Shifting the burden of debt

In preparation for a fall election, Shiny Pony has announced a bribe for Newfoundland voters.

Premier Andrew Furey said that without the C$2 billion aid package, electricity rates could have doubled.

“(This) is a big day for Newfoundland and Labrador and will finally get the Muskrat off our back,” he told the event.

What a deal. Get the “muskrat” off your back by hanging a debt gorilla on the back of every other Canadian. Thanks a bunch.

34 Replies to “Shifting the burden of debt”

  1. Permanent Slave Status For Alberta and Sask.
    Get the Atlantic and Quebec and Manitoba welfare bums off your back.
    Go UDI and get out. Find a way but get it done.

  2. And with the 6-7 billion dollars given away to Indians today, Turtle Island will become the new Venezuela.

    1. Last numbers I saw, the annual payouts to 1st Immigrants is about the same as the annual cost for Canadian Military. I could be wrong but the rolled up all in annual cost is close to the same.

  3. How can the west be divided from Canada to create a new nation? Would we be able to take a large enough swath of BC free of liberals to build ports and allow us to access the global markets? For western Canada to have the best chance we would need to prevent the remainder of Canada from land locking us like we have been now.

    It would be nice if Canadians could move from east to west and west to east based off political beliefs. Then as two separate nations we could have better trade relationships and make better partners with each other then living in the same country trying to force diametrically opposing beliefs on each other.

    Western Canada could save many billions from money that would not need to be payed to the rest of Canada. By repurposing this tax money I’d think even if we were forced to pay the debt of Canada based on our portion of the population when we leave we would be able to pay it off.

    The east can live with their choices and we in the west would be free from the consequences of the leftest liberal choices that have been force on us for generations.

    1. Cuts both ways.
      Does BC want to sell their goods to the rest of Canada without shipping them through the Panama Canal or sending them through the USA?

    2. Simply don’t negotiate from a position of weakness, but from a position of strength.

      Point out to the eastern provinces where the Panama Canal is, and how after Old Canada has built a cottage industry of dissing the USA, how they’re going to access their Pacific ports… are they going to send the millennials into the frozen tundra in Yukon/NWT to build a railway so AB / Sask. can remain “landlocked”? Will their environmental assessments take 8 years as well? never mind that none of those millennials are used to actual work!

      I doubt it. They’ll figure it out at the first glance at a map of their new country.

      AB has negotiated with the federal overseers from a position of weakness for +115 years and gotten nowhere.
      We have the least amount of representation in the House of Commons, the second worst in the Senate, Quebec has 22% of the population and 33% of the Supreme Court, we can’t send oil east or west as we wish even though the bullshit constitution of Canada says no province can stop exports from other provinces, we send +$13 billion more to Ottawa than we get returned to our province and it’s given to shitheads who stop us from doing what we can to pay our bills, we’re about to be censored by the federal gov’t soon, we’re being told we’re the violent ones and shouldn’t have guns, there’s about to be a war on 1/2 ton trucks and the internal combustion engine in general, we elect our Senators and PM Turd appoints who he wants instead of who we want….

      We shouldn’t negotiate anything with the federalists, we ALWAYS get sold down the river over every single issue.

      It won’t end, until the USA recognizes the newly separate country of AB/Sask. and I don’t care what they call it actually, just don’t include the fake conservatives from Manitoba, we’ve seen who they really are as well over the past year and a half…

      Adios Old Canada.

      1. There’s a federal election coming, as early as ten days from now.
        Where are the separatists? What are they called (Maverick? Wild Rose?) Who is their leader? Are they even running? Crickets…….

        1. Do you actually think the liberal media here in Alberta will give Maverick party any exposure? It’s all about Notley.

    3. According to international law, as an independent country Saskatchewan and/or Alberta would have more secure access to ports than we currently have as provinces.

    4. If Alberta left. Alberta would experience the largest boom in North American history. 87% of Albertas GDP is income from the USA. The USA buys that much of what we produce. Canada buys virtually nothing. The US buys our wheat, barley, beef, oil, gas, plastics, lumber, pulp and paper, even our honey. Alberta is one of the largest honey suppliers in NA. The US buys 87% of what we produce. So all the income would stay in Alberta vs flow east to support the Parasites in Manitoba, And all Provinces East. We would not be handing Billions inForced Aid to Ottawa to be redistributed in the Canadian Communist System of Equalization. All the Federal Parasites would be gone. All the Alberta funding of Make Work Projects for Eastern Canada would be gone. RCMP jobs would become Alberta only jobs for our youth not Canada’s. National Parks would be gone and all those jobs would be Alberta only jobs with Alberta National Parks. The A2A Railway would connect The lower 48 to Alaska and our products would flow north and south. All the Federal Dept’s would be closed and their thousands of federal employees booted out or converted to Albertans. If we even needed such BS as a Federal Dept as Fisheries and Oceans, Dept of Ag. Etc. All infastructure would be Albertan owned. Without Ottawa cancelling our projects we would see US Investment immediately of 300-500B in a massive boom. We do not need Canada or anything they have or produce. With UDI the Indian Welfare system would end immediately. Under UDI rules all contracts and Treaty’s made by Ottawa end immediately. The Native people would get 1 vote same as every other citizen of Alberta. And they would vote for Alberta citizenship in the majority. Without Canada, Albertas future looks bright. Inside Canada we are fucked. Get us out.

      1. As Watcher says.
        Also in the event of a mass collapse of trading infrastructure,a Independent Western Country will be able to feed itself.
        Beef,wheat and petroleum,we would survive just fine.

