Hamilton has an “Identity” Problem

Jonathan Kay-

This week, Hamilton, Ontario has been instructing its employees on the city’s 23-page(!) “Protocol for Gender Identity.” These training sessions are mandatory and take 2 hours. An employee sent me the materials, & they are what you might expect, along with a few surprises…

23 Replies to “Hamilton has an “Identity” Problem”

  1. When I address “they” is it correct to ask which of their multiple personalities I am talking with and wether that personality speaks for all others? I just want to be sure.

  2. I won’t bother reading it because I won’t read Writers who endorsed Trudeau. And Jonathan K is tops on that list

  3. The only people who’re truly benefiting from this are the “consultants” and “facilitators”–in other words, the ones who peddle this horse puckey.

    I’m reminded of the sensitivity “training” that was inflicted upon me while I was at Armpit College. (The reason why was a completely absurd story in itself, though we were ordered there by our tyrannical dean.)

    That session turned out to be a complete waste of time. I didn’t feel any different afterward, nor was I any more “sensitive” to the “needs and expectations” of other people.

    AC, however, could brag that some of its staff was “trained” and the “facilitator” got a nice fee for her blather.

    1. Reminds me of BVC sensitivity training about if you were upset with a student to turn your back to them and count to 10 and think happy thoughts.

      Come to find out this facilitator of this nonsense was the deans friend.

      Follow the money

  4. Its really all bullshit.
    All I want to know is what days can I water my lawn and which is garbage pickup day.

    1. Your comment is more profound than many might take it for.
      We’re all human. Which means: we all want food, clothing, shelter, peace, family, friends, nice neighborhoods, some fun times, some gatherings, religious freedom, some purpose to our lives. And SAFETY for our loved ones and for ourselves. We don’t care how rich and powerful the elite get. We don’t care what billionaires have – yachts, private jets, glamorous mansions, whatever. Just leave us alone.
      When you threaten law and order, when you take from us so much in taxes and freedoms but in return provide not even safety and food and shelter and peace, then we’ve had enough.
      We see your bullshit, elites. We know exactly what you’re doing. We stay quiet and obedient as long as life is ok. You want to rob us of the basic things that make our life ok? You think we’ll take your bullshit to the point where we’ll quietly accept the gulag or prison, the breadlines, the poverty, the “disappearance” of loved ones and brave ones who speak up – you think we’ll accept the bleak greyness of communist existence for everyone outside of the nomenklatura?
      We’ll see if you’re right. You’re pushing us … CoVid and Climate Change regulations that take and take and take the joy out of our existence … you’re pushing us. Wonder how long we’ll take it? We’re not Cuba. We are not on an isolated island that lets itself get run by Castro brothers who could use it as their personal fiefdom. You are pushing people who know what freedom is.

      1. Roll over and get back to sleep you keyboard warrior.

        Sounds good but like typical Canadian -nothing but air.

        But don’t take this personally.

      2. The plan is to indoctrinate the kids and wait for the adults to die off.

        It’s working.

  5. I wonder what the union employees will “identify as” after taking this two hour scolding?
    This amounts to workplace abuse,well it would,if anyone in the City did any work.

  6. The city formerly known as Steeltown is falling apart at the seams, roads/infrastructure are crumbling, the downtown is a homeless junkie shithole and this is what they concern themselves with? Good job boys…… ladyboys……whatever I’m supposed to call you.

  7. My employer is looking for people for it’s Diversity and Inclusion committee.

    I am so tempted though it would likely mean dealing with a room full of insane people who would probably accuse me of some crime.

    We could have a pool: How long before I am told “This is a an inclusion committee, you’ll have to leave”?

  8. Here’s what you do:

    smuggle into these sessions a small container of potato salad or cottage cheese. Hide it in one’s bag. At some point, pretend that one is looking for a Kleenex is one’s bag. Place some of the “food” in one’s hand. Make retching sounds. Rush from one’s seat under the pretense that one is ill.

    Problem partially solved.

  9. Before we all dogpile on Hamilton[1], keep in mind this training was court-ordered after they lost a lawsuit because a dude in a dress was told he couldn’t use the women’s washroom in a bus terminal and was directed to the universal gender neutral washroom. Pace BADR, that’s generally the only reason large bureaucracies do this kind of thing – liability insurance.

    [1] Well, for this. There’s certainly lots of other good reasons to dogpile on Hamilton.

    1. The reason my colleagues and I were ordered to suffer through the sensitivity “training” came as a result of an incident in our division at Armpit College.

      Apparently, an instructor in another department asked a student whether she really wanted to study in that discipline. She took umbrage at that, filed a human rights complaint, and the matter eventually ended up in court. As expected, the ruling was in her favour and the “guilty” party was ordered to attend “sensitivity training”.

      AC, typically, made sure that the rest of us in our division had to similarly suffer, so we went through a similar cock-and-bull procedure.

      It didn’t surprise me that the dean ordered it. He was a bureaucratic toady and, worse, a lousy manager, concerned largely with ingratiating himself with the senior institutional administration. The less said about him, the better.

  10. The disappointment here is that those suckers are paid by the taxes.
    Not really surprising, you can come up with any bullshit as long as if follows he party line.
    Communism is here and they got you.
    You got to submit to the dicktat (sic).
    There is no way out.

  11. give it a year or two and they will be training employees on how to treat pedophiles with respect.

    5 years tops
