34 Replies to “Nothing To Do With Islam”

  1. I wonder what recent events could have emboldened this brave warrior of the prophet? Maybe one of the New Zealand cops texted him to “Tear Up Texas! ?”

    I wonder how many others are being watched in NZ? How many are the RCMP watching and following in Canada?

    1. Cops are being effected too in this sweep to vaccinate everyone and they too are protesting.
      Any deaths outside the hospital, cops are usually dispatched.
      So, they too know what is going on that our politicians and media are ignoring.
      Probably more of a rise in cop suicides as well.


      This is where Chris Sky has been.

      1. Was glad to see that. I’d followed him on Twitter and he just stopped posting. No announcement of him being banned.

  2. Nor should it. For one thing…I’m not a fan of arresting someone for making a statement. For another, I’m not a fan of jailing someone who wants to buy knives. What I don’t support is giving refugee status to individuals who display the behavior this guy did after NZ welcomed him in with open arms. The fact that they failed to deport his is, also, troubling. But, the major offense of NZ is having this guy under 24/7 surveillance when he committed his knife attack, but not following him into the store even though his Facebook described what he planned on doing. Then the superiors to those surveillance folks giving them cover by pretending it could not have been prevented.

    1. Yes it should. No freedom for enemies of freedom. No freedom for enemies of civilization. End of story.

      1. I couldn’t disagree more. Your premise for taking away freedom is subjective (whether your are right or wrong…no one gets to decide). The same premise is being applied by the Left at the expense of the Right. I don’t support it on either front. You end up with organizations like ANTIFA who strong arm opposition through the use fascism. Irony beyond words. A more general example would be the “snowflakes” who cry bodily harm should someone present a contrary opinion. Essentially, I believe in freedom of speech even if you say stupid shit. I believe in the ability and freedom to offend.

        And, I support a jackass spouting off in court about how he plans to buy knives because there are no laws that make such declarations illegal. The law and freedoms aren’t just for you and me…they are for everyone….including socialists, communists, islamists, and even terrorists. Failure to include everyone in that all encompassing circle of freedoms defeats the purpose of their existence.

        1. Yes, I am well familiar with the naivety of your approach. Heard it millions of times, believed in it myself once. No more. Tolerance results in death of Western Civilization. Apply to enemies the standards they apply to you or if you’re willing to be charitable at least Pinochet them. Start up the rotors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WWuVsunoD8

  3. This soft cowardly Prime Minister allowed this to happen and I sincerely hope the wounded and their families go after her for this despicable betrayal of the safety of her citizens. Once again muslims are protected by politicians like her.

    An accident? Give me a break.

  4. From the BBC “But [Prime Minister] Ardern said that every legal avenue to keep him out of the community had been exhausted.”

    Yet her governments appetite for suspending Kiwis rights is never exhausted. Somewhere in New Zealand a lampost is missing its politician.

    1. PM Ardern said ever legal avenue to keep him out of the community had been exhausted? She seems to have missed the bit about him trying to leave New Zealand to go to Syria and the NZ authorities not allowing him to leave their country.

  5. Seems that the Kiwis have useless laws. It is hard to understand why they were unable to deport that islamic idiot, considering what they knew about him. Gutless moron woke leftists running the show. FFS!

  6. “He was arrested in 2017 at Auckland International Airport after booking a one-way ticket to Singapore.”

    Found the problem…

    Government: “we can’t get rid of this extremist who has threatened our citizens”

    also Government: “We arrested this extremist who was trying to leave the country on a one way ticket”

  7. Tolerance? I support the exact opposite. But, at the same time I support everyone’s right to be intolerant. If someone says I can’t use a phrase or word because it offends them, I’m more likely to use it. If someone DEMANDS an apology from me for some perceived slight, the chances they get one are less likely than had I come to that conclusion on my own. There’s nothing naïve about that.

    I hear the “diversity is our strength” catcall so much that the Alinsky factor has actually worked. It’s said so much that it has become accepted as a factual truth. The real truth (which I make a point to enunciate whenever someone drops that crap on me) is to point out that some Cultures in my opinion are absolute shit and I address them as such…as is my right. The reactions are as expected because countering this nonsense has become a risky proposition. But, it wouldn’t be if more people spoke their minds.

    You’ve given up, Colonialista. I haven’t. You’re willing to forgo basic rights for anyone because you are unwilling to provide those inalienable rights to everyone. They’ve beaten you. I’m still in the game.

    1. Diversity is divisive and has always been so. Not every tribe wants to get along with the other tribe.

  8. When most of the pictures are obscured and most of the dialogue is censored what the Hell is the point of the video. It makes no sense whatsoever!
    Why even show it??
    I guarantee that whatever happened may have started but the ending would have been vastly different if whatever happened had taken place in Texas or Arizona.
    New Zealand and Australia are both write-offs! Eff’ ’em. Not worth commenting on!!

  9. Deport him? Hell with that. Two 9 mm slugs to the brain, and feed the corpse to the hogs.

      1. Yeah Auckland finest, those same finest that went to door to door disarming people … pity people were disarmed and died when the attack happened.

  10. Dumb Q perhaps, what ever happened to accepting culture of country you immigrate to. They accepted you, be grateful.
    East Europeans of all sects, nationalities from time back when, happy to be here, thank you.
    Today, they want to change destination country to match hole they fled and want sanctuary from.
    Love it, or leave it, planes fly both ways. Just saying.

  11. My local leftist Fox News station, KTVU insists on labeling this Radical Muslim Terrorist as a … Sri-Lanken … as if he were a peaceful Buddhists who worship elephants and cows

  12. What the world really needs to know–‘was he taking horse dewormer?’.

    I mean Mrs. Prime Minister Mrs. Ed must be….

    1. They just voted her back in, so no…

      She looks like she and A.O.C,. come from the same cloning batch.

  13. I don’t think that it’s possible to buy a bunch of knives in a courtroom here in the USA. New Zealand must be a very strange place.
