30 Replies to “Insanity in the Age of Safetyism”

    1. Yup. Present your arguments and stand back. The moment that your side needs all the guns to enforce your will, you’re a totalitarian who needs to be shot. For the public good.

  1. “and resist masks that ward off infection”

    Fake news, asshole. That’s why so many peckerheads wear masks outside because this dimwad has a platform.

    “vaccines could prevent the mutation of more virulent coronavirus”

    I’m not a virologist and I didn’t play one on TV but I’ve never heard of this before either. It may be true, but it seems like the opposite could actually be the case.

    1. “and resist masks that ward off infection

      That’s a problem right there. They make these statements that are rife with question begging.
      “Masks obviously prevent infection, that’s why doctors wear them in the operating room! How can you claim otherwise?” is the question they are begging.
      The REAL question is: Do masks actually prevent infection? The answer is, it depends…on the nature of the infection, the nature of the environment, and the nature of the mask. In terms of a respiratory virus, that means that most masks, including the grubby bits of cloth you see most people sporting in public, are essentially doing nothing. That’s not opinion, that’s physics.

      Unfortunately the corporate media has long abandoned its role of investigative journalism and has become nothing more than a propaganda organ bent on spoon-feeding a narrative to a credulous public.

      1. Doctors wear masks during surgery so they do not spit or droole into the wound, fool

    2. Well I’ve heard the opposite, vaccines could increase mutations because the epidemic is not over.

  2. This guy even resorted to “yelling fire in a crowded building.” The collection of lies, half truths and exaggeration here could form the basis for a class on propaganda.

    Meanwhile, as these journalist turds try to ramp up the fear and loathing, we find the vaccines don’t really work.

    Payback for this is going to be a stone b1tch.

  3. Where are our BIG TECH censors? This MacNewspaper article contains more “misinformation” in a single article than I’ve read in a month. Comparing the number of Allied Deaths in WWII to COVID deaths? Really? So … WWII was fought by 85yo soldiers? Who had already outlived the average life expectancy for an American? The statistical comparison is complete shit. And misinformation. As is this quote …

    After more than 18 months of a pandemic, with 1 of every 545 Americans killed by COVID-19 …

    Again … statistical misinformation!! The statistic should be put in the context of AGE and DISEASE … instead … the article implies (actually directly states) that EVERYONE in America is equally at RISK from the ChiCom Flu.

    Utter propaganda. And misuse of science. The statistics may be all sciencey and whatnot … but are completely misused without the COMPLETE data. We are being LIED to

  4. The fly in the ointment being that even the CDC knows that variants like Delta cause the vaccinated to infect and transmit covid19 at the same rate as the unvaccinated. So restrictions on the unvaccinated do little to stop infection and transmission.

    Never is the right answer regardless because:

    -The right to bodily autonomy in medicine. This is a very basic concept. Violations in the past resulted in gross acts like forced sterilization. For the greater good, of course.
    “The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Buck V. Bell, Supreme Court decision affirming the right of the state to forcibly sterilize citizens against their will.

    -most if the unvaccinated are either not sick or have aquired natural immunity so they are being punished because they *might* infect someone. To use the pro-forced vaccine crowds popular analogy, drunk drivers, it would be like punishing people who haven’t had a single drink because you fear they *might* drink and drive.

    -the vaccines are potentially lethal. They have caused thousands of deaths. They can also cause neurological disorders, blood clots, paralysis, heart conditions and many more known adverse effects. These cannot be undone, vaccines cannot be untaken. To mandate vaccines or punish those who think the vaccine risks, or risks of any medical procedure, are too high is immoral, unethical and an affront to human rights.

    I could go on but those are my top 3.

    1. It would DEFINITELY benefit society if we sterilized the ENTIRE underclass in America. All the WOC in the inner cities with no means of supporting their brood. And every single one of the illegal border-hoppers who drop litters of children in the USA need to be sterilized.

      Uh, yeah … it’s for the “good of society” … to NOT have to PAY for the $$$$ support of those underclass breeders. Right?

    2. The goal is to sell the vaccine, logic is unnecessary when you control all channels. Mandatory is the best way. Why they want to sell something that doesn’t work as advertized doesn’t require much examining: the loot.

