22 Replies to “One Of Monsef’s “Brothers””

  1. ” In light of what happened at the Kabul Airport today, I have accepted the resignation of Monseif as a candidate today”

    /words that will never cross Trudeau’s lips

  2. “No word” Really? Consider it done. Several times over. Even after he blows himself up.

    1. I was saying, GE will likely be given full LPC membership and a riding all his own. Or a plum patronage position.

  3. In the case of Monsef calling our enemies “brothers” Treason comes to mind, then on second thought, not in Trudeau’s Kanada.

  4. Her brothers have killed 12 of America’s sons. What a disgrace. All predictable, except worse. Same here as Harper had warned.
    Collectivists who are not pursuing the goals they say and you think they are, the national interest, power their ends and means.
    That’s what they fail at everything they’re supposed to be doing, because they’re not doing that at all, just spinning slogans.

  5. The Trudeau cult’s Toronto Star is outraged that racist Canadians are saying mean things about Monsef. Its a right wing assault against the Liberal Party. Meanwhile the Trudeau cult’s CBC is outraged that O’Toole wants the flags at Parliament Hill to be flown at full mast again. The flags must be kept at half mast as a long term reminder that Canadians committed genocide against Indians. And Ryerson University has made it official that it will change its name to eliminate its colonial racist ties to Ryerson.

    1. You know how that backfires?

      Some of those people have never been politically involved before and see something that gets their attention.
      When the court scribes start collectively call them racist with no basis in truth and adding the label right wing, those folks see someone acting out of hate and start finding common cause with the right

  6. You vote Liberal, you get Liberal. Everyone stop complaining. That should be the only answer anyone gives to any “what happened” or “what’s going on” or “how” or “why” question.

    People will have to suffer because of it. Some will die because of it. Hopefully, some are able learn from it, and stop repeating mistakes.

    1. I keep hearing the same advice from a few of our regulars, so I finally have to ask: did you vote LPC Kevin? I didn’t, never have and never will. Can’t help thinking some of you guys are making excuses for your own bad voting habits.

      1. What I notice, is that people without actual arguments to make, default to ad hominems.

        No, I am not curious why you thought it appropriate to bring out the “you’re a Liberal” accusation.

        The plain and simple truth of it, is simple. What you are seeing, is what the Liberal government wants. They are in charge. This is Full Liberal. If you want something different, then you have to vote something other than Liberal.

    2. That’s only 25% of eligible voters. That’s all they need for 100% of the power with a 60% voter turnout. We do give them power.
      That must change or else we’ll have to settle in for a regal period of depravation with nice hair but no brain and gray boomers.
      Tell people to vote, to pick an issue. A higher voter turnout will hurt Trudeau. Grit vote is stuck, picked at on its left and right.
      Anybody but Trudeau. Think about that. Why hold out for perfection, assuming one worldview only has broad support. Not so.

  7. “What happened to the Canada of warrior soldiers who were also the world’s best United Nations peacekeepers?”

    That’s when I know a writer isn’t being serious. So who is Lorrie talking to… me?
    Clearly not. He’s talking to a generation that’s had a steady diet of “Heritage Moments” from the CBC.

  8. Lorrie – Canada is focused on the climate change file you have file you have fully supported. Everything else is secondary.
    Does he still get paid?

  9. When closeted, epsilon homosexuals and angry women get to make decisions, you get Canada 2021.

  10. Calling older mates or males of higher rank, brother , is common in Afghanistan and Arab cultures. It doesn’t signify ties, love or agreement.
    A few minutes of research can clear it up.
    Knee jerk reaction are for jerks.

    1. Deserttrek, So? She may be of Arabic or ME background, but she lives in Canada, She is engaged in running Canada, and she woulds know full well how such an expression would be perceived. This is not the first time she has expressed things that cause upset to Canadians. What she said, and she was reading, from what seemed to be prepared notes, was deliberately designed to cause further discomfort. According to her, we are all Islamphobic, simply because we are right wing or Conservative. She is shit stirring just to get reaction, and she is not a friend to any of us that are not in agreement with her ideal of perfection. I would suggest it is you who is being the jerk, and perhaps you should do a little more research on this particular member of parliament.
