85 Replies to “July 30, 2021: Reader Tips”

      1. While you’re on the topic of entertainment viewing…B A …
        You pointed out some excellent choices a few days ago.

        Here are the trailers for the chosen TCM Movies. These will be featured tonight, Friday night, this long W/ E.
        Enjoy. Have a good one. Don’t forget the popcorn, everyone.

        Watch “Mona Lisa (1986) – Original Trailer” with Michael Caine

        Watch “[official trailer] TEQUILA SUNRISE | a film x @directedxlc (2021)”

        P.S. Saturday night is Clint Eastwood’s Spaghetti Western Night.
        “A Fistful Of Dollars”
        “For a Few Dollars More”

          1. I don’t think Mona Lisa will be shown in Canada. It’s probably due to broadcast rights or something like that.

          2. Rather,  meant to link Ridley Scott’s SciFi thriller with Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, Daryl Hannah, etc. at 8 pm Eastern.

            “Blade Runner: The Final Cut” (Trailer)

          3. The Blade Runner that’ll be shown tonight is the Final Cut version. It’s what Scott had in mind all along. I have a DVD copy of it and, yes, it’s worth watching.

        1. August on TCM is the annual Summer Under the Stars film festival, where the all the movies on a certain day feature a certain actor. Friday of next week it’s Robert Mitchum and it’s a good lineup in the evening.

          It starts with Out of the Past, one of the best films noir ever made. (Jane Greer is an excellent femme fatale in that one.) That’s followed by Farewell, My Lovely, which an excellent re-make of the Dick Powell movie Murder, My Sweet. The last one is Macau with Jane Russell as his co-star.

    1. Warren – this old TV series must have been the visionary model for today’s woke suicidal media and cancel culture. Amazing foresight.This is why the progs are so scared of alt right humour, they want everyone to take them seriously.

  1. Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy by Percy Greaves, Jr. (1906-1984), published for the first time in 2010, blows the top off a 70-year cover-up, reporting for the first time on long-suppressed interviews, documents, and corroborated evidence.

    The first section (the seeds) provides a detailed history of pre-war U.S.-Japan relations, thoroughly documenting the sources of rising tension. The second section (the fruits) shows that the attack on December 7, 1941 was neither unexpected nor unprovoked. Nor was it the reason that Franklin Roosevelt declared a war that resulted in massive human slaughter. Instead, in exhaustive detail, this book establishes that Pearl Harbor was permitted as a public relations measure to rally the public, shifting the blame from the White House, where it belonged, to the men on the ground who were unprepared for the attack.

    Greaves turns this conventional wisdom on its head. “It is now apparent also that the president himself, even before the attack, had intended to order the U.S. armed forces to make a pre-emptive strike against the Japanese in the southwest Pacific in order to assist the British in southeast Asia. But the Japanese ‘jumped the gun’ on him by bombing Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.”

    Greaves’s conclusion is dramatic: “It must be said also that the evidence revealed in the course of the several investigations leads to the conclusion that the ultimate responsibility for the catastrophe inflicted on the U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, must rest on the shoulders of President Roosevelt…. It was thanks to Roosevelt’s decisions and actions that an unwarned, ill-equipped, and poorly prepared Fleet remained stationed far from the shores of the continental United States, at a base recognized by his military advisers as indefensible and vulnerable to attack…. Thus the attack on Pearl Harbor became FDR’s excuse, not his reason, for calling for the United States’s entry into World War II.”


    1. Y. Knott and I have explained to you in yesterday’s Reader Tips why this story is weapons grade bullshit. Feel free to believe otherwise. I really don’t care what a moongod worshiper believes in.

      P.S. Is it the same source that claims that Americans had seven carriers in April 41? Because they did not, that story is bullshit too.

    2. Yeah. And 9/11 was GWB’s fault for leaving the WTC towers undefended.
      1st you tried to say the Japs were justified in attacking because the US stopped selling materiel and oil to the Japs, because they were using it to attack our allies (specifically Indo-China), and now this.
      You are an idiot.

    3. Rizwan, you can find a book justifying any belief you have – I call it “Hitlerian Studies”, and shamefacedly admit that I’m as guilty of it as the next guy. Adolph laid it out in Mein Kampf – you read everything you can get your hands on. Anything in the literature that confirms what you already KNOW to be true, you excerpt and then quote ad nauseam, drowning-out anybody who dares debate you. Anything in the literature that does not confirm what you already KNOW to be true? – well obviously the writer was totally ignorant on that point, and can be ignored. It’s also called confirmation bias.

      And these “several investigations” – where are they? Why have I, an utter war-and-history-nut, never seen one? Who conducted them? For what organization? Who did they interview? What evidence did they unearth? If you provided this information, maybe you’d be believed more often.