        Based on past events,when a Socialist /Communist country runs out of money,people starve,mostly due to bureaucratic “help”.
        We seem intent on reliving the great depression..
        Borrowing beyond all sanity,to build nothing of benefit..Followed by decades of paralysis.
        Is our current leadership evil?
        Or too stupid to learn from the past?

        Not that it really matters,we have no choice but to declare our independence,with enough demonstrated military ability to keep the Ottawa Kleptocracy at bay.
        This is become a matter of survival.
        Federal help is killing us all.

        For anyone who still believes a “peaceful separation” is possible ,has not been paying attention.

        When you repeatedly define a group of people,by geography,and call them racist subhumans,I doubt you intend to treat them as equals.
        Has not happened in 117 years.

        So if you want the rights freedoms and responsibilities a free nation will bring,you had better be prepared.
        After so many years of our Eastern Elites preaching their hatred and contempt,I believe them.

        Word do matter.
        In business and life,my word is my bond.
        So how can a low life lying professional politician be said to “represent me”?

  4. And the newfies will gobble that up like a fat kid gobbles up Smarties.
    They live for government bribes and handouts.

  5. $4,000 for every Newfie. Thats alot for 7 seats, 6 of which are a lock anyway. Seamus must be really good at sucking C0CK.

  6. I think that its criminal to flood trillions of dollars of mineral rich land with water when a few slo poke nuclear power plants would have supplied all the power Quebec needs. Idiotic. The first nations in that area should shut it down. Any compensation money will be wiped out with the coming hyper inflation. I’ve seen trillion dollar notes and so will we.

  7. Canada is an official Communist state. Since it was enshrined in the Commie ass kisser PET,s Fake Constitution. Albertans are Voluntary Slaves. Alberta needs to convince Alberta Companies to boycott every Province except Sask. as much as possible. The oil field company my son works for is no longer hiring outside of Alberta except for Sask. They only hire outside Alberta for specialized skills and have quit bringing Atlantic Bums here to take Alberta jobs. More companies should do the same. And boot the make work for eastern Canada RCMP Stasi too.

  8. This is a conservative talking point I have no time for. You`re not going to have that monkey on your back because the debt is not going to be paid back.

    No conservative is even threatening to pay it back.

  9. Yep. 1912, the Canadian Milch Cow cartoon was published. 110 years of begging, threats, failed political movements, the CWB, the end of the Crows Nest Pass freight rate, yearly railcar shortages every harvest.

    Ontario will never allow an inch to be given.

    Quebec will never allow an inch to be given.

    The only way forward, is out. It has been abundantly clear for more than a century.

    Your CPP is already gone. Your OAS was always an empty promise. Your healthcare is nothing but access to a wait list. Yet still, people cling bitterly to the lies. A post national failed state. It is all over but for the crying.

    1. 110 years of negotiating with the federal gov’t for what is deserved, and not a damn thing to show for it. None of them give a shit about the Milch Cow cartoon. We’re shortchanged at every step of the way with the federal gov’t and their sidekicks in Central/Atlantic Old Canada.

      They won’t notice until we’ve told them to fuck off, and the Americans recognize the new republic north of them.

      They they’ll say, “we have to negotiate these things”

      Negotiate with someone else, we won’t care.

      1. Unfortunately, we appear to live in a place that despite 100 years of failed political movements, the only answer is another political movement.

        Social Credit
        Western Canada Concept
        Saskatchewan Party

        We are past the point, where rational people would have tried something different. At some point, you just have to admit the horse is dead, and it is time to stop flogging it.

        1. Kevin, your post reminded me of an old joke.
          Did you hear the one about a guy in the pub, and after a few drinks, he loosened up, admitting he was sexually deviant!
          He loudly stated, he was into Flagellation, Necrophilia, and Beastiality!
          Someone shouted back, You’re flogging a dead horse there!”

  10. Inflation will pay the debt with worthless money and we as Canadians will be destitute or our creditors will call the loans and own our oil fields and enough other minerals to pay the debt. Maybe China as they need the minerals. In the twentieth century Canada fought and financed two world wars.How many are we going to be involved in in the future and none is not an answer.

  11. So, proportionally, Quebec should get $30 billion for their trouble.

    It’s going to cost a lot to change all those Federal offices in Quebec over to French only venues.

  12. Bought and paid for dummies.
    Federal and provincial Liberal policies destroyed their economy and they screech for more of the same.

    Nobody ever accused them of being smart.

  13. If the Buffalo party comes out and simply says “this election is the referendum; if we form government, Saskatchewan is out. there is no other issue” I will vote for them. Otherwise, what is the point.

      1. Well, no federal party is going to champion dissolution of Canada, so Maverick is a non starter. Sask Party is not going to do it. That leaves Buffalo, or a coalition of independents

  14. Eastern Europe has done it. Free from USSR, Yugoslavia.
    Northern BC would join AB/SK
    The lotuslanders can suk it in lower mainland and that island.

  15. That is what I believe Kevin. Unity of all Independents and UDI immediately. And kick Ottawa out without negotiations far cheaper in the long run. No deals at all. Just get the fuck outa here. They have sucked probably 1 trillion out of Alberta since PET. No pay outs FO and ES

  16. We have a minority government,supported by the NDP, so what issue will cause the government to fall?
    Budget? A little late for that, isn’t it?
    Speculation anyone?

  17. this alllllllllllll dovetails nicely with my much announced belief that the world economy is a giganormous PONZI SCHEME in which the ‘product’ is debt. and lots of it. a owes b owes c owes d owes e owes f owes the banks.
    aaaaaaand its all, ALL baby gonna come caRASHing down !!!! tq libtard voters for exchanging the very existence of this nation for a couple kegs of beer.
