37 Replies to “Poilievre”

  1. With talk like that, the conservative party will surely throw him out.

    Great vid though.

  2. He only listed accomplishments by white racists. Cancel him.

  3. The background music undermined the seriousness of his message.
    Woke people would just laugh, and CERBians would just keep waiting for their cheque instead of getting fired up to build something, starting with building a sense of responsibility.
    I like Pierre, and hope he does well, but when I see him preaching in a near-empty House of Commons, I despair.

    1. “PRETORIA, South Africa, April 27 (UPI) —
      On the 20th anniversary of the end of apartheid, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said he’s glad former leader Nelson Mandela is dead so he can’t see what’s become of South Africa.”

      1. South Africa is the epitome of the phrase “Be careful of what you wish for–you might just get it.” Well, they got what they wanted: whitey isn’t running the country any more.

        Where’s the victorious rejoicing? The triumphant prosperity? Oh, I forgot: it’s all whitey’s fault, isn’t it?

        Tutu’s statement wasn’t so far-fetched. I heard stories that there were people in Mugabe’s domain who wished that Ian Smith had still been in charge because at least under Smith, everyone had enough to eat.

    2. The wokeists are now establishing a black, brown, and red Apartheid. Only our wobbling Constitution stands in their way …

      1. It’s more an unwhiteheid. Wakanda is just around the corner once whitey is gone for good.

  4. He is preaching to the converted. The electorate has changed since then, the imports will not hear him, and if they did, they could not care less.

  5. A gate keeper economy is known as communism. Where the government controls every aspect of your life. Put your freaking mask on and shut the f–k up. Communist tyranny writ large.

  6. This man should get the hell out of the corrupt Con Party. If Polievre was the leader of a different party he would have a lot of support and his loss might finally end the Liberal-Con Party and their very Liberal Party executives. Although I’m pretty sure Oh’Stool will Kim Campbell the party, on purpose, so that Juthtin and Jughead and Blandshit can stay in power. The Con Party are a straw man party at best… Cons offer the pretense of an alternative to Liberal/NDP/Bloc corruption, just slightly less corrupt. When in power, which is rare Cons do nothing to dismantle Peeairs ethnic nazi State, they simply caretake until the next Media led Liberal victory. Liberals hate Polievre almost as much as the Con executive class does.

    1. “…If Pollievre was the leader of a different party…”

      If he wanted to be the leader of a party he would already be the leader of his party. Despite what the CPC’s management wants, (which not a leader they’d have to follow, but rather to continue to manage the party and its leader) the membership would have elected him. But then the management would still want to run things and he knows he’d have to fix that before he could lead the membership into an election campaign. And the owners of the Liberal Party know better than to wait for a CPC leader and his party to be ready before they arrange an election.

  7. He’s unfortunately speaking to a base that even if it weren’t covered in O’Toole’s urine and annoyed about it, wouldn’t amount to 36% of the electorate of the deranged dominion. The Eloi are ignorant and incurious and content to be bought off with their offspring’s forgone prosperity. Their urges and instincts will kick in with cold bodies and hungry bellies when there will be little to salvage from the reckoning. The Spawn and his enviro-fascist mentor will rule for at least another term during which, the economic consequences will become apparent to even the most consciously catatonic of his followers. Hide your wealth, emigrate, or take as much of the West as possible out of the sewer of the rule of the Laurentian elite.

    1. Agreed John. I think the sane alternative right now is get the hell out of this shithole so called country.
      If only we had Ralph Klein or a Trump like leader in this province – we just might get the separation done or at least kick some Eastern Elite ass! Wont happen with Carpetbagger Kenney and sure as hell not with Red Rachel and her group of commies.

  8. Haha. He’s crazy if he thinks that the Canada of old will ever come back. I agree with him on a lot of things, but not this. Canada is a sinking ship.

    If it were simply a matter of electing liberty loving politicians I’d give canada a 50/50 shot of coming back, but the problem isn’t so much the politicians as it is the people that elect them.

    Heck, even Alberta just sampled an ndp government. Even if Alberta were to separate it would be an uphill battle to clean out the commies/parasites.

    The CPC and PPC got about 35% of the vote last election. Of those voters how many do you suppose actually supported conservative ideas/ideals? Maybe half. At least 70% of canada is quite happy with socialism and government handouts. It is ingrained into them. It is who they are. That is not going to change any time soon.

  9. This is what happened to canuckstan and the rest of the greedy world
    Catching Wild Pigs
    Catching Wild Pigs Karl Marx once said, “Remove one freedom per
    generation, and soon you will have no freedoms and no one will have
    noticed.” There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had
    some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the
    lab, the professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept
    rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor
    asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a
    bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in
    his native country who were trying to overthrow his country’s government
    and install a new communist regime.
    Then, the student looked at the professor and asked a strange question,
    “Do you know how to catch wild pigs?”
    The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch
    line. The young man said that it was no joke. “You catch wild pigs by
    finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The
    pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free food. When they
    are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place
    where they are used to coming. At first they are scared, but when they get
    used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another
    side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again.
    You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the
    last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate onthem and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom.
    They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught.
    Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that
    they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they
    accept their captivity.” The young man then told the professor that is
    exactly what he sees happening in America & Canada. The government keeps
    pushing us toward Communism/Socialism and keeps spreading the free corn
    out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for
    unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies,
    payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare entitlements, medicine, drugs,
    etc., while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a
    time. One should always remember two truths: 1 There is no such thing as
    a free lunch, and 2 You can never hire someone to provide a service for
    you cheaper than you can do it yourself. If you see that all of this
    wonderful government “help” is a problem confronting the future of
    democracy in America & Canada, you might want to share this with your
    friends. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life,
    then you will probably not share this. BUT, God help us all when the gate
    slams shut. Think about this:
    “Most of the problems we face as a country today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.”
    Why can’t Seattle or any other city control the rioters and looters? https://www.onepoliticalplaza.com/t-186432-1.html
    Catching Wild Pigs

