13 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. The election was stolen. This short video explains that the President is doing as he is told. Probably China through Pelosi. The fall of the USA is going to unfold much like the Fall of the British Empire. Expect the US to lose Reserve Currency Status, and to be besieged on many fronts. The Ukraine will fall, the EU will dump the US, and the EU will fall as the USA has been paying everyones bills. The 1200 year war with Islam is continuing.

    1. When we left our military Brother’s, Vietnamese were never allowed to kill them for food.
      To leave those beautiful animals in those small hot cages, no food, water, Afghanistan planners deserve the pits of hell.

  2. Stolen elections have deadly consequences especially when stolen elections are stupidly deemed to be irrevocable.

  3. None of this is a failure. It is planned and designed to hobble, hamstring humiliate and ultimately destroy the west.

    It has been going on for years and those responsible were caught out at their game with Trumps election

    So now it’s peddal to the metal in a race to seize and consolidate supreme power.

    They don’t care how obvious or how many know. If they fail they hang.

    Ultimately none of this is possible without the corrupt media.

    Just once I’d like to see someone point the finger squarely at Obama. That’s who is quarterbacking this, whether he is calling the plays is another question.

    1. Yes, indeedy, Ward. The withdrawal was by design. The USSA wanted to leave the Taliban in charge. That’s why they rushed to get out and leave billions in high tech weapons intact for their use.

    2. Ward

      100&% Agreed on the Quarterback. That filthy shit-stain is one of the first needing a columbian necktie.

  4. As I have said repeatedly … it appears as though the State Dept. is ruining, err running our country. Our Potemtagon (good one Mark!) military leaders who proudly … “wear the ribbon!” – lots of em. A colorful collection of military “participant” ribbons – because if you haven’t noticed … our military hasn’t kept score since Vietnam. If we did … it would read: 0 for a LOT Our military is taking their orders from the State Dept. who takes their orders from the DNC Party Officials. They’ve all been to Ivy League Schools together and fancy themselves the smartest kids in the room. The reality is they’re know-nothing punks who wield their degrees as if the paperwork could stop REAL bullets – in the REAL world.

    These peace-loving “transformative” State Dept. wizzz kids have pissed themselves. And now they’re all on stage pissing their pants to make President pissy pants appear “normal” after pissing himself with the National Afghanistan Retreat “Plan”. LOOK at them … all coming on stage and to zoom calls with urine soaked uniforms. Disgusting. The fact that our country is being run by a vast array of high-degree LOSERS … is depressing.

    It’s as if the students voted to make the biggest LOSER in class – President. As a JOKE. Only this isn’t a JOKE … it’s NOT funny. This is REAL LIFE! Donald Trump was the popular kid … the kid from a good family … an ‘A’ student who turned his homework in on the due date … a SMART kid who was liked … but also the source of jealousy and derision. So the class voted for the LOSER … just to turn things upside down. But there’s a reason there ARE winners and losers … winners win, losers lose. Promoting and voting the LOSERS produces LOSS

    The LOSING has just started … 6-months of undoing everything the WINNER President put in place. Our Southern border is non-existent – LOSER. The Afghanistan retreat bungled – LOSER. Spending America into hyper-inflation – LOSER. Strangling our fossil fuel industries – LOSER. Canceling college loans -LOSER. Spending $Trillions after $Trillions after $Trillions – LOSER
    Imposing ever more regulations – LOSER

    Get ready for 3-1/2 more years of LOSING … Bigly

    1. Well said Kenji. +++^

      Ya gotta admit, Steyn doesn’t put out a daily face slap, but when he gets on a roll, he’s brilliant!

  5. This may well be the second successful assassination of Abe Lincoln. The first time they got the physical man. This time they’re after his vision. Sadly his own words are most prophetic: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
