What would you do?

Earlier today, in Metro Denver, I struck up a conversation with an 80+ year old gentleman who had just floen in from Minneapolis. He told me that soon after he sat down in his seat on the plane, a young guy came up to sit beside him but first asked the old fella, “Have you been double vaccinated?”

How would you have responded?

81 Replies to “What would you do?”

  1. Tell the absolute truth.
    Or in the Liberal sense Flat out lie.
    For in this era of witch hunting, lies have no meaning.
    And my preferred action,would make too much mess on an aeroplane.
    Of course I am Vaccinated,being over 60 …Not my problem if the inquiring person has a single focus.

  2. Q: “Have you been double vaccinated?”

    A: “Are you herpes positive, boy?”

    In truth I’d probably go with “find another seat, kid.” There is some stupid so intense you can’t get anywhere with it.

  3. In a voice loud enough to be heard several isles away “WHAT? Why on earth are you carrying two guns?”