      I have read that, almost alone among the U.S. higher-ups, FDR clearly saw Germany as the greater threat – most of the U.S. was incensed at Japan and its sneak-attack, and wanted payback; and the military and public were unhesitatingly “Let’s get the Japs!” and “Churchill will fight his European war to the last American!” – isolationism was very big at home. Roosevelt knew it would be virtually impossible to land in Europe if the U.K. fell to the Nazis, and he was helped-along by one of Hitler’s all-time greatest mistakes; a few days after Pearl Harbor, Hitler honoured the Tripartite Pact and declared war on the U.S.

      Otherwise the U.S. would’ve concentrated on Japan, and Hitler would’ve had time to invade the British Isles, or develop the atom bomb, or both; and they had a couple of other nasties in their inside coat pocket. There were three nerve gases in the world at the time, and Germany had all three of them; and at one point they actually equipped a u-boat with a tank and sprayers to motor down the windward side of the British Isles, spraying botulism. Hitler was in a military hospital, temporarily blinded with mustard gas, when WW1 ended, and he hated gas; he never allowed it to be used in combat, however freely the death camps used it (that stupid little half-moustache of his was a point of pride; he trimmed it that way in the WW1 trenches to fit inside his gas mask). Which, considering how ill-prepared the U.K. was to defend against a gas / bio attack, and how many millions of G.I.’s were in-country just before D-Day, may well have been another of his very big mistakes; but of course, the first atom bomb could’ve fallen on Berlin.

      Too many what-if’s; I have a lot of respect for the Mises Institute, but I don’t believe your book.

      1. But it is everyone’s duty to receive the gunk, because….. “shaddup”.

        1. Now everyone is upset with Alberta for lifting COVID restrictions. However, we are not alone, New Brunswick is next to lift.

          On tonights’ news …”this is the height of insanity”, bla, bla, bla. They’re still calling the injections “highly effective”…
          o- k-a-y, right!

          1. According to the MSM, anything Alberta does, except for voting for Red Rachel or kowtowing to the Indians, is wrong. It’s just like it was 40 years ago.

          2. Agreed. They are ‘sooo’ jealous of Alberta — that’s plainly obvious. The old Man said “hate them, that’s an order.”

            Boychik repeats “we cannot have Alberta ruling our socio-economic agenda…”

            Maybe back in the day the pure laines didn’t like the purchase price of Rupert’s Land. Who knows. Too American perhaps and Southern Alberta was, in fact, part of the Louisana Purchase.

            Yes, we’re so awful. We have Oil. Gas. The Rockies.
            So awful! /s

          3. They are ‘sooo’ jealous of Alberta — that’s plainly obvious.

            While I was at UBC more than 40 years ago, Lotuslanders thought we Albertans were a bunch of unsophisticated hicks. Funny, though, they didn’t turn away our oil…..

            Then again, Lotusland doesn’t consider itself part of Canada but a universe unto itself.

          4. This is to B A Rupertslander: you must have been at UBC shortly after we left. The NDP under Dave Barrett came into power in 1972 (mind the Socreds were as disaster) and promptly shut down the mining industry. This caused an exodus of geologists and the like – we were among them – to the friendlier shores of Alberta. We haven’t regretted it; Alberta has been good to us. The Socreds were back in power in 1975 but by that time a lot of us had left.

          5. Frances:

            I grew up in Fort St. John. I remember when Fat Little Dave (as he called himself) was premier. I was finishing high school when they were elected and I was finishing the first term of my junior undergrad year when they were booted out.

            Yeah, the Dippers were a blight on the province. As I recall, they weren’t too kind to the oil industry, either.

            By comparison, the Mini-WAC Socreds were a welcome relief. I was pleased when they were in power when I started at UBC in ’79.

        2. So it had been more than 4 weeks here in Alberta and the case load or hospitalization or death count hasn’t changed in comparison to previous weeks with mask and distancing mandates. That bags the question did masks wearing and distancing and bankrupting restaurants and jailing pastors have an effect on the spread of the virus?

    1. Now just what was all that bullshit anti-segregation about in the 1960s. My God stupid. Affirmative action, more bullshit. I wish these black people would grow up.

    2. They love, love, love the idea of resegregation while all trumpeting their great success in desegregation in the ’60s.

      They prudishly rage about the male gaze on the Olympians while wearing skimpy clothes around town screaming their body their right.

      I can only think that we are in a great wave of mental illness.

      Or maybe I’m the crazy one for thinking people should be treated as free and equal and live where suits them.

