19 Replies to “Zombie Election.”

  1. Wow, Kelly, how out of touch are you? Trudeau wants a majority so that he can go full dictator, so that he will answer to no one and if you think that his schemes are insane now, just wait a couple of months.

  2. Lets have a federal election like in the United States. Blackie’s Elections Canada stated today, that final results could take a minimum of five days after the election due to mail in votes. What could possibly go wrong?

  3. Nah, let’s do it. Cheering for a LIberal majority. Let’s fly this baby right into the sun!
    Sooner we get through the complete destruction of the country phase the better.

  4. A CTV News news-crawl reported popular and Opposition opposition to it due to the Delta etc. instead of ignoring it as for the past two months so maybe they’re trying to warn Justin off from making a mistake?

  5. The election must be on. Just received my official liberal/turd jr. bribe. Over 75 by Jun 22 $500 now and raise of 10% in Jul. 22. Hasn’t OAP increase been its promise in last 2 elections?

    Go WEXIT

  6. The same was said about Horgan last year.
    He also ran against an inept opponent.
    Horgan got a huge majority. He also had the media cheering him on, while the election occurred during COVID.
    The bought and paid for media will ensure success for the corrupt LIEberals.

  7. Juthtin Fidel Weirdeau should be made to eat his own feces just before he’s sent to live the rest of his days alone on Ellesmere Island.
    But he’ll win a majority because most women, lotsa gays and all government employees love Juthtin.

  8. This election will reinforce the Spawn’s basic dictatorship regardless of how conservatives vote. It would therefore make sense for every conservative to vote to separate the west. That would be a twofer as it would also send the message to the Laurentian elite who run the Conservative party that they can’t have both the natural governing party and their useless opposition party under their thumbs and ideological whim. This won’t happen of course, because too many Canadians have become happy mindless serfs, contented to be spoon fed pabulum and eager receptacles for free stuff paid for with the forgone prosperity of future Canadians. The financial and fiscal reckoning should arrive within two year of the Spawn’s re-election making the last several years of his term very ugly.

  9. The Hairy Little Prick has to run off the election before the lockdowns end as he is planning on mail in ballots to bump him over the top. No need to have mail ins if the lockdowns end. His handlers have a plan.

  10. I have to agree with the other posters on this thread… The Turdhole/NDP/Blok Government isn’t going anywhere… Do I think Turdhole will win a majority ? Its possible, this country is full of tribalists and morons, so its possible, but I doubt it. Turdhole will win, with full corporate and State Media approval and protection, that is a certainty, but Turdhole will still need his racist Globalist comrades in the NDPee and the Separatist francs to impose the CCP agenda… The Turdhole Basic Dictatorship is just getting started, censorship and CCP style tyranny to follow, whether Turdhole has a majority or another co-alition Government of radical racist NDPeers and franco supremacists… Turdhole will remain the Basic Dictator because the electors are as anti Canadian and as stupid as he is.

  11. With Error O’Stoole working hard to give the Lieberals their majority? Why not call one.
    O’Stoole shit on his friends. Then he kissed the asses of his enemies. What a strategy. Dear Leader doesn’t even have to break a sweat. O’Stoole’s enemies with their chapped sphincters have turned on him right on cue.

  12. So if Jagmeat doesn’t get re-elected, would that change the dynamic at all? Nah, the ndPee and greenies are all on the same team, and I’ve come to realize that the “official opposition” is planted by the elites to run as the opposition, just for appearances. Cuz they sure don’t seem to oppose much. We truly are screwed in this country. Me, I’ve given up, I will not be supporting any national political party or candidate. If Maverick run a candidate in my area, I’ll stick in a protest vote for em, but nothing will change for the better, but it might just make Canada’s demise faster, so there is that.

  13. Oh for the heady days of Reform,where we actually believed Canadians would make an intelligent choice,if it was on the ballot.
    Forward,to our glorious future, what the Amazing Polly was outlining the other day.
    Funny how those who must rule,can have all the wealth and power in the world,but it is never enough.
    Will never be enough.
    Greedy Stupid Bastards or Evil Greedy Fools..What they seek will always elude them,for they can never erase the hole in their hearts.
    As they have now served us all notice,of their intent to never stop “helping us” I say,time to take them at their word.

  14. Elementary my dear Watson:
    “We have imported enough new voters, that we can safely count on a majority this time, with the senate stuffed with Fidel Jr’s sycophants nothing will stop us. Besides we have all the, bought and paid for, “media” ready to carry water for us, if Fidel is caught again bribing, grouping, black facing etc”

    Then will come permanent lockdowns, draconian gun control and dialed up to eleven green insanity that would make Jecinda and the OZ Nazis blush.

  15. P.S. You maxipad skullfucked morons wanted all or nothing, well congfuckingrats you got nothing. A moral victory aka French victory, just like a real victory, except for all the victory parts.
