21 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. I am going to say it.
    At least they won’t procreate should they continue down their path of self-identity destruction.

    Once they start on male hormones – they can’t regrow their ovaries with more hormones from the female variety.

    1. Actually that’s not true. Once they go off the synthetic testosterone supplements they can get pregnant. Not as readily, but can.

      1. I envision every single one of those breast removal surgeries performed on *ahem* … husky dykes. The kind with an Apple body shape … and CRL*

        * charging Rhino legs

    1. probably 20 to 30 years. Right after the covid “vaccines” lawsuits are all dismissed “because we say so” by the supreme courts in both nations.

  2. One of Sophocles characters says “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”.

    I’d say Mother Nature is having her way with some of us.

    1. Often with divorced mothers who have custody, but want to keep retaliating, even after generous family court agreements.

  3. Who knew that there were so many ghouls in the medical profession? Josef Mengele appears not to have been an outlier.

    1. Yes, I thought most North Americans and Europeans plus AU/NZ were against female mutilation. How can we we be taken seriously when speaking with Africans and those from the middle east? No leg to stand on in the debate, as hypocracy reigns

  4. In the 1990’s, it was, divorce, depression, drugs, alcohol, sex, self-mutilation (cutting), abuse, and eating disorders. Oh, for the good old days! Mary Pipher’s “Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls” needs a re-write.

    Honestly, why do our girls (young women) hate themselves so much? Everything their mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers struggled to achieve means nothing to them. Is this how they manifest their scorn and contempt?

    1. Feminists sold young women a bill of goods that is stupid and unrealistic. Also the recent school systems have told everyone that they deserve a participation award. Even the kids know that other people were better, a useful skill as a grown-up. Most 5 year-olds can tell you who is the best in any activity! Why do schools want to lie to 1st graders?

      In the second feminist wave, I rejected the whole bundle, being Albertan then (thank you grandpas and grandmas for being born there/moving there before it was a province).

      Yes, it is important to get a “good education”, but if you avoid hard core courses in math and science, take bullsh*t degrees, start your career as some kind of activist, give away sex for free in your peak reproductive years and wait until 35 to find someone with whom to parent, all the really good men will be picked off by then. Partnerships are often enormously stupid, especially if children emerge.

      No one can change biology by fiat. Just read Jordan Peterson for facts that have been well known for decades on personality differences, strength differences and differences in bell curves for overlap in male-female intelligence, as well as personality. What was the matter with “tom-boys” and “effeminate” boys? No one in any western society had any problems with this range of personality and interests, as it is normal!

  5. The freakshow will be glorious to watch when all of these mentally ill people start realizing they have made a big mistake.

  6. Meanwhile in Afghanistan women get their breast modified by having men throw rocks at them. Doubles as facial reconstruction and brain surgery.

    Some people need to get over their literal First World problems.