    1. Soon we’ll start to hear that cattle rail cars are being gathered in major cities…

  2. L – Finally, a news story wherein the Olympic spirit reigns supreme. Judged on his competency
    and the content of his character. kiotsuke rei *Jita Kyoei (the Golden Rule of Judo)

    Andrew Bostom, MD, MS @andrewbostom
    An Iranian athlete left his country after being told to lose on purpose, won silver at the Olympics for Mongolia, and dedicated the medal to Israel



    1. Maybe they faced the firing squad?

      Back in the early days of the revolution the killer Che ran the firing squad. I think I read it was held on Thursdays. Apparently Hemmingway and George Plimpton were invited to witness it but neither wrote about it that I’m aware of.

  3. “This is the city – Los Angeles, CA. It’s a dry place, located IN THE MIDDLE OF THE S. CA DESERT.”

    Could it be due to climate change?


    I’ll see your Jack Webb, and raise you a Stan Freberg

    PS, thx for that oldie but goodie.

    1. Stan Freberg’s comedic bits were copied and ripped off by others without so much as a tip of the hat. Rocky and Bullwinkle shamelessly copied his stuff. I’m willing to bet his humorous covers of popular music inspired guys like Weird Al.

      1. Thanks. I wasn’t aware they “borrowed” from him.

        But things were different back then. R&B didn’t use material from obscure artists. Everyone (mostly) would have recognized it, and known who they were copying. I don’t recall that episode. I’ll have to see if it’s online.

        Also, some of the voice actors for R&B appear to have been the same ones who were in the Little Blue… recording. LB Riding Hood, herself, and the knave. So it’s not exactly stealing.

        Listen to Red here, and tell me if it sounds the same to you

        1. Those are actually the bits I was thinking about and what is that accent they’re playing with? Part New Yorker mixed in with part Jewish New Yorker? Did the creators of R &B
          ever speak with Stan F. or acknowledge him in any way? I haven’t found it anywhere but maybe it’s out there and we just haven’t read about it or as you say is it necessary to credit everything you might have borrowed?
          Who knows, maybe Stan was thrilled that his material was being used again but somehow I doubt it. Normally writers tend to be protective of the stuff they’ve come up with.

          1. I’m guessing that if the voice actors on the Freberg recordings weren’t permitted to use their signature stylings anywhere else, it would have killed their careers.

    1. Wow, thanks Frenchie77 at 2:48 a.m.
      Everybody needs to read this.
      It should be a separate thread here.

      We on the right, who are wont to theorize about the LEFT’s goal of deliberate destruction of our civilization, may sometimes lack full confidence in this “conspiracy theory”. But this makes it crystal clear that such doubts are unwarranted.

  4. Where is the outrage from the Vatican on their properties being decimated and burned to the ground?
    You’ll not get that from Pope Francis.
    This Pope is the single most destructive person who wants to erase history and replace it with a globalist agenda.
    They have to sell off a vast amount of properties as the Vatican is pretty much bankrupt as many leave to never return.
    The Church has politician itself like a government and is changing from a religious doctrine.
    Trying to be all inclusive will just rip it apart even faster.

    1. We can thank those who adhered to the heresies of “liberation theology” and the “social gospel” to thank for that.

      Unfortunately, it’s not just the RC church that’s been affected. Lutherans are likewise engaging in self-destruction for many of the same reasons.

      1. BADR:

        I’m an atheist, perhaps a deist.
        My wife however is a devout Catholic who, however, acknowledges that Francis is one of history’s “bad popes”.

        Just to say that I appreciate your repeated reminders that the rot is across the board in all the Christian churches.

        1. Thank you.

          I see a parallel with the church today and what happened with the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The Old Testament recounts how the idolatry of the countries surrounding them was slowly adopted and how many of the kings of both countries became corrupted.

          It didn’t end well for either kingdom. Israel was conquered by the ancient Assyrians and, essentially absorbed into that empire through the practice of forced marriages. Judah was later conquered by the Babylonians but the people were released and allowed to return home about 70 years later.

  5. Not a tip, just an observation.
    In all this virus mess. Has anyone heard any Leader of any Government anywhere.
    Demand that any Scientist or Head of State that Knowingly or Unknowingly allows the creation of a Lethal Pathogen or Virus or Bio Weapon. Be put to death or incarcerated for the REST OF THEIR LIVES.
    Were is the Out Cry From the UN and Human Rights Groups? So Far they have killed 4-5M Globally.
    That Should Not Be OK.

    1. What’s wrong with Canadians? The most naive, complacent and cowardly people on earth.

  6. Posted on Powerlineblog in the comment section by Edisto Blackwater under the post “Biden the Truck Driver? C’mon man.” I know Ed very well, well enough so that he gave me my permission to send this to you, which I wanted to do because Canadians are mentioned in the last paragraph.

