37 Replies to “You Can’t Buy Aunt Jemima Syrup”

  1. They can exploit themselves with names that you white racist CAN’T use.
    Just like the black community using that racist word that we could be charged with a ‘hate crime’ charge if your not black.

    Damn, crazy, fucked up world!
    Just sort of thinking about my Highschool that was Iroquois Falls Secondary School and they had the six different tribes as our homeroom.

    1. The word is nigger. It’s in the gd dictionary. Using the word in proper context is fair game. Call someone that and you’re a piece of shite. Grow a pair.

  2. This is unseemly. Ketchup (vinegar fish sauce) is culturally appropriated from China.

    1. You weird Canadians and your ‘All Dressed’ Chips … that shit had to come from the First Nations … kinda like how the ‘Pacific Islanders’ took to Hormel Spam …

      Is there anyone else I’ve not offended yet? Ohhhh yeah … you Brits and that Worcestershire sauce made from rotted anchovy heads …

      1. I’m partial to HP Sauce, myself. On fries, too. Worcestershire goes into the Caesars, with vodka and Clamato juice. Twist of lime. It’s good with horse radish as dip. Add some lemon juice. You Yanks are too bland for me.

        1. I was kidding … I love me some All Dressed chips and Worcestershire … and my crab Louis dressing uses a whole bottle of horse radish !

        2. PO, Food wise, you and I would get along real well. I eat HP two or three times a week, but I can’t remember when I last had Ketchup. I use Worcestershire (Wooster) sauce for cooking, soups, and flavourings, and am also a big fan of Horse Radish too. The Lime and Lemon, not so much, but my preference is Brandy, not Vodka, which I’ve never even tasted or tried.

        3. Japanese wasabi (their horse radish) is one of my favourites too. Obviously yummy with shoyu (Japanese soy sauce), plus added to mayonnaise for salads or as a steak topper.

    2. No ketchup is not vinegar fish source. Besides, that was popular with the Romans.

  3. Good for him but the last thing I would want to do is compete in the chip business. At my local grocery store and drug store I can get a large bag for a dollar. Brutally competitive. If the big boys feel threatened, his margin could quickly go negative.

  4. “Good for him but the last thing I would want to do is compete in the chip business.”

    Unless, of course, the playing field wasn’t level. You know, subsidies, no federal taxes, etc.

    1. You can be sure he is being funded by government grants (AKA my money) for indigenous entrepreneurs ( a French word).

  5. “Tomahawk” is derived from a similarly pronounced Algonkian word.
    I imagine this Eskimo fellow knows that.

    1. I imagine this Eskimo fellow knows that.

      Can’t use that term any more. That team’s named the Elks now.

      1. Hmmmm, indeed.
        Eskimo is also an Algonkian derived term for the tribes that didn’t cook their meat.

  6. Hawkins Cheezies, the best.
    And real maple syrup.
    My US born partner dressed as Aunt J for 80’s Halloween, did a great job, blue bathrobe, hair in a towel, two black balloons to enhance the balcony/fill the robe, and blackface.
    Now verboten.

  7. They were gonna change Uncle Ben’s too. Still available in my local store.

    What a crock!

  8. Meh…just boycott food until your local grocery store does away with the entire cracker aisle. :p

  9. Just wait until he turns a real profit. Then his chips will get cancelled. Cannot have anyone in the victim class become successful.

  10. Does that mean that my impending release of “Fat Squaw Chips” and “Passed Out Buck Wine” will not catch on, given my lack of appropriate genetic material?

    1. And, soon to be released: Buffalo Chips. They’ll flavored with a powdered turd, err, herb, handed down over centuries by our indigenous (or is it ingenious?) brothers. Just in time for the drop of the election writ, no doubt.

  11. List of ingredients: Potatoes, vegetable oil, seasoning (sugar, salt, corn maltodextrin, spices, paprika, yeast extract, onion powder, autolyzed yeast extract, garlic powder, caramel color, extractives of paprika, hydrolyzed soy and corn protein, disodium inosinate and guanylate, natural flavor and fd and c yellow 6 lake. Contains soy.

    Bake your own!

    1. Van, There’s a lot of crap in the food stores that we probably wouldn’t eat, if we just took the time to read the ingredients list first. Basically a functioning diet based on aversion and disgust.

  12. Who wants Aunt Jemima syrup anyway, no matter what it is called? Real maple syrup is the only thing to have.

  13. Where does he get his potatos from?

    Land-clearing white “settler” farmers.

    Or do the noble savages wander the bush lands, hand-picking those famous wild potatos? Filling their genuine Saskatchewan seal-skin shoulder bags. Dropping them off at the fort for some Point Blankets and pemmican.
