No laughing matter

Comedy clubs not already ruined by the pandemic won’t last long if Robin DiAngelo gets her way.

“Comedy is, I think, an excuse to get to be racist, right?” the “White Fragility” author said. “I think TV shows like ‘Family Guy’ and ‘South Park’ and maybe a little bit ‘The Simpsons’ allowed White people to be racist self-consciously. Like, ‘I know I’m being racist and therefore it doesn’t count and it’s OK.’

36 Replies to “No laughing matter”

  1. This is what a sense of humour looks like in a leftist brain. No actual laughter on any level is allowed. Unless you are not white, then it’s all good.

  2. You looked at me funny.
    That’s racist!
    Hate crime his white ass.

  3. Robin Di’Diablo sews exactly what the Father of Lies sells: doubt and envy. If you don’t believe me, read the creation account of the serpent in Genesis 3.

  4. A racist making racist conclusions about other’s racism, the only solution to her jaundiced view of humanity being racism.
    I agree, that’s not funny at all. Then again, have you ever met a fascist obsessed with race who had a sense of humour?

  5. DiAngelo is in it for one thing. MONEY. She is making a lot of it and doesn’t want the gravy train to end so she keeps making up more ridiculous theories. I thought being a capitalist pig was racist. But then, that does not apply to progressives. What a scam.

  6. I’ve noticed the one thing the left really hates is being made fun of or mocked by comedians. Good, so let’s do it.

    1. Agreed. Who ever heard of her anyway!!
      The problem with todays world – at least the last 16 plus months – there is NO FUN allowed. Almost like living in a Communist country……oh wait a minute…..

  7. “Like, ‘I know I’m being racist and therefore it doesn’t count and it’s OK.’”

    Increasingly, I’m pretty cool with that statement. If I’m to be declared a racist because of my skin colour alone, then I may as well have a good time with it. Is Jeff Dunham’s “Achmed the Dead Terrorist” sketch racist? I say, not racist enough!

    1. You can only call someone a monster for so long before they decide to show you just how much of a monster they can be.

  8. “There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam.”
    Ayatollah Khomeini

    1. Or, as the old Frank used to put it”

      “I slam, you slam, we all slam for Islam.”

  9. Totalitarianism will do anything to quash opposition. Even if the opposition is framed humorously.

    1. That’s when they fear it the most. Once everyone realizes that the Emperor has no clothes then they know that it’s the beginning of the end.

    2. Yup.

      They can’t stand the fact that humour, trolling, and sarcasm are being used so effectively against them.

      Memes are particularily painful to the humorless, hyper-self-aware, perma-victim, hysterical authoritarian elites.

  10. Let’s just ban laughter altogether.
    To laugh in a world so fraught with racism is make light of the conditions that foster such a grave and persistent injustice. Laughter mocks the victims of white cruelty by showing them we’re really quite happy in a society that tolerates their oppression.
    So stop it.

  11. Yet another example of the endless search of modern women for ever-more rules through which they can project power (now that they don’t want the protection of men for such power projection).

  12. hudson @ 4:47 —- bingo!
    robin is a bag of hammers and will never get tired of finding nails.
    i don’t care what she believes or how she feels – however, levelling accusations at someone who is not a nail is bound to provoke scorn and laughter. 🙂

  13. Robin DiAngelo is a classic sociopath. Anyone who listens to the slightest thing that narcissistic stunt says needs to be shunned.

  14. Weird how she’s not calling out Chelsea Handler who got famous telling racist jokes.

  15. Robin DiAngelo won’t get her way.  Woman’s a circus sideshow in a larger theatre of cultural upheaval (and its inevitable pushback).  She’s entertaining as long as you don’t take her seriously, but that’s all.  She’s the Faith Popcorn of the race-grifting set.

  16. [They] are basically admitting what we’ve long known: fascists can’t funny and thus, [their] opposition [us] are not fascists; we funny.

    We can laugh at ourselves too and do. That’s part of a healthy mentality and society.

  17. NO!!!! We’re looking at this the wrong way!
    Good, effem all. Scorch that Earth.
    Family Guy producer Seth Macfarlane et al with the possible exception of South Park’s Trey Parker and Matt Stone have had a good run at mocking Conservatives at every opportunity in their shows and in interviews just so they could eat with the cool kids in the Hollywood cafeteria. Hank Azaria’s apology for doing the voice of the Simpson’s “Apu” wasn’t exactly a “Profiles in Courage” moment for him. What a weak kneed, jelly spined simpering mess!
    This is your world now Macfarlane, enjoy. Hiding the fact that you’re gay for all these years isn’t going to help you now.
    Don’t do the heavy lifting for these degenerate effers just because they’ve been called out from one of their own.
    Remember Guy Earle who was fined $20,000 by the CHRT for insulting a lesbian in a Vancouver nightclub some years ago? Do you remember all those comedians who lined up to support him? No. I don’t either. That’s because there weren’t any.
    EFF them.

    1. Yes Francis – it was good humour. Loved his Geraldine!
      Shows how old we are – also Laugh In. Great Shows.

      1. I know I’m getting old when I have to explain to the kiddies nowadays what Laugh-In was and that much of the humour is, understandably, dated. I mean, the show first went on the air over 50 years ago!

      2. And wasn’t Flip the man who made famous “the devil made me do it”? We really enjoyed his humour back in the day.