  5. Eschewing liberty for the public good involves having wide agreement on the issue and time bounded solutions, not a 50/50 split.
    So DeMarxists send in their muddled messengers, scientism pretenders and censors to fake narrate widespread agreement.
    Like 97% of consensus for the fact climate changed distorted to mean humans did it.
    Anecdotal, flawed and hyped data along with irrelevant vaccine studies are manipulated as irrefutable and proof of what suits them.
    The DeMarxist panic attack is in full swing and the public, and hopefully voters, reject their my belief is science schtick.

  6. They make it sound like a reasonable question, but I think they have also snuck in some misinformation. Is it true that unvaccinated are more likely to spread the virus? I have seen other information on that.

    1. No, that’s bullshit. The opposite. And the recently vaccinated can also transmit nanoparticles containing spike proteins (likely it’s the spike protein) to the unvaccinated, causing bleeding, irregular periods, swollen testicles and various other wonderful effects. THEY are a danger to us who are not inoculated.

  7. Individual liberty should never yield to the public good.

    “Public Good” is an abstract concept. It is entirely subjective, with no set definition. In truth, there is no “public”, but a ever mutable collection of individuals.

  8. Variations on ‘public good’.

    “How the “Greater Good” is Used as a Tool of Social Control”

    None are more hopelessly enslaved,
    than those that falsely believe they are free.

    … those that believe themselves to be free disregard the fact that to be governed in modern world is to be …

    … watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured and commanded by beings that have neither the right nor wisdom, nor the virtue to do so.
    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

  9. Public Good trumping liberties of the individual? Shucks, Canada is probably at the head of the Wesstern Democracies when it comes to that.

    I mean turdo la first did it half a century ago when he shit his pants, called in the army, and suspended our freedoms because one of his inner sanctum had been murdered.

    And to this day his quaking cowardice is hailed as bravery and principled resolve by a majority of Canadians and virtually all of our media.

  10. The “Common Good” was stolen many millennia ago; lying politicians just use the words as a crow bar or hammer depending upon circumstances.

    Really, can you imagine the Pelosi would ever do anything to promote the “Common Good’?

  11. To paraphrase Henry Kissinger, “If I want to speak to ‘the public’, who do I phone?”

  12. That was one glorious piece of propaganda.
    Gets all the right jabs in,even “Orange Man BAD, Mehkay”..
    What a load.
    Public Good,sounds wonderful,but will never be defined by these petty tyrants.
    The public good is another cloak for power hungry thieves to sneak up on your pocket..
    Look to the preacher,if they are the standard lying Liberal,banish them from your community,therein will lie the “public good”.
    A tax on all Do-Gooders.
    When should this fiction of the manipulator, be used to stomp the individuals rights and freedoms?
    Our history has demonstrated this over and over again,those who surrender their rights and responsibilities always get murdered.
    History indicates that the persons urging others to surrender their duties for the “Public Good” are murderous psychos.
    Funny how we never learn.

    An interesting note,those most obsessive about public good and social order are usually underdeveloped twits who have not yet grown up.
    I now believe we need open carry and public duelling to ensure more of them do not continue to harass and annoy productive members of society.
    For always it is us,who must change to suit the fears and prejudices of the parasite,the phobic and the insane..
    Never that they might be mistaken,never that they are too ignorant to understand reality. .
    Strikes me it might be expedient to form a new religion ,where adherents carry a pistol and an axe,after all the Turban Wearers get to clutch their ceremonial daggers.
    “It’s my culture”.
    The Blood Axe Clan?
    What never ceases to amaze me about people,is they openly admit that the bureaus are incompetent and that everything run by government is substandard at best,yet they trust these same faceless zombies to “Do what is best”.

    You can expect ethical civilized behaviour from your civil service about the same time you see a debt free country with a limited government..Or when the punishment for transgressions becomes instant and fatal.

    That would be Never in Confederated Canada.
    When are we declaring “Up Yours Can Ahh Duh?”
    Being extorted by thieves and fools has worn my patience right out.
    I have nothing in common,zero common cause, with people who murder their children unborn,mortgage the future of everyone else’s children and endlessly vote to reward corruption..
    “We are all in this together”..Some conditions may apply.

  13. “The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise.” – Tacitus

  14. It’s always nice to the left’s continued tradition in defining as to what the “PUBLIC GOOD” is
