Rule by algorithms

As the number of people getting spanked by Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for posting items that liberals don’t like continues to grow, its unlikely that the motivation has to do with striving for commercial success.  What successful business plan aims to drive away customers?

In the name of combating hate speech, violence, conspiracy theory, etc., Internet platforms are removing not just advocacy, but knowledge, in a wide-ranging effort that may help the companies create a more frictionless, commercially successful product, but will impede the past from chastening the present. If the aim is preventing the spread of hateful ideas, nothing could be more counter-productive that cleaning away the record of their real-world impact.

8 Replies to “Rule by algorithms”

  1. Farcebook and Twatter are successful and dominate not so much because of their technical strength but because they were recognized by the deep state as a method of controlling and censoring the public in a way that governments couldn’t. They are tools of the deep state.

  2. Instagram, WhatApp, Beluga, all Facebook.

    “the number of people getting spanked by Facebook Twitter and Facebook …”

  3. I have never been on Facebook or Twatter, so I am a better person than any of you evil idiots that have!!!

    Sorry about that, but I wanted to try out that ‘virtue signaling thing’ that the leftards are so addicted to. Frankly, it didn’t do anything for me and I currently don’t feel the least bit morally superior. How disappointing.

  4. Ive been persona non grata,from Twatter for 4+ yrs, God forbid anyone question the veracity of leftist claims.
    No loss

    Fascist Book has been similar Fascist as well..3 30 day boots, the last of which was beyond Fascist
    ..a mild commentary with sarcasm about the dreaded Vid…I don’t really give a shit, Marketplace is,still accessible to others and communicating with buyers is unimpeded. Works fer me.

    I have zero doubt ether org is “independently” run…Deep State and does the bidding (with glee), of Democrat -Liberal hi level govt NAZI subversives…in Canada: Gerald Butts.

    Fascist Book , Instacrap & Twatter have chased away pretty much anyone who did not align them selves with the Marxist Wokeratti…leaving, the screeching Karen’s & brain dead Kevin’s as the remaining stupified population….

    MeWe – Telegram…work fine.

  5. ” . . . cleaning away the record of their real-world impact.”

    What are the oppressed classes going to do when history, the history that they have written, denies that the oppression ever happened?

  6. ” Rule by algorithm ” ?

    Let me correct that,

    Rule by LEFTIST algorithm.

    Leftists program those machine, leftists write code for those automatic censorship robots.

    Leftism is the problem.