  10. Agree with most comments here.

    Pierre is selling kitsch. Canada isn’t what it was and probably never will be again.

  11. It doesn’t matter who we elect. The bureaucracy and their unions control everything. I’ve been down this road.

    1. The permanent Government or as they like to refer themselves, “the resistance”.

  12. All I’m hearing is a hauntingly beautiful version of “Its Too Little Too late” by an artist I cannot remember.
    Can Ah Duh is done.
    Pierre is whistling past our graveyard.
    Al kopitoski says it all.
    We have become the State of National Socialism .
    Where the State is all,the individual a nonperson.
    Those freedoms we pretended were our due,removed in a flash,as soon as panicked moron’s declare “Emergency”.
    The takers outnumber and outvote the makers.
    Does anyone have the faintest clue,how “Canada” pays for the past 30 years?
    How does a country pay off such obscene debt levels?
    History has not shown any kind paths out of penury..
    Tax the rich,will be the Parasites Chant,meaning anyone outside government with income.
    The “Rich” in spirit?
    As for the enormous parasitic overload,well that is Justine’s “New Middle Class”..
    The very people that the Liberal Party truly does protect.

    I remain curious,supposing the current trends continue and we see the collapse of the Canadian Dollar,(where one wheelbarrow worth of notes might buy you a loaf of bread) we who produce useful things,will still need to eat and thus barter will facilitate trade..What happens to the useless and clueless who currently hinder and obstruct every kind of productive behaviour while demanding their fee?
    What do they have to barter with?
    Do they learn useful skills?
    Or do they proceed straight to brigandage?

  13. Poilievre, the last principled person left in the CPoC? Or simply the best at acting principled?

    Sloan stayed long enough, that I doubt anything he says or does.

    They actually threw Bernier out, which makes Bernier more credible than all the rest of them.

    It is like all the Michelle Rempel videos that used to be posted with religious fervour around here. Then one day, it just stopped. Years after it was obvious to all of us thinking people that she was just another careerist “pension first” grifter.

    Poilievre hasn’t outed himself licking a BLM boot yet. I do not know if that day is ever coming or not. The only obvious question, is why has he been allowed to stay, when Sloan, Bernier, pastor Coates, Trost, how many others, have all left or been kicked out?

  14. Love Pierre, but the gig is up. For a detailed account of what is happening and why, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCRXJcE7dcw Bill Whittle explains everything you need know to get a handle on our predicament.

    Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio also addresses this topic but since he’s been deplatformed, his excellent dissertation is lost.

  15. I don’t think it was fair of Pete to leave out the accomplishments of Joe Clark and Kim Campbell.

    1. Heh. True.

      But Joe looks like Rambo compared to no’tool and scheer-the steer. At least Joe fought for the inclusion of property rights in turdo la first’s useless Charter. Didn’t get anywhere against turdo I and Broadent, but he gave it a shot.

      As for Campbell – let’s just say no’tool is doing a fine job of filling her slippers.

      1. Such a grand litany of disappointments. Even the awe-inspiring Harper (for so many committed CPCs) failed to dismantle supply management, the CBC, protect property rights, and many other commitments during a rare majority opportunity – always too worried about the next election. A local shill for the CPC told me once, “Shawn, forget about what conservatives should strive to have done on principle, and focus on what’s possible.” That’s the creed of a born loser. We see them in spades these days, with no’tool at the helm of the latest, win-by-default, destined-to-fail, strategy. Relying on the hatred of (or at best, dissatisfaction with) the current prime minister, to drive voters into your camp, by dragging a wing like a mother killdeer, is the most idiotic, insipid approach to politics possible, and is worthy of nothing but contempt. The CPC has surely earned mine, for decades.

  16. “Relying on the hatred of (or at best, dissatisfaction with) the current prime minister, to drive voters into your camp, by dragging a wing like a mother killdeer, is the most idiotic, insipid approach to politics possible, and is worthy of nothing but contempt. ”


    Burns must have anticipated these cowards when he was penning his opening lines about a mouse.

    1. Ach laddie, ye’ve shown yersel’ tuhbe a weel edjucated mon:
      Fer them ony ejukated by the gubmint:
      Wee, sleekit, cowran, tim’rous beastie,
      O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
      Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
      Wi’ bickering brattle!
      I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee,
      Wi’ murd’ring pattle!

      I’m truly sorry Man’s dominion
      Has broken Nature’s social union,
      An’ justifies that ill opinion,
      Which makes thee startle,
      At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
      An’ fellow-mortal!