    C’mon man. Just because you don’t like someone’s politics is no reason not to give him credit where credit is due.

    I remember Biden one night in Dunkirk, NY. We were all gathered at the Thruway toll booths. I-90 was closed, and we had heating oil that had to get to Buffalo. Usually we would wait until they sent a plow to lead us there. But that night Biden showed up. His handle had been given him by the Seneca elders: “Running Mouth,” so as soon as he started boasting we knew it was him.

    He was hauling two trailers full of heating oil, because he always did at least twice as well as any of us. He got on the radio an announced: “we have essential loads, we’re not waiting for a dog-faced pony driver!” He wheeled his rig onto the Thruway and we followed. When the snowdrifts got really bad, he’d swerve and get the second trailer going sideways so he’d clear the whole roadway. He lead us all the way to the Canada split in Buffalo.

    Unfortunately, he wouldn’t get off at Clinton St. Yelled something on the radio about “that [female dog]” and kept going. Last we heard of him, he was in the Clifton Springs pickle park, yelling for some driver with the handle “Corn Pop.”

    His loads were going to hotels that were full of Canadians sacrificing their place in the national health care line to bravely submit themselves to the train wreck of American health care, so his missed deliveries didn’t really cause any harm. Once the pipes in their hotels burst, the Canadians played hockey in the hallways.

  7. Scotland: former ambassador jailed in Judge-only trial for not identifying false accusers in sex trial.

    Craig Murray, a leftist but very sound on libertarian issues, just got jailed for 8 months after a Kafkaesque judge only trial. He was accused of “Jigsaw Identification” of the various women who made false sex accusations* against Scottish politician Alex Salmond in a trial where all the charges were thrown out and at least one of the accusers committed perjury. He didn’t actually identify anyone.

    You can read the misleading MSN versions or have a look at wingsoverscotland.com/the-systems-revenge/ and wingsoverscotland.com/lady-dorrians-law/

    Why am I bleating on about some lefty? Because he’s a decent bloke and what they have done to him they can do to us. Scotland is turning (has largely turned) into a very nasty woke banana republic.

    *”I have a plan … means we can be anonymous but see strong repercussions”. That trial.

  8. L – QuigginReport
    An attempted family annihilation occurred in the City of Mississauga on the 29th of May, 2021. First degree murder charges against three Sunni Islamists have been filed in the murder and wounding of a family that come from an identifiable, non-Muslim group. Why the silence? It appears that the shooting victims do not fit the right victim profile, and those arrested are from a protected political/religious group. Welcome to Post National Canada.


    1. Rt. Hon. STEPHEN HARPER EP. 08
      From 2006 to 2015, the Right Honorable Stephen Harper served as the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada. His premiership confronted challenges ranging from a global recession to the war against ISIS, but his smart and courageous leadership increased Canadian prosperity and bolstered security. Small businesses surged, while tech hubs from Waterloo to Toronto to Ottawa cemented their place as global centers of talent and investment. In this episode, Harper offers lessons from his tenure as Prime Minister, from how global leaders should address the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic to the challenges of a new multipolar world.


    2. Excellent. Can’t be easy after working so hard to help Canada to now watch it falling apart under Liberal incompetence. God bless Mr. Harper. He was an outstanding Prime Minister.

    1. Only thing I truly enjoyed on this Olympics were the Mexican team of female archers who defeated the Americans for the Gold.

      Have thing for the one Mexican girl that wore the pink hat..a real cutie..!! Lol

  9. Check these two stories and spot any differences in them, at leas in the headlines, specifically the ‘secret’ part.

    “Federal online harms bill would allow secret hearings and raises Charter concerns: critics”

    “China Court Jails Billionaire Sun Dawu For 18 Years For ‘Provoking Trouble'”
    “A Chinese court sentenced agricultural tycoon Sun Dawu to 18 years in jail on Wednesday for a catalogue of crimes including “provoking trouble” after the outspoken billionaire and grassroots rights supporter was tried in secret.”

  10. Quebec police, firefighters dispose missing woman’s body after mistaking it for mannequin.


    Just imagine the level of incompetency required for a group of 1st responders to mistakenly throw a murder victim’s body in a dumpster.

    Quebec authorities say those involved will not be punished however, because all the mistakes were properly made in French.

  11. The loyalty of free men is reserved for a government of equals, not an aristocracy of reptiles. The latter is what we suffer now. The former we once possessed, but it lies now in the dust of history. The outward form and function remain, but the spirit of liberty, which animated it, has gone. The ties by which free men bind themselves voluntarily to any form of government have long since been sundered by the actions of those who have chosen to rule rather than govern. I will not suffer those ties to become shackles.
