20 Replies to “Love The Daily Mail.”

  1. Yeah, yeah … “the white man would be NOTHING without the rainbow of skin colored people”.
    This is what is being taught in all our Public Schools. The white man has invented nothing, and what they claim they invented was only made possible by the use of slave labor. Educational idiocy.

    Now, I can happily claim that Marshall Mathers has profited heavily from cultural appropriation of the black man’s *ahem* … “music” … but eating plants? Niggahha Puhleeze …

    1. I wonder if cannibal tribes would knowingly eat vegans. Would vegans eat meat to avoid starvation? I’m a proxy vegan. All the meat that I eat is raised on plant based food.

      1. When SHTF I’m going to start a Pop-up Long Pig BBQ.
        I’ll offer a Vegan menu on Fridays to help assuage the guilt of Catholics who remember having to eat fish.

  2. I do love this statement about the former vice-chair: “..Zuri describes themself on their personal website as ‘disabled and non-gendered’, meaning they do not identify as either male or female. ”


  3. Anybody that talks about ‘cultural appropriation’ and ‘White people’ in the same sentence should have their White man invented electricity cut off for a year.

    1. and their white man invented internal combustion engine vehicles taken away (oh, and anything electric too).

    2. Yes, and their food supply, car, pharma products and hospitals, road access, diapers, house, library, TV, education and Internet, for starters.

      Dark ages for the insulted cultural groups, who actually liked our stuff, and do ….

  4. I managed to read a few lines, JEEEEEEZE, what a diatribe of idiotic phrases about ableism, misgendering etc. Our whole world has gone stark raving mad!!! No wonder we’re living in such stupid idiocy. It’s all about me, and my, and I, I’m vegan, misgendered, black, queer and disabled, and the world is bad to me. These special victims would only be happy I think, if they lived in a special room lined with mirrors on every surface, floor and ceiling included, were only fed through a small closable door, and had no access to reality. Of course, the taxed non vegan, working citizens should pay for it. I digress, the truth of it is, they should be lined up against a wall and be put out of OUR misery! Then of course, the taxed, non vegan, working citizens, would still have to pay to clean up the aftermath, but at least they’d get to pay for it only once, instead of continuously.
    What sorry shitty excuses for human beings they truly are.

  5. LOL…I must say, seeing vegan society cofounder Donald Watson reminded me of an illustration one would typically see in a Lewis Carrol book.

    1. Exactly. Most obese people eat mega carbos, never enough protein with appropriate lean animal fat and vegetables plus fruit.

      Most “so-called” vegans, who think they are trendy and cool (mostly women), do not eat enough protein, unless they are extremely diet-careful. Vegan diets can work fine, but it takes a lot of planning and work to do it properly. Most of today’s purported vegans tend to eat way too many carbos just as non-vegans do.

      The fat explosion in North America is a mostly carbo fast “crap food” binge. We have become lazy, or have to work, and do not cook from scratch. I feel sorry about all the fat under 40 girls that I see, as this is not going to turn out well for them or any “partners” (I guess husbands are “old school”).

  6. Cicer (chickpea, hummus) has been eaten all around the Mediterranean basin for at least 8000 years (earliest evidence of consumption, circa 6900 B.C., is from southern France).

    Wheat doesn’t come from China, it comes from northern Syria (part of which is now southern Turkey) and its prime area of cultivation was Mesopotamia.

    Chickens, on the other hand, do come from China, so carnivorous people of non-Hanish color have to send back the fried chicken. People of Africanish color would have to be given back watermelon, except that has been already determined to be racist for reasons beyond my ken.

    But it’s amusing to see woke vegans eating each other.

      1. I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you are. Please submit a certified genealogy, a DNA sample and the committee will take the matter under advisement.

    1. “…amusing to see woke vegans eating each other.”
      Lol. That statement works both literally and ironically.
      Grass-fed cannibals? Soylent Green?
