have a gram of authenticity in his ballerina body. Ivison is a turdo fart-sucker of the First Order.
